Dean's Message
Dear Students, Dear Parents and Dear Science Lovers,
The world is becoming a shrinking living space with the developing technology. Thus, it becomes more important to transfer 
cultural values ​​to future generations, to read and interpret them correctly on a small and large scale.
Societies need the help of social sciences to understand and interpret the developing world. The aim of our faculty is 
to equip our students with the knowledge and skills to successfully represent them in the field of social sciences in 
national and international environments; aware of universal criteria as well as local values; Knowing and closely following
technological developments, open to learning, using and developing; To educate students who understand the importance of 
scientific research and development. In addition, it is to raise scientists and individuals who are aware of the fact that
humanity develops as they share and develop, not in a competitive environment, who have the responsibility to protect their
country and the common heritage they have lived in and to take this civilization to the next level.
It is our greatest wish that you join our faculty and start your walk in the world of science with us. Thank you for joining
our faculty and giving us strength.

Prof. Dr. Yakup KAHRAMAN
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