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Graduate Education

Peaceful university of safe city
Thesis Writing Guide
As of 04.10.2023, the current Thesis Writing Guide will be used in the writing of theses, thesis proposals, term projects, and seminars prepared in the main branches of science affiliated to Bayburt University Graduate Education Institute.

This guide, which aims to create a certain academic standard, includes general principles and writing rules shortly and concisely. The standards regarding the form and substance shown in the guide are the standards of Bayburt University Graduate Education Institute and are applied in the same way in all main branches and programs. The information in the guide differs from the previous writing guide. For this reason, students should consider this current guide.

The Graduate Education Institute publishes the Thesis Writing Template and the Thesis Writing Guide to make things easier for students. Before writing the thesis, the "Thesis Writing Guide" should be carefully examined, and during the thesis writing phase, the thesis should be written using the "Thesis Writing Template."

For Thesis Writing Guide  Click Here 
For Thesis Writing Template Click Here
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