Bayraktar Bülent,Demir Nuray,Aksakal Vecihi,"The Relationship of Mitochondrial-Derived Peptide (Mots-C) and Brain Mitochondrial Carrier Protein 1 (Bmcp1) Response in Sheep with Some Physiological Parameters",Indian Journal of Animal Research,vol.58,no:6,pp:912 - 917, 2024
Bayraktar Bülent, Tekce Emre, Genç Murat, Kaya Hacer, Böyük Özcan Gülbahar, Aydemir Şeyma, Kotan Gökşad Cemil, Takma Çiğdem, Ürüşan Altun Hilal, Aksakal Vecihi, Paksoy Zahid, Atalay Banu, Laçin Batuhan Burak, Toprak Burhan, Ülker Ufuk,"Relationship of Progranulin Response with Some Physio-Biochemical Parameters in Akkaraman Sheep",Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences,Q3,vol.60,no:4,pp:643 - 648, 2023
Bayraktar Bülent, Tekce Emre, Bayraktar Sevil, Böyük Özcan Gülbahar, Takma Çiğdem, Aksakal Vecihi, Genç Murat, Kaya Hacer, Ülker Ufuk, Gürbüz Ahmet Burak,"Investigation of Endocrine Response of Thyroid and İntestinal and Adipose Tissues Due to the Addition of Moringa Oleifera Essential Oil in Diet for Quails Exposed to Heat Stress",Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia,Q3,vol.52,pp:1 - 12, 2023
Özdemir Memiş, Sönmez Zeynep, Aksakal Vecihi,"Assocıatıons Between Prl/Rsaı Polymorphısm and Some Performance Traıts ın Holsteın Cattle Reared Under Organıc Condıtıon",Pakistan Agricultural Scientists Forum,Q4,vol.31,no:3,pp:900 - 905, 2021
Özdemir Memiş, Sönmez Zeynep, Aksakal Vecihi,"Tarragon (Artemisia Dracunculus L.) Could Alleviate Negative Effects of Stocking Density in Laying Hens",BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF POULTRY SCIENCE,vol.23,no:1,pp:900 - 905, 2021
Tekce Emre, Bayraktar Bülent, Aksakal Vecihi, Dertli Enes, Kamiloğlu Aybike, Karaalp Musa, Timurkaan Sema, Gül Mehmet,"Response of Probiotics and Yeast Added in Different Doses to Rations of Anatolian Merino Lambs on Fattening Performance, Meat Quality, Duodenum and Rumen Histology",KAFKAS UNIVERSITESI VETERINER FAKULTESI DERGISI,vol.27,no:1,pp:57 - 65, 2021
Traşcı Serpil,Erdoğan Ümmügülsüm,Aksakal Vecihi,"Türkiye'de Organik Tarım",Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology,vol.8,no:11,pp:2348 - 2354, 2020
Tekce Emre,Bayraktar Bülent,Aksakal Vecihi,Dertli Enes,Kamiloğlu Aybike,Çinar Topçu Kübra,Takma Çiğdem,Kaya Hacer,Gül Mehmet,"Effects of Lactobacillus Reuteri E81 Added İnto Rations of Chukar Partridges (Alectoris Chukar) Fed Under Heat Stress Conditions on Fattening Performance and Meat Quality",Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science,vol.22,no:2,pp:1 - 10, 2020
Tekce Emre,Bayraktar Bülent,Aksakal Vecihi,Dertli Enes,Kamiloğlu Aybike,Çinar Topçu Kübra,Takma Çiğdem,Gül Mehmet,Kaya Hacer,"Response of Japanese Quails (Coturnix Coturnix Japonica) to Dietary İnclusion of Moringa Oleifera Essential Oil Under Heat Stress Condition",Italian Journal of Animal Science,Q1,vol.19,no:1,pp:514 - 523, 2020
Tekce Emre,Bayraktar Bülent,Aksakal Vecihi,Dertli Enes,Kamiloğlu Aybike,Çinar Topçu Kübra,Kaya Hacer,Takma Çiğdem,Yasulergezer Nazan,"Influence of Lactobacillus Reuteri on İnternal Organ Weight, Performance and Meat Quality of Japanese Quail (Coturnix Coturnix Japonica) Under Heat Stress",European Poultry Science,Q4,vol.84,pp:1 - 17, 2020
Bayraktar Bülent,Tekce Emre,Aksakal Vecihi,Gül Mehmet,Takma Çiğdem,Bayraktar Sevil,Bayraktar Fatma Gülten,Eser Gizem,"Effect of the Addition of Essential Fatty Acid Mixture to the Drinking Water of the Heat Stress Broilers on Adipokine (Apelin, Bdnf) Response, Histopathologic Findings in Liver and İntestines, and Some Blood Parameters",ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE,vol.19,no:1,pp:656 - 666, 2020
