
  1. Akkoyunlu Ebubekir, Ayazoğlu Rabil (04.11.2023 - 05.11.2023), "2018 İlköğretim Matematik Öğretmenliği Lisans Programının Değerlendirilmesi", presented at the 2 nd International Conference on Contemporary Academic Research, 2023
  2. Akkoyunlu Ebubekir, Ayazoğlu Rabil (25.12.2023 - 26.12.2023), "Kesirli Türevin Fiziksel ve Geometrik Yorumu", presented at the 3 rd International Conference on Scientific and Academic Research, 2023
  3. Ayazoğlu Rabil, Akkoyunlu Ebubekir (20.12.2022 - 23.12.2022), "Blow-Up Time for P(⋅)-Kirchhoff-Type Wave Problems with Arbitrary Positive İnitial Energy.", presented at the 1st International Conference on Engineering, Natural and Social Sciences ICENSOS 2022, 2022
  4. Ayazoğlu Rabil, Akkoyunlu Ebubekir (29.12.2022 - 30.12.2022), "Fractıonal Varıatıonal Calculus of Varıable Order ın Varıable Exponent Lebesgue Spaces.", presented at the ANADOLU 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED SCIENCES, 2022
  5. Akkoyunlu Ebubekir, Ayazoğlu Rabil (29.12.2022 - 30.12.2022), "Global Exıstence and Blow-Up for a Nonlınear Porous Medıum Problem Involvıng Generalızed Exponents.", presented at the ANADOLU 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED SCIENCES, 2022
  6. Akkoyunlu Ebubekir, Ayazoğlu Rabil (29.12.2022), "Global Exıstence and Blow-Up for a Nonlınear Porous Medıum Problem Involvıng Generalızed Exponents.", presented at the ANADOLU 11th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED SCIENCES,
  7. Ayazoğlu Rabil, Akkoyunlu Ebubekir (29.12.2022), "Fractıonal Varıatıonal Calculus of Varıable Order ın Varıable Exponent Lebesgue Spaces.", presented at the ANADOLU 11th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED SCIENCES,
  8. Ayazoğlu Rabil, Akkoyunlu Ebubekir (20.12.2022), "Blow-Up Time for P(⋅)-Kirchhoff-Type Wave Problems with Arbitrary Positive İnitial Energy.", presented at the 1st International Conference on Engineering, Natural and Social Sciences ICENSOS 2022,
  9. Ayazoğlu Rabil, Akkoyunlu Ebubekir (25.05.2021), "Blow-Up of Solutıons to a Parabolıc System Wıth Varıable Sources", presented at the 7th IFS AND CONTEMPORARY MATHEMATICS CONFERENCE (IFSCOM 2021),
  10. Akkoyunlu Ebubekir, Ayazoğlu Rabil (25.05.2021), "Blow-Up of the Phenomenon for Semılınear Parabolıc Problems Wıth Varıable Sources", presented at the 7th IFS AND CONTEMPORARY MATHEMATICS CONFERENCE (IFSCOM 2021),
  11. Ayazoğlu Rabil (06.07.2009 - 10.07.2009), "Standart Olmayan Büyüme Koşullu Eliptik ve Parabolik Denklemlerin Çözümleri.", presented at the Ivan Franko National University, 2009
  12. Ayazoğlu Rabil (23.06.2008 - 27.06.2008), "Standart Olmayan Büyüme Koşullu Eliptik Denklemlerin Çözümleri", presented at the Ivan Franko National University, 2008
  13. Ayazoğlu Rabil (25.06.2007 - 29.06.2007), "Değişken Üstlü Lebesgue-Sobolev Uzayları", presented at the Ivan Franko National University, 2007
  14. Yücedağ Zehra,Ayazoğlu Rabil (12.06.2014 - 13.06.2014), "Kirchhoff Tipli Anizotropik Diskret Sınır Değer Problemlerinin Çözümünün Varlığı", presented at the Perşembe - Anakara Matematik Günleri, 2014
  15. Yücedağ Zehra,Ayazoğlu Rabil (04.09.2013 - 07.09.2013), "Standart Olmayan Büyüme Koşullu Lokal Olmayan Bir Denklemin Çözümlerinin Varlığı", presented at the XXVI Ulusal Matematik Sempozyumu, 2013
  16. Avci Mustafa,Ayazoğlu Rabil (04.09.2013 - 07.09.2013), "P(X)-Laplace Operatörü İçere Bir Eliptik Denklemin Çözümünün Varlığı ve Tekliği", presented at the XXVI Ulusal Matematik Sempozyumu, 2013
  17. Bayman Cansu Mehtap,Karadag Zekerıya,Ayazoğlu Rabil,Bereket Ramazan (20.06.2013 - 22.06.2013), "Çevirimçi Ortamlarda Geometrik Düşüncenin Gelişimi: Bir Durum Çalışması", presented at the Türk Bilgisayar ve Matematik Eğitimi Sempozyumu,, 2013
  18. Bereket Ramazan,Ayazoğlu Rabil,Karadağ Zekeriya,Bayman Cansu Mehtap (20.06.2013 - 22.06.2013), "Dinamik ve Etkileşimli Matematik Öğrenme Ortamlarında Dönüşüm Geometrisi Uygulamaları", presented at the Türk Bilgisayar ve Matematik Eğitimi Sempozyumu, 2013
