
  1. Işık Elif Büşra,Yıldız Beysun,Çifci Dilan,Akkoyun Melike,Türkoğlu Zehra,Arslaner Ayla (25.09.2024 - 27.09.2024), "Super Fruit Aronia: Evaluation in Terms of Human Health, Nutrition and Food Additive Potential", presented at the 5th International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies, 2024
  2. Arslaner Ayla (21.06.2024 - 23.06.2024), "A Potentıal Geographıcal Indıcatıon: Bayburt Tarhunu", presented at the 8th INTERNATIONAL CUKUROVA AGRICULTURE AND VETERINARY CONGRESS, 2024
  3. Arslaner Ayla, Tuna Nurseda (10.11.2023 - 12.11.2023), "Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Coğrafi İşaret Bilgi Düzeyleri: Bayburt Üniversitesi Örneği", presented at the ICAFVP 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGRICULTURE, FOOD, VETERINARY AND PHARMACY SCIENCES, 2023
  4. Arslaner Ayla (10.11.2023 - 12.12.2023), "Yüksek Öğretim Müfredatında Coğrafi İşaretler: Gıda Mühendisliği Örneği", presented at the ICAFVP 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGRICULTURE, FOOD, VETERINARY AND PHARMACY SCIENCES, 2023
  5. Arslaner Ayla (24.11.2023 - 26.11.2023), "Investıgatıon of Erzıncan Uzumlu Sarucu ın Terms of Some Food Contamınants", presented at the ASES VII. INTERNATIONAL HEALTH, ENGINEERING AND SCIENCES CONFERENCE, 2023
  6. Arslaner Ayla (24.11.2023 - 26.11.2023), "Beyaz Cheese Produced Wıth Tradıtıonal Type Rennet: Some Qualıty Propertıes", presented at the ASES VII. INTERNATIONAL HEALTH, ENGINEERING AND SCIENCES CONFERENCE, 2023
  7. Güler Çağrı, Arslaner Ayla (11.10.2023 - 13.10.2023), "Sensory Properties of Classical and Probiotic Yogurt Produced by Adding Spirulina Platensis", presented at the 6th International Eurasian Conference on Biological and Chemical Sciences (EurasianBioChem 2023), 2023
  8. Türkmen Özgenur, Arslaner Ayla (28.09.2022 - 30.09.2022), "The Effect of Rennet Obtained by Different Production Techniques on Erzincan Tulum Cheese Quality", presented at the 4th International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies, 2022
  9. Terzioğlu Murat Emre, Arslaner Ayla, Bakırcı İhsan (28.09.2022 - 30.09.2022), "The Effect of Strawberry Addition At Different Ratio to Buffalo Yoghurt on the Development of Abt-2 Probiotic Culture", presented at the 4th International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies, 2022
  10. Arslaner Ayla, Karadeniz Hatice (28.09.2022 - 30.09.2022), "Affecting Factors of Food Preference and Consumption Habits of High School Students", presented at the 4th International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies, 2022
  11. Şensu Eda,Kasapoğlu Kadriye Nur,Gültekin Özgüven Mine,Demircan Evren,Erşan Sevcan,Arslaner Ayla,Özçelik Beraat (24.04.2019 - 26.04.2019), "Berberıs Plants Wıth Orange, Red and Purple Fruıts:Antıoxıdant and Antı-Hypertansıve Actıvıes", presented at the The 5th International Mediterranean Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants The 5th International Symposium on Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences, 2019
  12. Arslaner Ayla,Türkmen Özgenur (08.11.2019 - 10.11.2019), "Erzincan Tulum Peyniri", presented at the 1st International Congress of the Turkish Journal ofAgriculture - Food Science and Technology, 2019
  13. Arslaner Ayla,Salık Mehmet Ali (08.11.2019 - 10.11.2019), "Some Quality Properties and Mineral Composition of Wild Fruit Marmalades", presented at the 1st International Congress of the Turkish Journal ofAgriculture - Food Science and Technology, 2019
  14. Arslaner Ayla,Türkoğlu Zehra (20.12.2019 - 22.12.2019), "Fonksiyonel Bir Gıda Katkısı Olarak Spirulina Platensis", presented at the 1. ULUSLARARASI MALATYA UYGULAMALI BİLİMLER KONGRESİ, 2019
