Library Terms of Use
1. Bayburt University students, academic and administrative staff are library members and can borrow books.
2. It is mandatory to show the Bayburt University student or staff ID when borrowing books.
3. Borrowed books cannot be transferred to other people.
4. If borrowed books are not returned by the end of the due date, a late fee is applied for each passing day. The amount of the fine is determined by the President at the beginning of each academic year and enters into force with the approval of the Rectorate.
5. A fee equal to the current market value is charged for worn and lost materials (books, journals, etc.).
6. Academic staff, administrative staff, graduate and doctoral students, undergraduate and associate degree students are loaned an amount of books and hardcover periodicals determined by the Library Commission upon the proposal of the Department Head each year.
7. Readers cannot borrow new materials unless they return the borrowed material at the end of the loan period. Books can be loaned again if the late fee is paid with the return of the material. When the return of borrowed books is delayed; a penalty of 5 days of not being able to borrow is imposed for each day of delay.
8. The Department may request the return of the materials from readers before the loan period expires. If the borrowed publications are not requested by anyone else, the period of the publications may be extended for another term. The extension process may also be done online.
9. Books that are frequently used by users are placed in the reserved books section upon the request of the users or the decision of the library management. These books are loaned within the library for two hours. If they are not requested by another user, the period may be extended for another two hours. The determined delay penalty is applied for each hour of delay.
10. The following materials cannot be loaned outside the library:
• Basic Reference Sources, Dictionaries, Periodicals, Theses, Standards and CDs cannot be loaned.
• Periodicals (Unbound issues),
• Unprinted theses,
• Manuscripts and printed rare works,
• Cartographic (atlas, map, model etc.) materials and microforms,
• Reserve books,
• Works that are out of print or separated as determined by the units,
• Collection pieces, artistic materials etc.,
• Other materials that are physically dangerous to leave the library.
11. Photocopying of all publications in the library is prohibited.
12. The security of library equipment is protected electronically. If the door alarm rings, the person passing through the door at that time is searched.
13. Legal action is taken against the user if any irregularity is detected.
14. Users who leave the university or graduate must have a document from the library management that states that they have no relationship with the library.
15. Users coming from outside the institution can also benefit from the library, but they cannot borrow books.
16. For materials that cannot be found on the shelves (books, magazines, etc.), the librarian must be consulted.
17. Books and magazines should not be placed on the shelves after being used, but should be left on the tables.
18. Talking on a mobile phone is prohibited in the library.
19. Entering the library with food and drinks is prohibited.
20. Smoking is prohibited in the library.
21. Talking loudly and making noise in the library is prohibited.