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Bayburt University

Peaceful university of safe city
Gold Medals in Weightlifting Come with Turkish Records
Our Faculty of Sports Sciences student Muhammet Şimşek, who participated in the Visually Impaired Powerlifting and Benchpress Turkish Weightlifting Championship held in Ankara between 01-02 JUNE 2024 as an athlete of our University Youth and Sports Club, broke 5 Turkish records with a total of 538 kg and went down in the history of the championship with 2 gold medals.

Our record-breaking athlete Şimşek, 138 kg in Benchpress, 200 kg in Deadlift, 200 kg in Squat, reaching a total of 538 kg in total, broke 5 Turkish records and reached 2 gold medals. The medals of our champion athlete were presented by Bayburt weightlifting provincial representative and member of the technical committee of the visually impaired weightlifting branch, our Assistant Director of Vocational School of Social Sciences, Lecturer Ömer Faruk Aksoy gave them. Our champion athlete Şimşek said in his statement after the medal ceremony, "Life for disadvantaged individuals is always equivalent to struggle. I dedicate this success to all successful people who overcome obstacles and lift the burden of life. I would like to express my gratitude to my coach Ebu Bekir Sıddık AKSOY, our Provincial Director of Youth and Sports Adem KÖSE, Bayburt University Youth and Sports Club President Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat Kul and Bayburt University Rector Prof. Dr. Mutlu TÜRKMEN for their support." 
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