
  1. Ayazoğlu Rabil,"An Attraction–repulsion Chemotaxis with Logistic Source İnvolving the Exponents Depending on the Spatial Variables",Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik,Q1,vol.76,no:22,pp:1 - 13, 2025
  2. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Salmanova Kamala A.,"Global Attractors in a Two-Species Chemotaxis System with Two Chemicals and Variable Logistic Sources",TRANSACTIONS.(issue MECHANICS),vol.44,no:1,pp:20 - 30, 2024
  3. Ayazoğlu Rabil,"Boundedness in a Attraction-Repulsion Chemotaxis System with Nonlinear Production",TRANSACTIONS.(issue MECHANICS),vol.44,no:4,pp:13 - 21, 2024
  4. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Kadakal Mahir,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir,"Dynamics in a Parabolic-Elliptic Chemotaxis System with Logistic Source İnvolving Exponents Depending on the Spatial Variables",Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - B,Q2,vol.29,no:5,pp:2110 - 2122, 2024
  5. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir,Naghızadeh Zohreh,"Existence of Solutions for Anisotropic Parabolic Ni-Serrin Type Equations Originated From a Capillary Phenomena with Nonstandard Growth Nonlinearity",Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations,Q2, 2024
  6. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Alisoy Gülizar,Akbulut Sezgin,Ağırman Aydın Tuba,"Existence and Extinction of Solutions for Parabolic Equations with Nonstandard Growth Nonlinearity",Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics,Q2,vol.53,no:2,pp:367 - 381, 2024
  7. Ayazoğlu Rabil, Akkoyunlu Ebubekir,"Bounds for the Blow-Up Time a Class of İntegro-Differential Problem of Parabolic Type with Variable Reaction Term",Comptes Rendus Mécanique,Q3,vol.351,pp:391 - 400, 2023
  8. Ayazoğlu Rabil, Ekincioğlu İsmail, Şener Kılıç Sıdıka Şule,"Approximating Functions in the Power-Type Weighted Variable Exponent Sobolev Space by the Hardy Averaging Operator",Filomat,Q2,vol.36,no:10,pp:3321 - 3330, 2022
  9. Ağırman Aydın Tuba, Ayazoğlu Rabil, Kocayiğit Hüseyin,"Tımelıke Helıces ın the Semı-Euclıdean Space E4",Honam Mathematical Journal,vol.44,no:3, 2022
  10. Ayazoğlu Rabil, Akbulut Sezgin, Akkoyunlu Ebubekir,"Existence and Multiplicity of Solutions for P(.)-Kirchhoff-Type Equations",Turkish Journal of Mathematics,Q2,vol.46, 2022
  11. Ayazoğlu Rabil, Akkoyunlu Ebubekir,"Boundedness of Solutions to a Quasilinear Parabolic–parabolic Chemotaxis Model with Variable Logistic Source",Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik ZAMP,Q1,vol.73,no:212, 2022
  12. Ayazoğlu Rabil,"Global Boundedness of Solutions to a Quasilinear Parabolic-Parabolic Keller-Segel System with Variable Logistic Source",Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,Q1,vol.516,no:1, 2022
  13. Ayazoğlu Rabil, Ekincioğlu İsmail,"Lower Bounds for Blow-Up Time in a Nonlinear Parabolic Problem with a Gradient Nonlinearity",Journal of Elliptic and Parabolic Equations,vol.8,no:1,pp:197 - 207, 2022
  14. Ayazoğlu Rabil, Akkoyunlu Ebubekir,"Extinction Properties of Solutions for a Parabolic Equation with a Parametric Variable Exponent Nonlinearity",Trans. Natl. Acad. Sci. Azerb. Ser. Phys.-Tech. Math. Sci. Mathematics,vol.42,no:1,pp:1 - 16, 2022
  15. Ayazoğlu Rabil, Akkoyunlu Ebubekir, Ağırman Aydın Tuba,"On Global Existence and Bounds for the Blow-Up Time in a Semilinear Heat Equation İnvolving Parametric Variable Sources",Comptes Rendus. Mécanique,Q2,vol.349,no:3,pp:518 - 527, 2021
  16. Ağırman Aydın Tuba,Sezer Mehmet,Çayan Seda,Ayazoğlu Rabil,"Bir Eğri ve Üç Denklem Üzerine Bir Çalışma",Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi,vol.25,no:2,pp:172 - 184, 2021
  17. Hasanov J Javanshir,Ayazoğlu Rabil,Bayrakçı Doğan Simten,"B-Maximal Commutators, Commutators of B-Singular İntegral Operators and B-Riesz Potentials on B-Morrey Spaces",Open Mathematics,vol.18,no:1,pp:715 - 730, 2020
