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Social Sciences Vocational Schools

Peaceful university of safe city
General Information
Vocational School of Social Sciences was separated from Bayburt Vocational School with the decision of the general assembly meeting of the General Assembly of Higher Education dated 18.05.2017, and in the 2017-2018 academic year, “Department of Accounting and Taxation - Accounting and Tax Applications Program (I.Ö-II.Ö)” “Department of Office Services and Secretariat - Office Management and Executive Assistantship Program (I. Ö-II. Ö)", ‘Department of Marketing and Advertising - Public Relations Program, Marketing Program’, ‘Department of Foreign Trade - Foreign Trade Program (I.Ö-II.Ö)’, ‘Department of Management and Organization - Business Management Program, Local Governments Program, Logistics Program’, ‘Department of Finance Banking and Insurance - Banking and Insurance Program (I.Ö-II.Ö), Finance Program (I.Ö-II.Ö)’, ‘Department of Hotel, Restaurant and Catering Services - Tourism and Hotel Management Program’.
With the meeting of the Higher Education Executive Board dated 18.10.2017, it was deemed appropriate to open the Tourist Guidance Program, with the meeting dated 27.12.2017, the Postal Services Program, with the decision of the Higher Education General Assembly Meeting dated 09.05.2019, the Cookery Program, with the decision of the Higher Education General Assembly Meeting dated 04.03.2020, the Sports Management Program was approved to be opened. As of the 2023-2024 Academic Year, education continues on the ground floor of the Faculty of Education in the Baberti Complex of our University with 787 students, 34 academic staff and 11 administrative staff in a total of 8 active programs.    
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