  15. Arslaner Ayla (20.12.2019 - 22.12.2019), "Açlık ve Yoksullukla Mücadelede Etkili Bir Araç: Coğrafi İşaretler (Ci’ler)", presented at the 1. ULUSLARARASI MALATYA UYGULAMALI BİLİMLER KONGRESİ, 2019
  16. Arslaner Ayla (06.11.2019 - 08.12.2019), "Türkiye’de Coğrafi İşaret Kavramı", presented at the HOCA AHMET YESEVİ 2. ULUSLARARASI BİLİMSEL ARAŞTIRMALAR KONGRESİ, 2019
  17. Arslaner Ayla,Salık Mehmet Ali (19.09.2019 - 21.09.2019), "Functional Ice Cream Technology and Nutraceutical Components Used in Production", presented at the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies, 2019
  18. Arslaner Ayla,Türkoğlu Zehra (19.09.2019 - 21.09.2019), "Resveratrol", presented at the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies, 2019
  19. Çakır Özlem,Arslaner Ayla,Çakıroğlu Kübra,Ergen Berivan (05.09.2019 - 08.09.2019), "Bayburt’ta Doğal Olarak Bulunan Kızamık (Berberis Vulgaris L.) Meyvesinin Bazı Fizikokimyasal Özellikleri ve Antioksidan Aktivitesinin Belirlenmesi", presented at the 8th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON MATHEMATIC, ENGINEERING AND NATURAL SCIENCES, 2019
  20. Çakır Özlem,Arslaner Ayla (22.10.2015 - 24.10.2015), "Meyve ve Sebze Kaynaklı Diyet Liflerinin Süt Endüstrisinde Kullanımı", presented at the Mühendislikte Yeni Teknolojiler Sempozyumu, 2015
  21. Özdemir Cihat,Uğurlu Gencay,Özdemir Salih,Arslaner Ayla (19.04.2018 - 21.12.2018), "The İce- Cream Production From Lactose-Free Uht Milk", presented at the The 4th International Symposium on “Traditional Foods from Adriatic to Caucasus”, 2018
  22. Özdemir Cihat,Uğurlu Gencay,Özdemir Salih,Arslaner Ayla (19.04.2018 - 21.12.2018), "The İce- Cream Production From Lactose-Free Uht Milk", presented at the The 4th International Symposium on “Traditional Foodsfrom Adriatic to Caucasus”, 2018
  23. Ustaoğlu Emin,Arslaner Ayla (26.04.2018 - 29.04.2018), "Investigation of Some Biochemical, Microbiological and Organoleptic Properties of Bayburt Karin Kaymaği Produced by Modern Technique", presented at the INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ENGINEERING AND LIFE SCIENCE, 2018
  24. Arslaner Ayla,Özdemir Salih,Akköse Ahmet,Salık Mehmet Ali (26.04.2018 - 29.04.2018), "The Quality and Thermal Properties of Plain and Cocoa Yogurt Ice-Cream Samples Produced with Stevia and Honey", presented at the International Congress on Engineering and Life Science, 2018
  25. Arslaner Ayla,Salık Mehmet Ali (21.09.2017 - 23.09.2017), "The Evaluation of the Geographical Indication Potential of Bayburt Province", presented at the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies (ICADET 2017), 2017
  26. Arslaner Ayla,Salık Mehmet Ali (21.09.2017 - 23.09.2017), "Farklı Şeker Konsantrasyonlarına Sahip Muşmula Marmeladı ile Üretilen Yoğurtların Bazı Kalite Nitelikleri", presented at the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies (ICADET 2017), 2017
  27. Arslaner Ayla,Salık Mehmet Ali (21.09.2017 - 23.09.2017), "Some Physicochemical and Microbiological Characteristics of the Civil Cheese Put Up for Sale in Bayburt Market", presented at the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies (ICADET), 2017
  28. Çakır Özlem,Çakıroğlu Kübra,Yıldız Hilal,Arslaner Ayla (03.05.2017 - 07.05.2017), "Determination of Mineral Matter Change of Wild Sour Apple (Malus Sylvestris Mıller) Naturally Found in Bayburt Province According to Different Drying Methods", presented at the II. International Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences, 2017
  29. Arslaner Ayla,Salık Mehmet Ali,Bakırcı İhsan (21.09.2017 - 23.09.2017), "Çırpılmış Yoğurdun Bazı Kalite Nitelikleri Üzerine Bissap (Hibiscus Sabdariffa L.) Marmeladı İlavesinin Etkisi", presented at the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies (ICADET), 2017
