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Environmental Management Office

Peaceful university of safe city
Quality policy

Quality Policy of Bayburt University

  • To ensure that the fundamental principles of Quality Management are embraced and implemented as a way of life within our university.

  • To achieve our goals by meeting all applicable requirements of the legislation and standards we are obliged to comply with, working as a team with a quality-oriented management approach.

  • To provide services with a participative, research-oriented, and continuously improving approach, meeting the expectations and ensuring the satisfaction of our employees, those who receive services from us, those who provide services to us, and all stakeholders in collaboration with us.

  • To fulfill all our responsibilities, such as education and R&D, as determined by law, by maintaining close communication and cooperation with those we serve, our environment, and society, thus contributing to social development.

  • To create a working environment that ensures employee health and safety, where innovative and creative approaches can thrive.

  • To increase the efficiency of all our processes through continuous improvement by utilizing all our resources effectively.

  • To be a pioneering university in its field, designing the future, embracing universal values, meeting international standards, and fulfilling the requirements of digital transformation.

Release Date: 