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International Relations Office

Peaceful university of safe city
Bilateral Agreements

Bayburt University has conducted various agreements on Erasmus Without Papers dashboard which is a platform facilitating agreements online to promote greener actions. In line with our sustainability goals, we prefer to establish our KA131 agreements on the online dashboard: Erasmus Without Papers. 
The details for the digital dashboard:
Country: Turkey (Türkiye)
City: Bayburt
Erasmus Code: TR BAYBURT01
Bayburt University

1. Contact the relevant faculty and department coordinator from the web pages of the universities you have identified (it will be faster and easier to make a bilateral agreement with the universities you have been in contact with personally or institutionally before, but this is not necessary!)
2. In correspondence with the coordinator, determine the number of students and instructors to be exchanged. Now that the agreements are made online, give our Erasmus code (TRBAYBURT 01) so that the other party can initiate the agreement through the Dashboard platform. If you need to initiate the agreement, please contact our Office and help us initiate the agreement by providing us with the necessary information.
3. When you start negotiations for a bilateral agreement, inform your Faculty/Institute (if it includes a master's or doctorate exchange) your department coordinator and our Office.
4. You can always get help from the International Relations Office.

The Template Form of Bilateral Agreement
Area Codes


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