  18. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Şener Kılıç Sıdıka Şule,Ağırman Aydın Tuba,"Existence of Solutions for a Resonant Problem Under Landesman-Lazer Type Conditions İnvolving More General Elliptic Operators in Divergence Form",Trans. Natl. Acad. Sci. Azerb. Ser. Phys.-Tech. Math. Sci.Mathematics,vol.1,no:40,pp:52 - 65, 2020
  19. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Akbulut Sezgin,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir,"Existence of Multiple Solutions of Schrödinger-Kirchhoff-Type Equations İnvolving the P(.) -Laplacian in R^n",MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES,vol.43,no:17,pp:9598 - 9614, 2020
  20. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Saraç Yeşim,Şener Kılıç Sıdıka Şule,Alisoy Gülizar,"Existence and Multiplicity of Solutions for a Schrödinger–kirchhoff Type Equation İnvolving the Fractional P( .,.)-Laplacian Operator in R^n",Collectanea Mathematica,Q2,vol.1,no:71,pp:129 - 156, 2021
  21. Ağırman Aydın Tuba,Ayazoğlu Rabil,Kocayiğit Hüseyin,"Morgan-Voyce Polynomıal Approach for Constant-Breadth Quaternıonıc Space Curves",Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences,vol.46,no:1,pp:71 - 83, 2021
  22. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Akbulut Sezgin,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir,"Uniform Boundedness of Kantorovich Operators in Variable Exponent Lebesgue Spaces",Filomat,vol.33,no:18,pp:5755 - 5765, 2019
  23. Akkoyunlu Ebubekir,Ayazoğlu Rabil,"Infinitely Many Solutions for the Stationary Fractional P-Kirchhoff Problems in R^n",Proceedings - Mathematical Sciences,vol.129,no:5, 2019
  24. Avci Mustafa,Ayazoğlu Rabil,"Solutions of Nonlocal (P1(X)-P2(X))-Laplacian Equations",International Journal of Partial Differential Equations,vol.2013,pp:1 - 7, 2013
  25. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Çekiç Bilal,"Sobolev-Type İnequality for Spaces Lp (X)(Rn)",Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sciences,vol.2,no:9,pp:423 - 429, 2007
  26. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Akbulut Sezgin,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir,"On the Sub-Supersolutıon Prıncıple for P(X)-Laplacıan Equatıons",Gulf Journal of Mathematics,vol.6,no:3,pp:78 - 90, 2018
  27. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Akbulut Sezgin,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir,"Standart Olmayan Büyüme Koşullu Denklemlerin Mühendislikteki Uygulamaları",Engineering Sciences,vol.13,no:3,pp:167 - 179, 2018
  28. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Akbulut Sezgin,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir,"Solutıons for the P(X)-Laplacıan Wıth Dependence Onthe Gradıent",Acta Universitatis Apulensis,vol.52,pp:71 - 88, 2017
  29. Ekincioğlu İsmail,Ayazoğlu Rabil,"On Steklov Boundary Value Problems Forp(X)-Laplacıan Equatıons",Electronic Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,vol.5,no:2,pp:289 - 297, 2017
  30. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Alisoy Gülizar,Ekincioğlu İsmail,"Exıstence of One Weak Solutıon for P(X) Bıharmonıcequatıons Involvıng a Concave-Convex Nonlınearıty",MATEMATICKI VESNIK,Q3,vol.69,no:4,pp:296 - 307, 2017
  31. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Alisoy Gülizar,"Infinitely Many Solutions for a Class of Stationary Schrödinger Equations with Non-Standard Growth",Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations,pp:1 - 19, 2017
  32. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Ekincioğlu İsmail,Alisoy Gülizar,"Multiple Small Solutions for P(X) -Schrödinger Equations with Local Sublinear Nonlinearities Via Genus Theory.",Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations,vol.75,no:75,pp:1 - 16, 2017
  33. Hasanov J Javanshir,Ayazoğlu Rabil,Aliyeva R Lale,"Construction of Green Function for Bessel-Helmholtz Equation",International Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2016
