- Kamiloğlu Aybike,Kutlu Kantar Naciye,Elbir Abca Tuğba,Yılmaz Özlem (25.09.2024 - 27.09.2024), "Optimization of Ultrasonic-Assisted Extraction of Phytochemical Compounds From Dried Persimmon Slices", presented at the ICADET 2024, 2024
- Kamiloğlu Aybike (16.10.2023 - 18.10.2023), "Endüstriyel Gıda Atıklarından Kolajen Ekstraksiyonu", presented at the ICONSAT 2023, 2023
- Kamiloğlu Aybike, Kaban Güzin, Kaya Mükerrem (05.10.2016), "Yerel Lactobacillus Plantarum Suşlarının Antagonistik Aktiviteleri ve Bazı Teknolojik Özellikleri", presented at the 12. Gıda Kongresi,
- Avcı Ayşe, Kamiloğlu Aybike, Dönmez Sedat (27.09.2009 - 30.09.2009), "Isolation and Identification of Aceton Butanol Ethanol Abe Producing Clostridium Strains", presented at the International Symposium on Biotechnology: Developments and Trends, 2009
- Başar Şule, Kamiloğlu Aybike (12.10.2011), "A Traditional Rosehip Product: Kokoç", presented at the 4th International Congress on Food and Nutrition,
- Kamiloğlu Aybike, Kaya Mükerrem (10.05.2012 - 12.05.2012), "Et Ürünlerinde Enterokoklar", presented at the 3. Geleneksel Gıdalar Sempozyumu, 2012
- Öz Emel, Kamiloğlu Aybike, Kaban Güzin, Kaya Mükerrem (24.10.2013 - 26.10.2013), "Lactic Acid Bacteria in Pastırma", presented at the The 2nd International Symposium on Traditional Foods from Adriatic to Caucasus, 2013
- Kamiloğlu Aybike, Kaban Güzin, Kaya Mükerrem (05.11.2014 - 07.11.2014), "Fermented Sausages: Yeasts as Starter Culture", presented at the 2 nd International Congress on Food Technology; November 05-07, 2014 Kuşadası/Turkey, 2014
- Avcı Ayşe, Kamiloğlu Aybike, Dönmez Sedat (06.11.2009), "Patatesten Aseton Bütanol Etanol (Abe) Üretimi Üzerine Bir Çalışma", presented at the 6. gıda mühendisliği kongresi,
- Kamiloğlu Aybike (21.09.2017), "Katı Hal Fermentasyonu ve Laktik Asit Üretimi", presented at the II. international conferences on advanced engineering technologies,
- Kamiloğlu Aybike (28.09.2022 - 30.09.2022), "Statistical Optimization Studies on the Biosynthesis of Silver Nanoparticles", presented at the International conference on advanced engineering, 2022
- Kutlu Kantar Naciye, Elbir Tuğba, Yılmaz Özlem, Kamiloğlu Aybike (28.09.2022 - 30.09.2022), "Effect of Different Roasting Methods on Some Properties of Walnut Kernels", presented at the International conference on advanced engineering, 2022
- Yılmaz Özlem, Kamiloğlu Aybike, Çakır Özlem, Aldemir Hazal (25.09.2021 - 28.09.2021), "Pektin, Ekstraksiyonu ve Et Ürünlerinde Kullanımı", presented at the SOCRATES 2ND INTERNATIONAL HEALTH, ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCES CONGRESS, 2021
- Sayın Börekçi Bilge, Kamiloğlu Aybike, Kaban Güzin, Kaya Mükerrem (15.05.2014 - 18.05.2014), "Probiotic Meat Products", presented at the European Biotechnology Congress, 2014
- Kamiloğlu Aybike, Sayın Börekçi Bilge, Kaban Güzin, Kaya Mükerrem (15.05.2014 - 18.05.2014), "Catalase Positive Cocci and Volatile Compounds in Fermented Sausages", presented at the European Biotechnology Congress, 2014
- Kutlu Kantar Naciye,Kamiloğlu Aybike,Elbir Tuğba (21.10.2020 - 23.10.2020), "Et ve Et Ürünlerinden Biyoaktif Peptitlerin Ekstraksiyonu", presented at the Türkiye 13. Gıda Kongresi, 2020