  19. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Yücedağ Zehra (07.09.2011 - 10.09.2011), "Kirchoff Tipli Anizotropik Diskret Sınır Değer Problemleri İçin Zayıf Çözümler", presented at the XXIV. Ulusal Matematik Sempozyumu, 2011
  20. Panat O,Buhrıı O M Buhrıı,Bokalo M,Ayazoğlu Rabil (19.09.2011 - 23.09.2011), "Mixed Problem for Kirchhoff Type Equations with Variable Exponent of Nonlinearity", presented at the International Skorobatbotko Mathematical Conferece, 2011
  21. Avci Mustafa,Çekiç Bilal,Ayazoğlu Rabil (20.05.2011 - 27.05.2011), "Power-Type Weighted Hardy and Hankel Operators in Variable Exponent Morrey Space", presented at the OMTSA, Operat. Morrey-Type and Applicatios (Dedicated to 70th Birthday of Proffesor Victor I. Burenkov), 2011
  22. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Yücedağ Zehra,Ogras Sezgin (20.05.2011 - 27.05.2011), "Solutions of Nonlinear Elliptic Diference Equations with Nonstandard Growth Condition", presented at the OMTSA, Operat.Morrey-Type and Applicatios (Dedicated to 70th Birthday of Proffesor Victor I.Burenkov), 2011
  23. Buhrıı O M Buhrıı,Ayazoğlu Rabil (06.09.2010 - 11.09.2010), "Some Parabolic Variational İnegualities with Variable Exponents of Nonlinearities", presented at the Inter. Conference Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, 2010
  24. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Avci Mustafa (03.11.2010 - 06.11.2010), "Existence of Soutions for Nonuniformly Ellipticequations of P(X)-Laplacian Type", presented at the Third Intern.Confer. Diff. Equat. Appl., 2010
  25. Çekiç Bilal,Ayazoğlu Rabil (03.11.2010 - 06.11.2010), "Eigenvaues of P(X)-Laplasian Dirichlet Problem", presented at the Third Intern. Confer. Diff. Equat. Appl, 2010
  26. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Avci Mustafa (18.04.2008 - 20.04.2008), "Existence of Solutions for a P(X)-Laplacian in Rn", presented at the Workshop on Differential Equations and Applications, 2008
  27. Ayazoğlu Rabil (12.09.2006 - 17.09.2006), "Application on Some Inegualites to Differential Eguations with P(X)-Growth Contitions.", presented at the Internnational Conferece on Diff. Equations., 2006
  28. Ayazoğlu Rabil (17.11.2005 - 20.11.2005), "О Неравенстве Типа Соболева-Орлича С Переменным Показателем Суммируемости В Rn . (Rn’de Degişken Üstlü Sobolev–orlicz Tipli Eşitsizlikler)", presented at the Int. Conference Analysis and Related Topics, 2005
  29. Çekiç Bilal,Ayazoğlu Rabil,Oğraş Sezai (07.09.2004 - 11.09.2004), "Regularity of the Fractional Maximal Operator in Lp(X) Spaces", presented at the International Workshop on Analysis and Its Applications, 2004
  30. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Çekiç Bilal,Oğraş Sezai (07.09.2004 - 11.09.2004), "On the Sobolev –type Inequalty for Lebesgue Spaces with a Variable Exponent.", presented at the International Workshop on Analysis and Its Applications, 2004
  31. Ayazoğlu Rabil (26.05.2003 - 30.05.2003), "Sınırda Dejenere Olan Quasi-Elliptik Denklemler İçin Genelleşmiş Dirichlet Problemi", presented at the AzIMU, 2003
  32. Ayazoğlu Rabil,İsrafilov F H (21.05.2001 - 25.05.2001), "Üçtertibli Adi Diferansiyel Denklemler İçin Sınır-Değer Probleminin Global Çözümü", presented at the AzİMÜ Bilimsel Kongresi, 2001
  33. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Kuliyev H M (20.05.1997 - 24.05.1997), "Merkeze Göre Simetrik Yerleşen İki Plakaya Etkili Kontakt Basınç Paylanmasının Teorik Analizi", presented at the AzİMU’nun Bilimsel Kongresi, 1997
  34. Ayazoğlu Rabil (19.05.1989 - 29.05.1989), "Hölderin Tekrarlanan Genelleşmiş İntegrel Koşulunu Sağlayan Karışık Türevli Fonksiyonların Sınır Özellikleri", presented at the Fonk.Teor. Modern Problemleri, 1989
  35. Ayazoğlu Rabil (02.06.1982 - 04.06.1982), "Bir Kısım Quasi-Eliptik Denklemler İçin Genel Sınır-Değer Problemlerinin Çözümleri", presented at the Araştırmacıların uluslar arası 5. Kong., 1982