  34. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Avci Mustafa,"Existence of Three Solutions for a Quasilinear Elliptic Equation İnvoling the P X Laplacian Operator",SARAJEVO JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, 2014
  35. Avci Mustafa,Ayazoğlu Rabil,"Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions of a Nonlocal Problem İnvolving the P X Laplacian",Annals of the University of Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science Series, 2014
  36. Avci Mustafa,Ayazoğlu Rabil,Çekiç Bilal,"Existence of Solutions for an Elliptic Equation with Nonstandard Growth",International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2013
  37. Kholyavka Olga,Buhrii Oleh,Bokalo Mikola,Mashiyev Rabil,"Initial Boundary Value Problem for Third Order Equations of Kirchhoff Type with Variable Exponents of Nonlinearity",Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications, 2013
  38. Avci Mustafa,Ayazoğlu Rabil,Çekiç Bilal,"Solutions of an Anisotropic Nonlocal Problem İnvolving Variable Exponent",Advances in Nonlinear Analysis, 2013
  39. Avci Mustafa,Ayazoğlu Rabil,"Existence of Nontrivial Solutions for a Quasilinear Equation İnvolving P Laplacian",International Electronic Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2013
  40. Avci Mustafa,Ayazoğlu Rabil,"Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions for a Quasilinear Elliptic Equation İnvoling P Laplacian",Inter. J. Dif. Equations and Applications, 2013
  41. Çekiç Bilal,Alisoy Gülizar,Mashiyev Rabil,"Interpolation İnequalities in Power Type Weighted Lebesgue Sobolev Spaces",International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2011
  42. Mashiyev Rabil,"Some Applications to Lebesgue Points in Variable Exponent Lebesgue Spaces",Cankaya Univer. J. of Science and Engineering, 2010
  43. Mashiyev Rabil,Yücedağ Zehra,"Trace Properties in Normed Spaces Established by Using of Mixed Derivaties",Math. Studii, 2009
  44. Haciyev Lecveddin,Mashiyev Rabil,"Gaz Sıvı Konurunun Değişmesi Hakkında Kontakt Sınır Probleminin Çözümü",AzNİNTİ AZ., 1994
  45. Cebrayilov Allahveren,Mashiyev Rabil,"About the İndex of the Differential Operator of the Dirichlet S Problem for the Quasi Elliptical Linear Equation with Degeneracy",Dokl. Az. Natiaonal Sci. Acad., 1987
  46. Mashiyev Rabil,"Çok Değişkenli Fonksiyonların Karışık Türevlerinin Lp Normları Arasındaki Eşitsizlikler",AzNİNTİ AZ., 1985
  47. Mashiyev Rabil,"Genel Hölder Koşulunu Sağlayan Karışık Türevli Fonksiyonlarındiferansiyel Özellikleri",AzNİNTİ AZ., 1985
  48. Mashiyev Rabil,"Diferansiyellenebilir Fonksiyonların İntegral Temsili",AzNİNTİ. AZ., 1984
  49. Mashiyev Rabil,Çekiç Bilal,Oğraş Sezai,"On the Hardy S Inequality in Lp X 0",J. of Inegualities in Pure and Applied Math., 2006
  50. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Avci Mustafa,"Positive Periodic Solutions of Nonlinear Differential Equations System with Nonstandard Growth",Applied Mathematics Letters, 2015
  51. Çekiç Bilal,Kalinin Aleksey,Masiyev Rabil,Avci Mustafa,"Lp X Estimates of Vector Fields and Some Applications to Magnetostatics Problems",Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2012
  52. Mashiyev Rabil,"Three Solutions to a Neumann Problem for Elliptic Equations with Variable Exponent",Arabian Journal of Mathematics, 2011
  53. Mashiyev Rabil,Yücedağ Zehra,Oğraş Sezgin,"Existence and Multiplicity of Solutions for a Dirichlet Problem İnvolving the Discrete P X Laplacian Operator",Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, 2011
  54. Çekiç Bilal,Mashiyev Rabil,"Nontrivial Solution for a Nonlocal Elliptic Transmission Problem in Variable Exponent Sobolev Spaces",Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2010
  55. Mashiyev Rabil,Çekiç Bilal,Buhrii Oleh,"Existence of Solutions for P X Laplacian Equations",E. J. Qualitative Theory of Diff. Equ., 2010
