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Faculty of Education

Peaceful university of safe city
Graduation Exam Applications
After signing the Graduation Exam applications with the attached petition to the relevant department secretaries on Monday, 13 June 2022 (petitions without wet signatures will not be processed.), please send them to the relevant department secretariats via e-mail or hand delivery.

Exams: It will be held between Tuesday, June 14, 2022 - Wednesday, June 15, 2022.

Contact the department secretaries.
Division /USA Department Secretary e-mail/Extension No/Room No
DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER AND INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGIES EDUCATION Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technologies BASIC EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Classroom Education Department Department of Preschool Education DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES EDUCATION English Language Teaching Department Döndü MUCIK Extension Number: 2167 3rd Floor Room 310
DEPARTMENT OF TURKISH AND SOCIAL SCIENCES EDUCATION Department of Turkish Education Department of Social Studies Education Hacer DURMAZ Extension Number: 2064 3rd Floor Room 310
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES Guidance and Psychological Counseling DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE EDUCATION Department of Science Education Department of Mathematics Education Ertan DOĞAN Extension No:2172 3rd Floor Room 309


graduation exam

ARTICLE 20 – (Amended: RG-4/3/2018-30350) (1) Graduation exam; It is an exam held on the dates specified in the academic calendar after each semester's make-up exams and summer school general exams for students with a maximum of three courses left for graduation.

(2) In order for students to take the graduation exam;

a) Enrolling in the relevant course/courses in the last semester when the course/courses are opened,

b) Fulfilling the attendance requirement from the registered course(s),

c) They must apply to the relevant department chair within the periods specified in the academic calendar, provided that subparagraphs (a) and (b) are fulfilled.

(3) (Amendment: RG-2/8/2021-31556) In order to be successful in the graduation exam, it is necessary to get at least 50 points out of 100 points. It is considered. The grade taken in the exam replaces the letter grade of that course, regardless of the midterm exam, midterm studies, final exam and make-up exam.

Release Date: 