Cebeci Fatma,Erten Tayyibe (18.09.2024 - 20.09.2024), "Investigation of Pectin and Xhantan Gum Degradation by Intestinal Bacteria", presented at the VI. INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL, BIOLOGICAL, LIFE SCIENCE CONFERENCE AGBIOL 2024, 2024
Kızıl Hamit Emre,Cebeci Fatma (25.06.2024 - 27.06.2024), "Determination of the Cytotoxic Effects of the Stem Part of the Kaldirik Plant (Trachystemon Orientalis L. G. Don), Traditionally Consumed in the Black Sea Region, on Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (H460) Cell Line", presented at the 10th Ankara International Congress on Scientific Research, 2024
Şaylan Demet,Cebeci Fatma (07.06.2024 - 09.06.2024), "Investigation of Anti-İnflammatory and Anticancer Properties of Trachystemon Orientalis L. Extract", presented at the 5th International Conference on Natural Products for Cancer Prevention and Therapy, 2024
Cebeci Fatma, Erten Tayyibe (05.10.2023 - 06.10.2023), "Meat Substitute Protein Sources for Sustainable Nutrition", presented at the 2nd International Traditional Food and Sustainable Nutrition Symposium, 2023
Erten Tayyibe, Cebeci Fatma (16.10.2023 - 18.10.2023), "Production of Low Calorie Cookies Enriched with Spirulina Platensis Powder", presented at the ICONFOOD'23 International Congress on Food Researches, 2023
Cebeci Fatma, Şaylan Demet (13.07.2023 - 15.07.2023), "Bitkisel Kaynaklı Biyoaktif Bileşenlerin Kanser Üzerine Etkileri", presented at the 25. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, 2023
Cebeci Fatma (26.10.2022 - 29.11.2022), "Bağırsak Mikrobiyotasının Biyoaktif Bileşenler Üzerine Etkisi", presented at the 9. Ulusal Bağırsak Mikrobiyotası ve Probiyotik Kongresi, 2022
Öksüz Aleyna, Cebeci Fatma (19.06.2021 - 20.06.2021), "Üniversite Öğrencilerinde Duygusal Beslenme Durumunun Saptanması", presented at the 2. Uluslararası Gastronomi, Beslenme ve Diyetetik Kongresi-GANUD, 2021
Cebeci Fatma,Mayer Melinda,Rossiter John T,Mithen Richard,Narbad Arjan (04.11.2018 - 08.11.2018), "The Role of Human Gut Bacterialmethionine Sulfoxide Reductases İnglucosinolate Metabolism", presented at the XXXVIII. Uluslararası Türk Mikrobiyoloji Kongresi, 2018
Cebeci Fatma,Bazu Çırpıcı Burcu (22.12.2017 - 25.12.2017), "Antimicrobial Potential of Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated From Pickles", presented at the 6th International Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Congress (MOLBIOTECH), 2017
Bazu Çırpıcı Burcu,Cebeci Fatma (22.12.2017 - 25.12.2017), "Phenolic Components and Properties of Vinegar", presented at the 6th International Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Congress (MOLBIOTECH), 2017
Cebeci Fatma,Şahin Yeşilçubuk Neşe (07.05.2012 - 10.05.2012), "Matrix Effect of Blueberry (Vaccinium Arctostaphylos L.), Oat Meal and Milk on Antioxidative Potential and Bioavailability Through ın Vitro Digestion Process", presented at the Advanced Nonthermal Processing in Food Technology: Effects on Quality and Shelf Life of Food and Beverages, 2012
Cebeci Fatma,Pigram Anna,Mayer Melinda,Rossiter John T,Mithen Richard,Narbad Arjan (16.06.2014 - 19.06.2014), "Glucosinolate Metabolism by Bacterial Myrosinase-Like Enzymes", presented at the Rowett-INRA 2014. Gut Microbiology: From Sequence to function, 2014
Cebeci Fatma,Mayer Melinda,Rossiter John T,Mithen Richard,Narbad Arjan (12.10.2015 - 15.10.2015), "Glucosinolate Metabolism by Bacterial Enzymes.", presented at the Glucosinolates and Beyond, 2015
Cebeci Fatma,Mayer Melinda,Rossiter John T,Mithen Richard,Narbad Arjan (13.09.2016 - 15.09.2016), "Biotransformation of Glucosinolates by Human Gut Bacteria to Bioactive Isothiocyanates", presented at the Food bioactives and Health, 2016
Cebeci Fatma,Mayer Melinda,Rossiter John T,Mithen Richard,Narbad Arjan (19.10.2017 - 22.10.2017), "Bağırsak Bakterilerinin Glukozinolat Metabolizmasındaki Rolü", presented at the 4. Ulusal Bağırsak Mikrobiyotası ve Probiyotik Kongresi, 2017
Abi R., Cebeci F. Covid-19 Salgınında Toplumun Beslenme Alışkanlıklarında ve Yönelimlerinde Meydana Gelen Değişimler, 4. Uluslararası COVID-19 ve Güncel Sorunlar Kongresi-Hifo-DER, 7-8 Ağustos 2021 (Sözlü sunum, özet metin bildiri)
Cebeci, F., Mayer, M., Rossiter J. T., Mithen, R. and Narbad, A. (2014). Glucosinolate Metabolism by bacterial enzymes. Glucosinolates and Beyond. 12-15 October, Wageningen, Hollanda (Poster Sunumu)