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Bayburt University

Peaceful university of safe city
Our Groundbreaking Mathematics Teaching Model to be Implemented with TUBITAK Support
The project titled "Metacognitive Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Based Mathematics Teaching (ÜSPİDMAT): Design, Implementation and Evaluation of the Teaching Technique", was entitled to receive support within the scope of TÜBİTAK 3501 - Career Development Program. The project was prepared under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Mesut ÖZTÜRK, a faculty member of the Department of Mathematics Education of our Faculty of Education. Prof. Dr. Mustafa ALBAYRAK from the same department and Assoc. Prof. Dr. İsmail SARIKAYA from the Department of Primary Education, Department of Classroom Education will take part in the project as researchers, while Prof. Dr. Adnan Baki and Assoc. Dr. Mustafa GÜLER from Trabzon University will serve as the advisors of the project. 
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