
  1. Kaya Halil İbrahim (20.12.2024 - 22.12.2024), "Emerging Approaches in Food Safety", presented at the 9. International Azerbaijan Congress on Lİfe, Engineering, Mathematical and Applied Sicences, 2024
  2. Kaya Halil İbrahim (20.11.2023 - 21.11.2023), "Gıdalarda Bakteriyel Sorunlara, Bakteriyel Çözümler; Bakteriyosinler", presented at the 4th International Conference on Engineering and Applied Natural Sciences, 2023
  3. Kaya Halil İbrahim (20.12.2022 - 21.12.2022), "Bayburt Yerel Süt Ürünlerinde Laktik Asit Bakterileri", presented at the 1st International Conference on Engineering, Natural and Social Sciences, 2022
  4. Kaya Halil İbrahim (20.12.2022 - 21.12.2022), "Doğal Antimikrobiyal Maddeler ve Gıda Endüstrisinde Kullanımı", presented at the 1st International Conference on Engineering, Natural and Social Sciences, 2022
  5. Kaya Halil İbrahim (20.12.2022 - 21.12.2022), "Gıda İsrafı", presented at the 1st International Conference on Engineering, Natural and Social Sciences, 2022
  6. Kaya Halil İbrahim (20.12.2022 - 21.12.2022), "Gıda Bağımlılığı", presented at the 1st International Conference on Engineering, Natural and Social Sciences, 2022
  7. Kaya Halil İbrahim,Hazır Dalca Selime,Şimşek Ömer (28.04.2015 - 30.04.2015), "Tarhana Kaynaklı Bazı Laktobasil Suşları Tarafından Üretilen Bakteriyosinlerin Özellikleri", presented at the İç Anadolu Bölgesi 2. Tarım ve Gıda Kongresi, 2015
  8. Özel Burcu,Kaya Halil İbrahim (26.11.2018 - 28.11.2018), "Probiyotik Mikroorganizmaların Kronik Hastalıkları Tedavi Edici Rolü", presented at the uluslararası tarım, çevre ve sağlık kongresi, 2018
  9. Kaya Halil İbrahim,Şimşek Ömer (19.04.2018 - 21.04.2018), "A Novel Bacteriocin, Isolated From Karın Butter with a Specifically Antimicrobial Activity Against Listeria Monocytogenes", presented at the 4th International Symposium on Traditional Foods from Adriatic to Caucasus, 2018
  10. Zehir Duygu,Kaya Halil İbrahim,Şimşek Ömer (10.05.2017 - 12.05.2017), "Determınatıon of Antımıcrobıal Actıvıtıes of Sage Andlınden Herbal Teas Whıch Are Sold by Tea Bag Andunpacked", presented at the ULUSLARARASI TIBBİ VE AROMATİK BİTKİLER KONGRESİ, 2017
  11. Demiray Engin,Kaya Halil İbrahim,Taşdelen Elif,Yılmaz Tülin (10.05.2017 - 12.05.2017), "Modellıng of Antımıcrobıal Change ın Some Herbaltea Bag Durıng the Brewıng", presented at the ULUSLARARASI TIBBİ VE AROMATİK BİTKİLER KONGRESİ, 2017
  12. Kaya Halil İbrahim,Zehir Duygu (15.05.2017 - 17.05.2017), "Microbiological Properties of Strained (Süzme) and Burnt (Yanık) Yoghurts Consumed in Denizli", presented at the International Conference on Agriculture, Forest, Food Sciences and Technologies, 2017
  13. Kaya Halil İbrahim,Demiray Engin,Yılmaz Tülin,Taşdelen Elif (15.05.2017 - 17.05.2017), "The Modeling of the Effect of Different Drying Methods and Pretreatment on the Antimicrobial Activity of Cauliflower", presented at the International Conference on Agriculture, Forest, Food Sciences and Technologies, 2017
  14. Kaya Halil İbrahim,Şimşek Ömer (27.08.2017 - 31.08.2017), "A Novel Bacteriocin Produced by Lactobacillus Delbrueckii Subsp. Lactis with a Specifically Antimicrobial Activity Against Bacillus Cereus", presented at the 12th International Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria, 2017
  15. Kaya Halil İbrahim,Şimşek Ömer (23.05.2016 - 27.05.2016), "The Diversity of Bacteriocin Producing Lactic Acid Bacteria in Tarhana Fermentation", presented at the Symposium on Euroasian Biodiversity, 2016
  16. Özel Burcu,Kaya Halil İbrahim,Şimşek Ömer (18.12.2015 - 19.12.2015), "Fermente Gıdalardan İzole Edien Lactobacillus Plantarum Suşlarının Metal Dirençlilik Özellikleri ve Genetik Doğası", presented at the 18. Ulusal Biyoteknoloji Kongresi, 2015
  17. Taşoğulları Nermin,Kaya Halil İbrahim,Yazıcı Gizem,Şimşek Ömer (13.05.2015 - 15.05.2015), "Starter Kültürün Kurutulmasında Hücre Stabilitesinin Korunmasına Yöenlik Uygulamalar", presented at the Pamukkale Gıda Sempozyumu III Kurutulmuş ve Yarı Kurutulmuş Gıdalar, 2015
  18. Özel Burcu,Kaya Halil İbrahim,Şimşek Ömer (05.11.2014 - 07.11.2014), "Innovative Nisin Production Systems", presented at the 2nd International Congress on Food Technology, 2014
  19. Kaya Halil İbrahim,Özel Burcu,Şimşek Ömer (17.04.2014 - 19.04.2014), "Uşak Tarhanasının Fermentasyon Özellikleri", presented at the 4. Geleneksel Gıdalar Sempozyumu, 2014
  20. Kaya Halil İbrahim,Özel Burcu,Çandır Beyhan,Şimşek Ömer (07.11.2013 - 09.11.2013), "Nisine Dirençli Laktik Asit Bakterilerinin Beyaz Peynirden İzolasyonu ve Tanısı", presented at the 8. Gıda Mühendisliği Kongresi, 2013
  21. Kaya Halil İbrahim,Özel Burcu,Şimşek Ömer,Çon Ahmet Hilmi (24.10.2013 - 26.10.2013), "Use of Bacteriocin Producer Lactic Acid Bacteria At the Production of Tarhana", presented at the The 2 nd International Symposium on Traditional Foods from Adriatic to Caucasus, 2013
  22. Şimşek Ömer,Kaya Halil İbrahim,Sabanoğlu Seba,Çon Ahmet Hilmi (12.10.2011 - 14.10.2011), "Novel Bacteriocin-Producer Lactic Acid Bacterial Strains Sourced From Tarhana Dough", presented at the 4th International Congress on Food and Nutrition, 3rd SAFE Consortium International Congress on Food Safety, 2011
  23. Ergezer Haluk,Kaya Halil İbrahim,Şimşek Ömer (02.11.2016 - 04.11.2016), "The Efficiency of Artichoke Cynara Scolymus L Extracts in Raw Beef Patties for Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activity", presented at the The Food Factor I Barcelona Conference, 2016
  24. Çon Ahmet Hilmi,Şimşek Ömer,Kaya Halil İbrahim,Özdemir Nilgün (01.10.2015 - 04.10.2015), "The Organic Acid Amount and Profile of Uşak Tarhana Dough During the Fermentation", presented at the The 3rd International Symposium on Traditional Foods from Adriatic to Caucasus, 2015