- Memiş Habibe,Tarhan Ayşenur,Kamiloğlu Aybike,Elbir Tuğba (02.05.2019 - 05.05.2019), "Yağı Azaltılmış Tavuk Köftelerinde Kuşburnu (Rosa Canina L.) Kullanımının Bazı Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi", presented at the MAS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCEON MATHEMATICS-ENGINEERING-NATURALMEDICAL SCIENCES-V, 2019
- Tarhan Ayşenur,Elbir Tuğba,Kamiloğlu Aybike,Memiş Habibe (02.05.2019 - 05.05.2019), "Et Ürünlerinde Koruyucu Ajan Olarak Propolis", presented at the MAS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCEON MATHEMATICS-ENGINEERING-NATURALMEDICAL SCIENCES-V, 2019
- Kamiloğlu Aybike,Elbir Tuğba,Çinar Topçu Kübra (19.09.2019 - 21.09.2019), "Effect of Marinating with Vegetables on Sensorial and Thermal Properties of Beef", presented at the International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies, 2019
- Kamiloğlu Aybike,Çinar Topçu Kübra,Yalçınkaya Sibel,Ergi Hami,Ateş Menekşe (26.04.2018 - 29.04.2018), "Effect of Tarragon (Artemisia Dracunculus) on Sensory and Oxidative Properties of Kavurma", presented at the International Congress On Engineering And Life Sciences, 2018
- Kamiloğlu Aybike,Çinar Topçu Kübra,Elbir Tuğba (26.04.2018 - 29.04.2018), "The Effects of Different Levels of Tarragon (Artemisia Dracunculus) on Microbiological Properties of Sucuk (Turkish Dry Fermented-Sausage)", presented at the International Congress On Engineering And Life Sciences, 2018
- Güllüce Medine,Kaya Mükerrem,Kaban Güzin,Barış Özlem,Karadayı Mehmet,Kamiloğlu Aybike,Genç Halime,Fettahoğlu Kübra,Alaylar Burak (21.05.2015 - 23.05.2015), "Isolation and Molecular Characterization of Bacteriocin Producing Lactic Acid Bacteria From Pastırma", presented at the Türkiye Doğal Beslenme ve Yaşam Boyu Sağlık Zirvesi, Bilecik-Türkiye, 2015
- Kamiloğlu Aybike,Kaban Güzin,Kaya Mükerrem (21.09.2017 - 23.09.2017), "Assesment of Waste Breads in Lactic Acid Production", presented at the II:International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies, 2017
- Kamiloğlu Aybike,Arslaner Ayla,Başar Şule (26.05.2011 - 29.05.2011), "Production of Butanol From Grape Pomace", presented at the Nafi, 2011
- Çinar Topçu Kübra,Kamiloğlu Aybike,Kaban Güzin (22.10.2015 - 24.10.2015), "Laktik Asit Bakterilerinin Antagonistik Aktivitelerinin Belirlenmesinde Kullanılan Teknikler", presented at the Mühendislikte Yeni Teknolojiler Sempozyumu, 2015
- Güllüce Medine,Kaya Mükerrem,Kaban Güzin,Barış Özlem,Karadayı Mehmet,Kamiloğlu Aybike,Genç Halime,Fettahoğlu Kübra,Alaylar Burak (15.05.2015 - 19.05.2015), "A Bacteriocinogenic Lactic Acid Bacterium From Turkish Traditional Fermented Sucuk and İts Molecular Characterization", presented at the International Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences (ICENS), 2015
- Arslaner Ayla,Kamiloğlu Aybike,Akşehir Kübra (12.10.2011 - 14.10.2011), "A Traditional Snack Saruç", presented at the 4th International Congress on Food and Nutrition, 2011
- Arslaner Ayla,Akşehir Kübra,Kamiloğlu Aybike (12.10.2011 - 14.10.2011), "Sütlü Yufka Milky Phyllo", presented at the 4th International Congress on Food and Nutrition, 2011
- Arslaner Ayla,Akşehir Kübra,Kamiloğlu Aybike (24.11.2011 - 26.11.2011), "Gıda Bilimi Eğitimi", presented at the 7.Gıda Mühendisliği Kongresi, 2011
- Arslaner Ayla,Kamiloğlu Aybike (10.10.2012 - 12.10.2012), "Esansiyel Yağların Gıda Ambalajlamada Kullanımı", presented at the 11. Gıda Kongresi, Hatay, 2012