  30. Arslaner Ayla,Çakır Özlem,Yıldız Hilal,Akşehir Kübra (10.04.2017 - 12.04.2017), "Taşköprü Sarımsağının (Allium Sativum L.) Antioksidan ve Mineral Kompozisyonu", presented at the Uluslararası Taşköprü Pompeiopolis Bilim Kültür Sanat Araştırmaları Sempozyumu, 2017
  31. Serencam Hüseyin,Arslaner Ayla,Akgül Halil İbrahim (05.09.2017 - 08.09.2017), "Ballı Kaymağın Duyusal ve Kalite Nitelikleri", presented at the 2nd International Science Symposium“Science Festival” (ISS2017), 2017
  32. Serencam Hüseyin,Arslaner Ayla,Köse Müge (05.09.2017 - 08.09.2017), "Civil Peynirde Ağır Metal Kontaminasyon Kaynağı ve Düzeyinin Belirlenmesi Üzerine Bir Araştırma", presented at the 2nd International Science Symposium”Science Festival” (ISS2017), 2017
  33. Arslaner Ayla,Çakır Özlem,Yıldız Hilal,Akşehir Kübra (10.04.2017 - 12.04.2017), "Taşköprü Sarımsağının (Allium Sativum L.) Antioksidan ve Mineral Kompozisyonu", presented at the Uluslararası Taşköprü Pompeiopolis Bilim Kültür Sanat Araştırmaları Sempozyumu, 2017
  34. Arslaner Ayla,Akşehir Kübra,Çakır Özlem (10.04.2017 - 12.04.2017), "Farklı Oranlarda Taşköprü Sarımsağı İlave Edilmiş Yoğurtların Bazı Fizikokimyasal Özellikleri", presented at the Uluslararası Taşköprü Pompeiopolis Bilim Kültür Sanat Araştırmaları Sempozyumu, 2017
  35. Arslaner Ayla,Yıldız Hilal,Salık Mehmet Ali (10.04.2017 - 12.04.2017), "Farklı Oranlarda Taşköprü Sarımsağı İçeren Yoğurtların Bazı Mikrobiyolojik ve Duyusal Özellikleri", presented at the Uluslararası Taşköprü Pompeiopolis Bilim Kültür Sanat Araştırmaları Sempozyumu, 2017
  36. Arslaner Ayla,Yıldız Hilal,Türkoğlu Zehra (28.11.2016 - 28.11.2016), "Biyoaktif Bir Bileşen Olarak Resveratrol", presented at the Biyoaktif Bileşenler ve Doğal Katkılar Kongresi, 2016
  37. Arslaner Ayla,Salık Mehmet Ali (28.11.2016 - 28.11.2016), "Süt Kökenli Biyoaktif Bileşenler", presented at the Biyoaktif Bileşenler ve Doğal Katkılar Kongresi, 2016
  38. Arslaner Ayla (20.05.2015 - 23.05.2015), "Yoğurt ve Sağlıklı Beslenme", presented at the Türkiye Doğal Beslenme ve Yaşam Boyu Sağlık Zirvesi, 2015
  39. Yıldız Hilal,Çakır Özlem,Arslaner Ayla (26.10.2016 - 28.10.2016), "Determination of Biological Active Components of Fruit Teas Produced From Different Concentrations of Vitis Labrusca L", presented at the 2nd Congress on Food Structure & Design, 2016
  40. Arslaner Ayla,Yıldız Hilal (26.10.2016 - 28.10.2016), "Some Microbiological and Sensory Properties of Yogurt Containing Garlic", presented at the 2nd Congress on Food Structure & Design, 2016
  41. Yıldız Hilal,Arslaner Ayla,Çakır Özlem (26.05.2016 - 30.05.2016), "Mıneral and Heavy Metal Content of Chına and Taşköprü Garlıc Allium Sativum L", presented at the 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS of FORENSIC TOXICOLOGY, 2016
  42. Arslaner Ayla,Çakır Özlem,Yıldız Hilal (26.10.2016 - 28.10.2016), "Saruç’un Mineral ve Ağır Metal İçeriği", presented at the 1st International Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress (IMSEC 2016), 2016
  43. Arslaner Ayla,Çakır Özlem,Akşehir Kübra (28.09.2016 - 01.10.2016), "Karamuklu Dondurma", presented at the International Erzincan Symposium, 2016
  44. Arslaner Ayla,Bakırcı İhsan (28.09.2016 - 01.10.2016), "Farklı Ambalaj Materyallerinde Olgunlaştırılan Tulum Peynirlerinde Proteoliz", presented at the International Erzincan Symposium, 2016
  45. Yıldız Hilal,Karataş Neva,Arslaner Ayla (28.11.2016 - 28.11.2016), "Doğal Katkı Maddeleri Kullanımları Yararları Riskleri", presented at the Biyoaktif Bileşenler ve Doğal Katkılar Kongresi, 2016
  46. Akşehir Kübra,Arslaner Ayla,Çakır Özlem (28.04.2015 - 30.04.2015), "Saruç’un Bazı Kalite Nitelikleri", presented at the İç Anadolu Bölgesi 2. Tarım ve GıdaKongresi, 2015