Sönmez Zeynep,Özdemir Memiş,Bayram Bahri,Aksakal Vecihi,"Holstein İneklerde Gh/Aluı Polimorfizmi ile Bazı Süt Verim Özellikleriarasındaki İlişkiler",Türk Tarım - Gıda Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi,vol.6,no:5,pp:602 - 608, 2018
Ürkek Bayram,Şengül Mustafa,Erkaya Tuba,Aksakal Vecihi,"Prevalence and Comparing of Some Microbiological Properties, Somatic Cell Count and Antibiotic Residue of Organic and Conventional Raw Milk Produced in Turkey",KOREAN JOURNAL FOR FOOD SCIENCE OF ANIMAL RESOURCES,vol.37,no:2,pp:264 - 273, 2017
Özdemir Memiş,Topal Mehmet,Aksakal Vecihi,"The Relationships Between Performance Traits and the Bgh/Alu I and Pit-1/Hinf I Polymorphisms in Holstein Cows",INDIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL RESEARCH,vol.52,no:2,pp:186 - 191, 2018
Bayraktar Bülent,Tekce Emre,Aksakal Vecihi,Şengül Bülent,Bayraktar Fatma Gülten,Bayraktar Sevil,"Effects of Race, Gender, Body Condition Score and Pregnancy on Serum Apelin Levels in Ewe",Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi,Q3,no:225,pp:22 - 22, 2020
Karaalp Musa, Aksakal Vecihi, Öztürk Sarıkaya Sevim Beyza, Ürüşan Altun Hilal, Bayram Bahri, Zulkadir Ayhan,"The Effect of Apple Cider Vinegar and Mushroom Stalk Supplementation on Layinghens",Indian Journal of Animal Research,Q4,vol.52,no:10,pp:1457 - 1461, 2018
Karaalp Musa,Kaya Hacer,Aksakal Vecihi,"Organik Olarak Üretilen Yumurtaların Bazı Besinsel ve Duyusalözelliklerinin İyileştirilme Olanakları",Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Tegnology,vol.5,no:13,pp:1802 - 1809, 2017
Sönmez Zeynep,Özdemir Memiş,Aksakal Vecihi,"Büyüme Hormonu Geni Polimorfizminin Buzağı Doğum Ağırlığı Üzerine Etkisi",Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technologu,vol.5,no:13, 2017
Ceyhan Ayhan,Aksakal Vecihi,Dellal Gürsel,Koyuncu Mehmet,Koşum Nedim,Taşkın Turgay,"Current Situation and Development Strategy of Organic Sheep and Goat Breeding in Turkey",Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology (TURJAF),vol.5,no:13,pp:1769 - 1780, 2017
Bayram Bahri,Topal Mehmet,Aksakal Vecihi,"Siyah Alaca İneklerde Güç ve Ölü Doğumun Takip Eden Laktasyon Performansına Etkisi",Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi,vol.11,no:3,pp:314 - 318, 2016
Bayram Bahri,Aksakal Vecihi,Turan İbrahim,Demir Selim,Mazlum Halit,Coşar İkram,"Comparison of İmmunoglobulin Igg Igm Concentrations in Calves Raised Under Organic and Conventional Conditions",Indian Journal of Animal Research,vol.50,no:6,pp:995 - 999, 2016
Aksakal Vecihi,Haşimoğlu Sümer,Bayram Bahri,Dellal Gürsel,Erdoğan Yaşar,Ürüşan Altun Hilal,Cengiz Mahir Murat,"Sustainability Organic Agriculture and Livestock Production with Respect to European Union in Eastern Anatolia and East Black Sea Regions",Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology,vol.4,no:11,pp:1024 - 1030, 2016
Demir Nuray,Sancar Canan,Demir Okan,Aksakal Vecihi,Aksoy Adem,"Determining the Factors Affecting Farmers Decision on Organic Livestock",Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology,vol.4,no:4,pp:313 - 317, 2016
Bayram Bahri,Aksakal Vecihi,Karaalp Musa,Mazlum Halit,"The Effect of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae on Milk Yield Milk Compositions and Body Condition Score Raised Organically in Dairy Cows",Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances,vol.13,no:12,pp:752 - 756, 2014
