
Electronic Signature Application Process (Initial Certificate and Renewal)

  1. Signature Authorization in EBYS: For all personnel who have signature authorization in EBYS, the university provides them with a Qualified Electronic Certificate (QEC).

  2. Application Process: Personnel wishing to obtain an initial certificate or renewal must submit an application with a petition to the relevant department.

  3. Approval and Form Completion: The department reviews the request and, if appropriate, completes the QEC Application Form, which is then sent to the Information Technology Department along with a cover letter.

  4. Bulk Submission to KamuSM: The Information Technology Department collects all the applications from various departments and sends them collectively to KamuSM on the last working day of the week.

  5. Notification of Application: KamuSM sends an email notification to the applicants' email addresses, including the Qualified Electronic Certificate Application Form.

  6. Individual Application Steps:

    • The individuals follow the instructions in the email and access the https://kamusm.bilgem.tubitak.gov.tr website.
    • From the menu, select Online TransactionsQualified Electronic Certificate → Individual Transactions → Application Procedures.
    • Fill out and print the Qualified Electronic Certificate Application Form and the Commitment Statement, then sign them.
    • The signed documents should be sent either in person or by post to the Kamu Certification Center, TÜBİTAK GEBZE campus.

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