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International Relations Office

Peaceful university of safe city
Staff Mobility

Visiting Staff

Thank you for your interest in visiting Bayburt University within Erasmus+ Exchange Programme. 

For staff mobility, we do not require Inter-Institutional Erasmus Agreement to be in place; however teaching staffs from our partner universities will have priority.

As Office we prepare all the necessary documents such Invitation Letter and Confirmation Sheet, but for a more fruitful participation, especially academic staff members first need to contact departments which they would like to visit and discuss them on their work plan. For contact, please check the list of Departmental Coordinators.


The application about visiting within Erasmus+ is simple: as your working plan is approved by the department, we write you invitation letter.  Please first contact the coordinator of the department you would like to visit or the responsible person for incoming staff in our Office and send your working plan.

Teaching Assignment / Work Programme

The Erasmus Office of your home university will probably inform you about filling a teaching assignment or a work programme. For this form, please contact your own office. 

Invitation Letter

After the departmental authorities confirm your visit, our office will send you an Invitation Letter by e-mail. (If requested, original copy will be also sent by snail mail.).

Confırmation Sheet (Certificate of Stay)

When you finish your programme here, as Office we will issue a confirmation letter which shows that you have been at Bayburt University within the framework of Erasmus+ Programme.


Visiting academic staff would be responsible for their own accommodation. However, to have an idea about accommodation opportunities and travel arrangements please visit accommodation and travel sections on our webpage.

We wish you a successful mobility programme and a pleasant stay in Bayburt.

Release Date:   , Last Update Date: 