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Peaceful university of safe city
Transfer to Bayburt

Bayburt is located on the historic Silk Road connecting the Eastern Anatolia to the Black Sea. Located on the banks of the river Coruh, the city’s history dates back to 3000 B.C. Evliya Celebi, who visited Bayburt in 1647, describes its name with the words “bay” and “yurt” which mean “rich” and “town” respectively. Occupied by the Russian in 1916, Bayburt was destroyed to a great extent. Having been a part of Erzurum until then, Bayburt was attached to Gumushane in 1927 and it gained provincial status in accordance with the law no. 3578 in 1989. According to the 2013 data of TUIK, Bayburt province has a population of 80.417 people approximately 66.228 of whom live in the city center.

You have some options for your destination. Bayburt has not an airport but you can use the other cities airports. They are so near Bayburt. But you want to come buy bus you can come by bus but it takes very long time approximately 16-18 hours. If you want to come buy bus from istanbul to Bayburt you must get on ESENLER OTOGAR in İstanbul.     

The citys whith have airport near Bayburt

İstanbul - Trabzon (airport) - BAYBURT

İstanbul - Erzurum (airport) - BAYBURT

İstanbul - Erzincan (airport) - BAYBURT


Trabzon - Bayburt: takes 3 and half hours

Erzurum - Bayburt: takes 1 and half

Erzincan - Bayburt: takes 3 and half hours

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