General Information

On May 31, 2008, in accordance with the additional article 97-b of the Official Gazette No. 26892, the Health Services Vocational School (SHMYO) was established under the Bayburt University (BAYÜ) Rectorate. The school offers educational programs through the following departments:

  • Department of Medical Services and Techniques: Medical Documentation and Secretariat Program, Emergency and First Aid Program, Medical Laboratory Techniques Program, Opticianry Program, Anesthesia Program.
  • Department of Health Care Services: Geriatric Care Program.
  • Department of Pharmacy Services: Pharmacy Services Program.
  • Department of Child Care and Youth Services: Child Development Program.
  • Department of Management and Organization: Healthcare Institution Management Program.

In total, there are 5 departments and 9 associate degree programs within the vocational school. However, the Department of Plant and Animal Production and the Department of Dental Services are currently inactive and do not admit students.

A total of 35 academic staff members teach in the programs of these departments. For the 2023-2024 academic year, the academic staff consists of 1 Professor, 6 Associate Professors, 10 Assistant Professors, 5 Lecturer Doctors, and 13 Lecturers. In addition, there are 13 administrative staff members working within the school: 1 School Secretary, 2 Computer Operators, 4 Officers, 1 Nurse, 1 Service Worker, 1 Office Staff, and 3 Support Staff.

The purpose of the unit is to train qualified technical health personnel who can meet the needs of the health sector and work in health-related institutions, in accordance with the requirements of the era. Both theoretical and practical training are provided at our vocational school. Additionally, by collaborating with health institutions (such as state hospitals, nursing homes, state schools, etc.), students are given the opportunity to complete their practical courses in the field. Graduates from the vocational school's departments can continue their education by transitioning vertically to specific bachelor’s degree programs, according to the “Regulation on the Continuation of Vocational School Graduates to Undergraduate Education.”

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