Initial Setup Settings of Wired 802.1x Service

Note: For security reasons, your corporate e-mail passwords must be updated every three months. After your corporate passwords expire, internet connection will be disconnected on all connected devices. In order to connect your desktop computer to the internet again, you need to follow the steps shown in the images below. After completing the steps, your device will connect to the internet.

Important!  Before starting the settings, you need to change your password at After updating your password, you can connect from your desktop computer by following the steps below.


1.) Type 'services.msc' in the Search bar of your desktop computer and click on the 'services.msc' title that appears on the screen.

2.) On the screen that opens, find the 'Wired Auto-Configuration' option and double-click it.

3.) Make sure that the settings on the screen that opens are as follows. If the startup type option says 'Manual', you need to change it to 'Automatic', select 'Start' and click OK. Otherwise, if you do not click 'Start', the automatic configuration process will not start. However, if your settings are as shown on the screen, you can click OK and end the process.

4.) Type 'network status' in the search bar of your desktop computer. Then click on the 'View network status and tasks' heading.





5.) Click on the 'Ethernet' option on the screen that opens. Then click on the 'Properties' option in the window that opens and proceed.


6.) On the screen that opens, click on the 'Authentication' tab. Make sure the settings are as follows. Then click on the 'Settings' option that appears on the screen.


7.) Make sure the settings are as shown on the screen. Then click 'Configure'. On the screen that opens, make sure that the settings are as follows. Click 'OK' and continue.

8.) After clicking OK, click on the 'Additional Settings' option that appears on the screen. On the new screen that opens, make sure that the settings are as follows.




9.) After completing the settings, a screen will appear asking for your username and password. Afterentering your username and new password here, your internet connection will appear.

Note: Username and password may not be available to everyone. In this case, you will need to click on the 'Change Credentials' button on the screen above and enter your username and new password.


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