  47. Arslaner Ayla,Özgür Didem (28.04.2015 - 30.04.2015), "Erzincan Tulum Peyniri Yönetişim ve Denetiminde Sorunlar Öneriler", presented at the İç Anadolu Bölgesi 2.Tarım ve Gıda Kongresi, 2015
  48. Arslaner Ayla,Akgül Halil İbrahim (28.04.2015 - 30.04.2015), "Bayburt Yöresinde Üretilen Karın Kaymağı Nın Kimyasal ve Mikrobiyolojik Nitelikleri", presented at the İçAnadolu Bölgesi 2. Tarım ve Gıda Kongresi, 2015
  49. Arslaner Ayla,Akgül Halil İbrahim (28.04.2015 - 30.04.2015), "Kurut Un Bazı Kimyasal ve Mikrobiyolojik Nitelikleri", presented at the İçAnadolu Bölgesi 2. Tarım ve Gıda Kongresi, 2015
  50. Çakır Özlem,Akşehir Kübra,Arslaner Ayla (28.04.2015 - 30.04.2015), "Bayburt İlinde Doğal Olarak Bulunan Kızamık Berberis Vulgaris L Meyvesinin Kullanımolanakları ve Bileşim Ögelerinin Belirlenmesi Üzerine Bir Araştırma", presented at the İç Anadolu Bölgesi 2. Tarım ve Gıda Kongresi, 2015
  51. Arslaner Ayla,Akşehir Kübra (10.10.2012 - 12.10.2012), "Nanoteknolojik Gıda Nanogıda Uygulamalarının Risk Değerlendirmesi", presented at the Türkiye 11. Gıda Kongresi, Hatay, 2012
  52. Arslaner Ayla,Kamiloğlu Aybike (10.10.2012 - 12.10.2012), "Esansiyel Yağların Gıda Ambalajlamada Kullanımı", presented at the 11. Gıda Kongresi, Hatay, 2012
  53. Arslaner Ayla,Serencam Hüseyin,Kara Hasan Hüseyin (10.05.2012 - 12.05.2011), "Geleneksel Türk İçeceği Salep", presented at the III. Geleneksel Gıdalar Sempozyumu, Konya, 2011
  54. Arslaner Ayla,Akşehir Kübra (10.05.2012 - 12.05.2011), "Erzincan Tulum Peyniri Üretiminde Mevcut Problemler ve Öneriler", presented at the III. Geleneksel Gıdalar Sempozyumu, Konya, 2011
  55. Arslaner Ayla,Akşehir Kübra,Kamiloğlu Aybike (24.11.2011 - 26.11.2011), "Gıda Bilimi Eğitimi", presented at the 7.Gıda Mühendisliği Kongresi, Ankara, 2011
  56. Kavaz Yüksel Arzu,Arslaner Ayla,Bakırcı İhsan (21.05.2009 - 23.05.2009), "Sütteki Laktoferrinin İnsan Sağlığı Üzerindeki Önemi", presented at the Pamukkale Süt ve Süt Ürünleri Sempozyumu, Denizli, 2009
  57. Arslaner Ayla,Bakırcı İhsan (27.05.2009 - 29.05.2009), "Geleneksel Peynir Çeşitlerimizden Erzincan Tulum Peynirinin Farklı Ambalaj Materyallerinde Olgunlaştırılması Üzerine Bir Araştırma", presented at the II. Geleneksel Gıdalar Sempozyumu, VAN, 2009
  58. Arslaner Ayla,Akgül Halil İbrahim,İspirli Hümeyra,Ekmen Bahar (24.10.2013 - 26.10.2013), "Bayburt Karın Kaymağı", presented at the The 2nd International Symposium on Traditional Foods From Adriatic to Caucasus, 2013
  59. Arslaner Ayla (24.10.2013 - 26.10.2013), "Erzıncan Tulum Cheese as a Geographıcal Indıcatıon", presented at the The 2nd International Symposium on Traditional Foods From Adriatic to Caucasus, 2013
  60. Arslaner Ayla,Alkan Latife Betül,Serencam Hüseyin,Mercan Emin (30.06.2013 - 04.07.2013), "Determination of Heavy Metal Levels ın Raw Cow S Milks Collected From Dairy Farms ın Bayburt", presented at the XIII Internationl Congress of Toxicology, 2013
  61. Arslaner Ayla,Alkan Latife Betül,Akşehir Kübra (30.06.2013 - 04.07.2013), "Phthalate Migration From Food Package and Other Food Contact Plastics", presented at the XIII Internationl Congress of Toxicology, 2013
  62. Arslaner Ayla,Akşehir Kübra,Kamiloğlu Aybike (12.10.2011 - 14.10.2011), "Sütlü Yufka Milky Phyllo", presented at the 4th International Congress on Food and Nutrition, 2011
  63. Arslaner Ayla,Kamiloğlu Aybike,Akşehir Kübra (12.10.2011 - 14.10.2011), "A Traditional Snack Saruç", presented at the 4th International Congress on Food and Nutrition, 2011
  64. Bereketoğlu Aybike, Arslaner Ayla (26.05.2011 - 29.05.2011), "Production of Butanol From Grape Pomace", presented at the 4th International Congress on Food and Nutrition, 2011
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