Bayram Bahri,Aksakal Vecihi,Doğan Nilgün,Kalkışım Özgün,"Kelkit Vadisinde Tarımın Mevcut Durumu ve Organik Tarım İçin Fırsatlar",Hasad Hayvancılık,vol.27,no:323,pp:46 - 51, 2012
Yıldırım Mustafa,Yolcu Halil,Aksakal Vecihi,Bayram Bahri,Kalkışım Özgün,Kantar Faik,"Organik Vadi Olma Yolunda Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi",Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi,vol.6,no:1,pp:113 - 117, 2015
Sümer Haşimoğlu,Aksakal Vecihi,"Per Capita Pc Versus Per Adult Human Unit Method Pahum a Net Assessment of Eu28 Population Family Household Food Consumption and Environmental Impact",Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering A,vol.4,no:7,pp:336 - 351, 2015
Bayram Bahri,Topal Mehmet,Aksakal Vecihi,Önk Kadir,"Investigate the Effects of Non Genetic Factors on Calving Difficulty and Stillbirth Rate in Holstein Friesian Cattle Using the Chaıd Analysis",Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi,vol.21,no:5,pp:645 - 652, 2015
Macit Macit, Emsen Ebru, Aksakal Vecihi,"Monensin in İvesi Erkek Kuzularda Besi Performansı ve Kesim Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi",Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi,vol.32,no:4,pp:409 - 413, 2001
Macit M, Karaoğlu M, Yörük Ma, Gül M, Özüdoğru M, Timurkan S, Esenbuğa N, Aksakal V,"Morkaraman Toklu Rasyonlarına Öğütülmüş Kuşburnu Çekirdeği İlavesinin Besi Performansı ile Sindirim Sistemi ve Karaciğerin Histo Patolojisi Üzerine Etkisi",HASAD Hayvancılık Dergisi,vol.21,no:247,pp:60 - 64, 2005
Bayram Bahri,Yolcu Halil,Aksakal Vecihi,"Türkiye de Organik Tarım ve Sorunları",Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi,vol.38,no:2,pp:2003 - 2006, 2007
Aksakal Vecihi, Macit Muhlis,"Farklı Yetiştirme Sistemleri Uygulanan İvesi ve Morkaraman Irkı Kuzuların Büyüme Gelişme Özellikleri Bakımından Karşılaştırılması I Sınırsız Emzirtilen ve Yetmişbeş Günlük Yaşta Sütten Kesilen İvesi ve Morkaraman Kuzuların Büyüme Gelişme Özellikleri",Erzincan Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi,vol.1,no:2,pp:121 - 133, 2008
Yolcu Halil, Bayram Bahri, Aksakal Vecihi,"Dünya Organik Tarımsal Üretimde Avrupa Nın Yeri",Erzincan Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi,vol.1,no:2,pp:155 - 170, 2008
Bayram Bahri, Aksakal Vecihi, Akbulut Ömer,"Organik ve Konvansiyonel Süt Sığırı İşletmelerinde Yetiştirilen Sığırların Verim Özelliklerinin ve Sağlıklarının Karşılaştırılması",Erzincan Fen Bilimleri Dergisi,vol.1,no:2,pp:283 - 288, 2008
Bayram Bahri, Ak İbrahim, Aksakal Vaksakal, Mazlum Halit,"Organik Süt Üreten İşletmelerinyapısal Teknik ve Sosyo Ekonomik Özellikleri",Hayvansal Üretim Dergisi,vol.54,no:1,pp:11 - 20, 2013
Macit Muhlis,Aksakal Vecihi,Emsen Gimenez Diaz Ebru,Aksu Muhammet İrfan,Karaoğlu Mevlüt,Esenbuğa Nurinisa,"Effects of Vitamin E Supplementation on Performance and Meat Quality Traits of Morkaraman Male Lambs",Meat Science,no:63,pp:51 - 55, 2003
Macit Muhlis,Aksakal Vecihi,Emsen Gimenez Diaz Ebru,Esenbuğa Nurinisa,Aksu Muhammet İrfan,"Effects of Vitamin E Supplementation on Fattening Performance Non Carcass Components and Retail Cut Percentages and Meat Quality Traits of Awassi Lambs",Meat Science,no:64,pp:1 - 6, 2003
Topal Mehmet, Yıldız Necati, Esenbuğa Nurinisa, Aksakal Vecihi, Macit Muhlis, Özdemir Memiş,"Determination of Best Fitted Regression Model for Estimation of Body Weight in Awassi Sheep",Journal of Applied Animal Research,no:23,pp:201 - 208, 2003
