Mobile Logo Faculty of Health Sciences

Faculty of Health Sciences

Peaceful university of safe city
Mission and Vision
Our Mission (Devotion);

Adopting and spreading interdisciplinary cooperation and teamwork in the field of health; knowing, following and using science and technology in order to increase the health and quality of life of the society; capable of original research; Respect for human rights, have lifelong learning, teaching and communication skills; competent in the professional and scientific field; To train professional members at undergraduate/graduate level, who can effectively use the roles of educator, caregiver, researcher, manager and leadership, to contribute health services to the fields of application and to produce scientific knowledge.

Our Vision (Self-sight);

Recognized and preferred at national and international level in providing professional knowledge and skills with undergraduate / graduate programs; having a say in the creation of plans and policies related to public health; preferred by students in the first place in its field; To be a competent faculty in the field of scientific research.
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