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International Relations Office

Peaceful university of safe city
Student Responsibilities

Responsibilities of International Students

 The responsibilities of the international students coming to Turkey to study are stated below;

  • Delivering the documents specified in the application conditions to the relevant unit,
  • To apply for and take a residence permit from the Provincial Migration Administration of the Bayburt Governorship (for Study Visa within one month from the date of entry),
  • to take appropriate action according to the laws of The Republic of Turkey and to obtain the necessary documents, and to inform the relevant departments within fifteen days of any changes in their personal, civil and educational status,
  • to extend their residence permit during their education period, they are obliged to renew their residence permit from the Provincial Migration Administration of the Bayburt Governorship with a document, showing the continuation of their study within 15 days following the end of the time written on their visa.
  • by  losing their residential permit or passport, to get a new residential permit or passport by reporting to the relevant authority within 15 days and inform Students Affairs about their new documents,
  • on the condition that they change their universities or addresses, to inform the Provincial Migration Administration of Bayburt and in the new address about their address change within 48 hours.
Release Date: 