Topal Mehmet,Özdemir Memiş,Aksakal Vecihi,Yıldız Necati,Doğru Ünsal,"Determination of the Best Nonlinear Function in Order to Estimate Growth in Morkaraman and Awassi Lambs",Small ruminant Research,no:55,pp:229 - 232, 2004
Gül Mehmet,Yörük Mehmet Akif,Macit Muhlis,Esenbuğa Nurinisa,Karaoğlu Mevlüt,Aksakal Vecihi,Aksu Muhammet İrfan,"The Effects of Diets Containing Different Levels of Common Vetch Seed Vicia Sativa on Fattening Performance Carcass and Meat Quality Characteristics of Awassi Male Lambs",Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture,vol.85,no:9,pp:1453 - 1438, 2005
Esenbuğa Nurinisa,Macit Muhlis,Karaoğlu Mevlüt,Aksakal Vecihi,Aksu Muhammet İrfan,Yörük Mehmet Akif,Gül Mehmet,"Effect of Breed on Fattening Performance Slaughter and Meat Guality Characteristics of Awassi and Morkaraman Lambs",Livestock Science,no:123,pp:255 - , 2009
Esenbuğa Nurinisa, Macit Muhlis, Karaoğlu Mevlüt, Aksakal Vecihi, Yörük Mehmet Akif, Gül Mehmet, Aksu Muhammed İrfan, Bilgin Ömer Cevdet,"A Study on Possibility of Rosa Canina Seed Use as Feed İngredient in Diets of Morkaraman Male Lambs",TROPICAL ANIMAL HEALTH AND PRODUCTION,vol.43,no:7,pp:1379 - 1384, 2011
Aksakal Vecihi,Bayram Bahri,"Estimates of Genetic and Phenotypic Parameters for the Birth Weight of Calves of Holstein Friesian Cattle Reared Organically",JOURNAL OF ANIMAL AND VETERINARY ADVANCES,vol.8,no:3,pp:568 - 572, 2009
Yolcu Halil,Muazzez Polat,Aksakal Vecihi,"Morphologic Yield and Quality Parameters of Some Annual Forages as Sole Crops and İntercropping Mixtures in Dry Conditions for Livestock",JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE & ENVIRONMENT,vol.7,no:3-4,pp:594 - 599, 2009
Aksakal Vecihi,Macit Muhlis,Esenbuğa Nurinisa,"Effects of Various Ages of Weaning on Growth Characteristics Survival Rate and Some Body Measurements of Awassi Lambs",JOURNAL OF ANIMAL AND VETERINARY ADVANCES,vol.8,no:8,pp:1624 - 1630, 2009
Aksakal Vecihi,Emsen Gimenez Diaz Ebru,Özdemir Memiş,Macit Muhlis,"Effects of Various Ages of Weaning on Growth Performance of Morkaraman Lambs",JOURNAL OF ANIMAL AND VETERINARY ADVANCES,vol.8,no:8,pp:1551 - 1554, 2009
Aksakal Vecihi, Yanar Mete, Bayram Bahri,"Non Genetic Factors Affecting Milk and Reproductive Traits of Swedish Red and White Cattle Raised Organically İnturkey",International Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment,vol.8,no:2,pp:764 - 768, 2010
Topal Mehmet,Aksakal Vecihi,Bayram Bahri,Yağanoğlu Aycan Mutlu,"An Analysis of the Factors Affecting Birth Weight and Actual Milk Yield in Swedish Red Cattle Using Regression Tree Analysis",Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences,vol.20,no:2,pp:63 - 69, 2010
Bayram Bahri,Aksakal Vecihi,Akbulut Ömer,"Effect of the Body Condition Score on Some Reproduction and Milk Yield Traits of Swedish Red and White Cows",The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences,vol.22,no:3,pp:545 - 551, 2012
Aksakal Vecihi,Bayram Bahri,Yanar Mete,Akbulut Ömer,"Estimation of Variance Components and Heritability of Birth Weight Through Different Methods in Swedish Red and White Cattle",The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences,vol.22,no:1,pp:39 - 43, 2012
Takma Çiğdem,Atıl Hülya,Aksakal Vecihi,"Comparison of Multiple Linear Regression and Artificial Neural Network Models Goodness of Fit to Lactation Milk Yields",Kafkas Univ. Vet. Fak. Derg,vol.18,no:6,pp:941 - 944, 2012