
  1. Azımzadeh Yiğit Monıreh, Dolgunsöz Emrah,"A Cross-Cultural Analysis of a Turkish Efl Textbook: Hu and Mckays Analytic Framework",RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Arastirmalari Dergisi,no:36,pp:1321 - 1332, 2023
  2. Utku Bilici Özlem, Subaşı Gonca, Dolgunsöz Emrah,"The Effects of Strategy Training on the Use of Global Reading Strategies: Implications From Think-Aloud and Eye-Tracking Data",TOJDE,vol.24,no:3,pp:1 - 21, 2023
  3. Dolgunsöz Emrah, Yıldırım Gürkan,"The Use of İnteractive Video Embedded İnfographics in Efl Writing Courses with Flipped Classroom Learning Environme",i-manager Publications,vol.13,no:1,pp:22 - 33, 2023
  4. Azımzadeh Yiğit Monıreh, Dolgunsöz Emrah,"A Cross-National Investigation of Cultural Representations in Iranian and Turkish Elt Coursebooks",Acuity: Journal of English Language Pedagogy, Literature and Culture,vol.7,no:2,pp:206 - 219, 2022
  5. Dolgunsöz Emrah,"Numeral Processing in Second Language Oral Reading: an Eye-Tracking Study",The Reading Matrix: An International Online Journal,vol.21,no:2,pp:133 - 144, 2021
  6. Kodan Hülya, Dolgunsöz Emrah,"What Do Eyes Tell About First Language Reading Development: an Eye Movement Analysis of Poor and Skilled Readers",i-manager's Journal of Educational Technology,vol.18,no:2,pp:1 - 7, 2021
  7. Dolgunsöz Emrah, Kimsesiz Fatma,"Parallel Texts in Efl Reading Classroom: Can They Enhance Efl Vocabulary Learning Through Reading (In Press, October 2021)",Journal on English Language Teaching (JELT),vol.11,no:4,pp:1 - 6, 2021
  8. Dolgunsöz Emrah,"1960 Bc: Technology in Language Classes Before Computers",Elixir International Journal,vol.67,pp:21198 - 21202, 2014
  9. Dolgunsöz Emrah,"The Effect of Family Characteristics on Communication Apprehension During Online Efl Courses in the Covid-19 Remote Education Period",RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi,vol.23,no:2,pp:911 - 923, 2021
  10. Dolgunsöz Emrah, Yıldırım Gürkan,"The Role of Mobile Devices on Online Efl Skill Courses During Covid-19 Emergency Remote Education",Acuity: Journal of English Language Pedagogy, Literature, and Culture,vol.6,no:2,pp:118 - 131, 2021
  11. Dolgunsöz Emrah,"An Eye-Tracking Study on the Taboo Censorship in Efl Materials: the Case of Attention and Cognitive Load",FIRE: Futuristic Implementations of Research in Education,vol.2,no:1,pp:2 - 11, 2021
  12. Dolgunsöz Emrah,"Emotion, Attention and Delayed Recall Task Performance: How Emotional İntensity Drives Eyes During Foreign Language Subtitle Processing",International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction,vol.13,no:1,pp:839 - 853, 2021
  13. Yıldırım Gürkan,Yıldırım Serkan,Dolgunsöz Emrah,"The Effect of Vr and Traditional Videos on Learner Retention and Decision Making",World Journal on Educational Technology,vol.11,no:1,pp:21 - 29, 2019
  14. Dolgunsöz Emrah,"The Effect of Taboo Content on Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition in a Foreign Language: a Facial Expression Analysis Study",Studia Psychologica,vol.61,no:1,pp:3 - 16, 2019
  15. Dolgunsöz Emrah,"Word Familiarity Effects in Efl Reading: an Eye Tracking Study",International OnlineJournal of Education and Teaching,vol.5,no:2,pp:252 - 265, 2018
  16. Dolgunsöz Emrah,Yıldırım Gürkan,Yıldırım Serkan,"The Effect of Virtual Reality on Efl Writing Performance",Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies,vol.14,no:1,pp:278 - 292, 2018
  17. Utku Özlem,Dolgunsöz Emrah,"Teaching Efl Vocabulary to Young Digital Natives: a Study with Turkish 5th Grade Efl Learners",International Online Journal of Education and Teaching,vol.5,no:1,pp:115 - 130, 2018
  18. Kimsesiz Fatma, Dolgunsöz Emrah, Konca Mustafa Yavuz,"The Effect of Project Based Learning in Teaching Efl Vocabulary to Young Learners of English: the Case of Pre-School Children",International Journal of Languages Education,vol.1,pp:426 - 439, 2017
  19. Dolgunsöz Emrah,Sarıçoban Arif,"Word Skipping in Reading English as a Foreign Language Evidence From Eye Tracking",East European Journal of Psycholinguistics,vol.3,no:2,pp:22 - 31, 2016
  20. Dolgunsöz Emrah,"A Sudden Change in Turkish Education System Public Attitude Towards Dershane Debates in Turkey",E-international Journal of Educational Research,vol.7,no:2,pp:56 - 75, 2016
  21. Dolgunsöz Emrah,Sarıçoban Arif,"Cefr and Eye Movement Characteristics During Efl Reading the Case of Intermediate Readers",Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies,vol.12,no:2,pp:238 - 252, 2016
  22. Dolgunsöz Emrah,"Using Eye Tracking to Measure Lexical Inferences and İts Effects on Reading Rate During Efl Reading",Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies,vol.12,no:1,pp:63 - 78, 2016
  23. Dolgunsöz Emrah,"Measuring Attention in Second Language Reading Using Eye Tracking the Case of the Noticing Hypothesis",Journal of Eye Movement Research,vol.8,no:5,pp:1 - 18, 2015
  24. Dolgunsöz Emrah,"Language Policies and Multilingual Education ın Mınority Schools in Ottoman Empire Outcomes and Future Insights",İdil Dil ve Sanat Dergisi,vol.3,no:12,pp:97 - 108, 2014
  25. Dolgunsöz Emrah,"Benefits of Multilingualism in Foreign Language Learning a Comparative Study of Bilingual and Multilingual Grammar Strategies",International Online Journal of Education and Teaching,vol.1,no:1,pp:12 - 23, 2013
  26. Dolgunsöz Emrah,Sarıçoban Arif,"Opinions of Elt İnstructors on Disruptive Behaviors in Turkey a Comprehensive Study on Concepts and Reactions",Atatürk Üniversitesi Kazım Karabekir Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi,vol.27,pp:63 - 76, 2013
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