  56. Mashiyev Rabil,Alisoy Gülizar,Oğraş Sezai,"Lyapunov Opial and Beesack İnequalities for One Dimensional P T Laplacian Equations",Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2010
  57. Mashiyev Rabil,Buhrii Oleh,"Uniqueness of Solutions of the Parabolic Variational İnequality with Variable Exponent of Nonlinearity",Nonlinear Analysis: Theory,Methods & Applications, 2009
  58. Mashiyev Rabil,"Some Properties of the First Eigenvalue of the Laplacian on Riemannian Manifolds",Turkish Journal of Mathematics, 2009
  59. Oğraş Sezai,Mashiyev Rabil,Avci Mustafa,Yücedağ Zehra,"Existence of Solutions for a Class of Elliptic Systems in Rn Involving the P X Q X Laplacian",Journal of Inequallities and Applications,, 2008
  60. Mashiyev Rabil,"Some Properties of Variable Sobolev Capacity",Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, 2008
  61. Mashiyev Rabil,Çekiç Bilal,Mamedov Farman,Oğraş Sezai,"Hardy S Inequality in Power Type Weighted Lp X Spaces",Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2007
  62. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Ekincioğlu İsmail,Alisoy Gülizar,"Periodic Solutions for a Kind of Lienard Type P T Laplacian Equation",Acta Universitatis Apulensis, 2016
  63. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Avci Mustafa,Chung Nguyen Thanh,"Existence of Solutions for Nonlocal Problems in Orlicz Sobolev Spaces Via Monotone Method",Electronic Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2016
  64. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Hasanov Javanshır,"On the Boundedness of a B Riesz Potential in the Generalized Weighted B Morrey Spaces",Georgian Mathematical Journal,vol.23,no:2, 2016
  65. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Ekincioğlu İsmail,"Electrorheological Fluids Equations Involving Variable Exponent with Dependence on the Gradient Via Mountain Pass Techniques",Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 2016
  66. Yücedağ Zehra,Avci Mustafa,Mashiyev Rabil,"On an Elliptic System of P X Kirchhoff Type Under Neumann Boundary Condition",Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 2012
  67. Bokalo Mikola,Buhrii Olaq,Ayazoğlu Rabil,"Unique Solvability of İnitial Boundary Value Problems for Anisotropic Elliptic Parabolic Equations with Variable Exponents of Nonlinearity",Journal of Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Applications, 2014
  68. Mashiyev Rabil,Çekiç Bilal,Alisoy Gülizar,"On the Sobolev Type İnequality for Lebesgue Spaces with a Variable Exponent",Int. Math. Forum, 2006
  69. Yücedağ Zehra,Ayazoğlu Rabil,"Existence of Solutions for a Class of Kirchhoff Type Equation with Nonstandard Growth",Universal Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2014
  70. Mashiyev Rabil,Çekiç Bilal,Avci Mustafa,Yücedağ Zehra,"Existence and Multiplicity of Weak Solutions for Nonuniformly Elliptic Equations with Nonstandard Growth Condition",Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 2012
  71. Mashiyev Rabil,Alisoy Gülizar,Oğraş Sezai,"Solutions to Semilinear P Laplacian Dirichlet Problem in Population Dynamics",Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2010
  72. Çekiç Bilal,Mashiyev Rabil,"Existence and Localization Results for P X Laplacian Via Topological Methods",Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 2010
  73. Mashiyev Rabil,Oğraş Sezai,Yücedağ Zehra,Avci Mustafa,"The Nehari Manifold Approach for Dirichlet Problem İnvolving the P X Laplacian Equation",J. Korean Math. Soc, 2010
  74. Avci Mustafa,Çekiç Bilal,Ayazoğlu Rabil,"Existence and Multiplicity of the Solutions of the P X Kirchhoff Type Equation Via Genus Theory",Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2011
  75. Mashiyev Rabil,Buhrii Oleq,"Existence of Solutions of the Parabolic Variational İnequality with Variable Exponent of Nonlinearity",Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2011