  36. Akkoyunlu Ebubekir,Ayazoğlu Rabil,Akbulut Sezgin (07.12.2017 - 08.12.2017), "Meslek Yüksekokullarında Matematik Eğitimi ve Matematik Ders İçeriklerininöğrenme Yeterliliklerine Etkilerinin İncelenmesi", presented at the ICQH 2017, 2017
  37. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir,Akbulut Sezgin (07.12.2017 - 08.12.2017), "Matematiğin Günlük Hayatta Kullanım Alanlarının Bilinmesinin Matematik Öğretiminekatkısı: “belirli İntegral Örneği”", presented at the ICQH 2017, 2017
  38. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Akbulut Sezgin,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir (21.09.2017 - 23.09.2017), "İmaj İyileştirme İşlemlerinde Değişken Üslü Uzayların Önemi", presented at the ICADET 2017, 2017
  39. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Akbulut Sezgin,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir (21.09.2017 - 23.09.2017), "Standart Olmayan Büyüme Koşullu Denklemlerin Mühendislikteki Uygulamaları", presented at the ICADET 2017, 2017
  40. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir (11.05.2017 - 14.05.2017), "Ortaöğretimde İntegralin Anlatımı", presented at the IX. Uluslararası Eğitim Araştırmaları Kongresi, 2017
  41. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir (11.05.2017 - 13.05.2017), "Multiple Small Solutions for P(X)-Schrödinger Equations with Local Sublinear Nonlinearities Via Genus Theory", presented at the ICMME 2017, 2017
  42. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir (11.05.2017 - 13.05.2017), "L(P(X))-Approximation by Bernstein- Kantorovich Operators", presented at the ICMME 2017, 2017
  43. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir (11.05.2017 - 14.05.2017), "Ortaöğretimde İntegralin Anlatımı", presented at the IX. Uluslararası Eğitim Araştırmaları Kongresi 2017, 2017
  44. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir (11.05.2017 - 13.05.2017), "Multiple Small Solutions for P(X)-Schrödinger Equations with Local Sublinear Nonlinearities Via Genus Theory", presented at the International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICMME 2017), 2017
  45. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir (11.05.2017 - 13.05.2017), "L(P(X))-Approximation by Bernstein- Kantorovich Operators", presented at the International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICMME 2017), 2017
  46. Ayazoğlu Rabil (20.09.2016 - 24.09.2016), "Existence of Nontrivial Solutions for the Schrödinger Kirchhoff Equations in Rn İnvoling Superlinear At İnfinity", presented at the Inter.Conf. on Differen. Equat. Dedicated to the 110 th Annivesary of Ya. B. Lopatynsky, 2016
  47. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Şimşek Ramazan,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir (05.10.2016 - 07.10.2016), "Korozyon Potansiyeline Göre Polarizasyon Eğrilerinin Değişimi", presented at the XIV. International Corrosion Symposium (KORSEM 2016), 2016
  48. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir,Şimşek Ramazan (05.10.2016 - 07.10.2016), "Korozyon Hasarının Matematiksel Modelleri", presented at the XIV. International Corrosion Symposium (KORSEM 2016), 2016
  49. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Akbulut Sezgin,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir (12.05.2016 - 14.05.2016), "Dirichlet Boundary Problem for the P X Laplacian Equations with Dependence on Gradien", presented at the Intern. Conf. Math. and Math. Education (ICMME-2016), 2016
  50. Ayazoğlu Rabil (20.09.2016 - 24.09.2016), "Existence of Solutions for Boundary Value Problem İnvoling P X Biharmonic Operator", presented at the Inter.Conf. Diff. Equat. Dedicated to the 110th Anniversary of Ya. B. Lopatynsky, 2016
  51. Akkoyunlu Ebubekir,Alisoy Gülizar,Ayazoğlu Rabil (11.07.2016 - 13.07.2016), "A Priori Bound for Positive Solutions of N Laplacian with Critical Exponential Nonlinearity", presented at the Inter.Conf. on Applied Math. and Analysis (ICAMA2016), 2016