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International Relations Office

Peaceful university of safe city
Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to the Frequently Asked Questions for International Students interested in studying at Bayburt University. 

1) Can I apply to Bayburt University as an international student?
Yes. You can apply to international student quotas both at undergraduate and graduate levels.

2) Can I apply with an exam in order to study at one of the undergraduate programs of Bayburt University as an international student?
Yes. You can apply with all The Foreign Student Examinations (TR-YÖS) which takes place every year.

3) What is the minimum score I need from TR-YÖS exam in order to be able to make my preference?
You need to score at least 45/100 in order to be able to study at one of the formal education programs.

4) If I pass the minimum required score (p.s 45) at TR-YÖS exam, does it mean I got admission to one of the undergraduate programs at Bayburt University?
No. Passing the minimum score only means that you can form your preference list. However, getting admission into your preferred degree depends on your comparative success and country quotas.

5) Is TR-YÖS exam the only way to apply to Bayburt University as an international student?
No. You can also apply with High School Diploma. However, your minimum required scored should be 65 out of 100.

6) What is country quotas?
Country quotas mean that maximum 20% of an undergraduate degree program’s international quota can be filled by the same country candidates. Please go to here in order to view quotas for international students.

7) Can I enroll in an undergraduate program at Bayburt University with the result of previous years’ YÖS exam?
It depends on the validity period of YÖS results that you got.

8) Can I get student visa/ residence permit if I get registered in one of the formal education programs at Bayburt University?
Yes. All the international students who study at one of the formal education programs of Bayburt University are eligible to have student visa/ residence permit.

9) I am out of Turkey for the moment. Can someone else submit my documents on my behalf?
According to our regulations, registrations are to be made in person at the specified place and date through the specified application method. Candidates who do not apply on the specified dates will lose their registration rights. Additionally, registrations may be conducted with powers of attorney obtained from Turkish Representations in the relevant countries or Turkish notaries, subject to the approval of the Commission.

10)  I want to apply to a  undergraduate program at Bayburt University. Can I send my documents via e-mail or post?
No. Undergraduate applications take place only through online application portal.

11)  What is the tuition fee of the graduate program I want to apply to?
The yearly tuition fee for all the undergraduate programs is same. In order to view the tuition fees for international students, please go to here.

12)  Can I pay the yearly tuition fee per term?
Yes. You can pay the yearly tuition fee per term.

13)  Are there any scholarship opportunities for the graduate programs at Bayburt University?
No. Bayburt University does not offer scholarships of its own.

14)  How can I learn about the dates of application and the result announcement?
You can access the academic calendar through this address.

15)  How can I apply?
Go to main page. Follow the steps and complete your application.
p.s our application process will start on June 3 and continue until July 29, 2024.

16)  I sent my documents to Bayburt University for application, what is the next?
Please wait for the documents to be evaluated. It takes approximately 1 week for this process to be finalized. If you are found elligible, you will recieve an offer letter, and the conditions and your steps will be explained in that letter in details.

17)  How can I apply for a visa?
If you have an acceptance letter, you may inform us about which Turkish Consulate/Embassy you will apply to and we can write a support letter for your visa application to the regarding authority in case of necessity.

18)  How can I get registered?
With these documents and semester payment, you should prepare a file. You can come to International Office personally and get registered.
Required documents:

  1. Original High School Diploma
  2. Official Turkish translation of the High School Diploma approved by the official institutions of the Republic of Turkey
  3. Transcript
  4. Official Turkish translation of the Transcript approved by the official institutions of the Republic of Turkey
  5. 2 photographs (taken within the last 6 months)
  6. Equivalency Certificate
  7. Valid passport
  8. Results document for exams accepted according to our regulation (if available)
  9. Turkish Proficiency Certificate issued by BAYÜTÖMER or the Yunus Emre Institute, if applicable.

19)  What is "the Certificate of Equivalence"? How do we obtain this document?
The Provincial Department of Education in Bayburt (and in some cases Turkish Embassy/Consulate) will provide an The Certificate of Equivalence (in Turkish ‘Denklik Belgesi’) certifying that a foreign high school diploma is equivalent to its counterpart, a Turkish high school diploma.
This document can be obtained by making an application in person, providing the original copy of foreign high school diploma, its notary certified Turkish translation, and passport.
You can check the Ministry of National Education’s website for further information:

20)  Is there any guideline to follow application steps?
Yes. International Office prepared guidelines in 5 languages for you. You can access it through

21)What is the language of instruction for undergraduate and associate degree programs?
The language of instruction for undergraduate and associate degree programs is Turkish. Therefore, every international student enrolling is required to demonstrate Turkish language proficiency.

22)How can I obtain a residence permit?
International students must follow the steps outlined in the Residence Permit Guide for International Students and submit the required documents to our office. Students who fail to submit their documents will not be able to obtain a residence permit. To access the guide, visit:

23) What should be my Turkish proficiency level to start my program?
Students with a Turkish language level of B1 for associate degree programs and B2 for undergraduate programs can begin their studies. However, these students are obligated to raise their Turkish language proficiency to at least C1 level by participating in the exams organized by BAYÜTÖMER until they graduate.

24) Are certificates from TÖMER centers at other universities accepted?
Yes. In order for applicants whose applications are accepted and who have the right to enroll to start their education;

  • They must submit their Yunus Emre Institute Turkish Proficiency Certificate or
  • QR-coded or wet-signed documents showing the language proficiency score obtained from the exams conducted by the TÖMER or language centers of universities affiliated with YÖK in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (minimum B1 level for associate degree and minimum B2 level for bachelor's degree) to the Office. 

25) What happens if I cannot attain the required level in the TÖMER Exam to start my program?
In such a case, the student should participate in the necessary courses at our University's Turkish Language Teaching Application and Research Center (BAYÜTÖMER).

You can also contact us via email at





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