About the Tuition Fees to be Paid by International Students for the Academic Year 2023-2024

To access the tuition fees and contributions that international students enrolled in our university need to pay, please click here.

Students should deposit the specified tuition fees and contributions, as indicated in the above list, to the bank account provided below, depending on the faculty or vocational school they are registered in. It is the responsibility of the students to make the payments of tuition fees and contributions.

Except for newly enrolled students, international students, without waiting for any email or notification, should make their payments as specified in this announcement.

Payments should be made to the account of Türkiye Halk Bankası A.Ş with IBAN TR23 0001 2009 2540 0006 0000 07, and the explanation section should include the full name and passport number. The receipt should be sent by email to sks@bayburt.edu.tr and international@bayburt.edu.tr. Payment should be made according to the faculty or vocational school where the student is enrolled.

ACCOUNT NUMBER: TR23 0001 2009 2540 0006 0000 07
RECIPIENT: Bayburt Üniversitesi
EXPLANATION: Full Name - Passport Number

Release Date: 