
  1. Akkoyunlu Ebubekir,"Global Existence in a Predator-Prey Model with Nonlinear Indirect Chemotaxis Mechanism",Iğdır Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi,vol.14,no:4,pp:1705 - 1716, 2024
  2. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir,Naghizadeh Zohreh,"Existence of Solutions for Anisotropic Parabolic Ni-Serrin Type Equations Originated From a Capillary Phenomena with Nonstandard Growth Nonlinearity",Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations,Q2, 2024
  3. Akkoyunlu Ebubekir,"On an Attraction-Repulsion Chemotaxis Model İnvolving Logistic Source",Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics,Q3,vol.53,no:2,pp:1 - 14, 2024
  4. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Kadakal Mahir,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir,"Dynamics in a Parabolic-Elliptic Chemotaxis System with Logistic Source İnvolving Exponents Depending on the Spatial Variables",Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - B,Q2,vol.29,no:5,pp:2110 - 2122, 2024
  5. Ayazoğlu Rabil, Akkoyunlu Ebubekir,"Bounds for the Blow-Up Time a Class of İntegro-Differential Problem of Parabolic Type with Variable Reaction Term",Comptes Rendus Mécanique,Q3,vol.351,pp:391 - 400, 2023
  6. Ayazoğlu Rabil, Akkoyunlu Ebubekir,"Boundedness of Solutions to a Quasilinear Parabolic–parabolic Chemotaxis Model with Variable Logistic Source",Zeitschrift f¨ur angewandte Mathematik und Physik ZAMP,Q1,vol.73,no:212,pp:1 - 11, 2022
  7. Ayazoğlu Rabil, Akbulut Sezgin, Akkoyunlu Ebubekir,"Existence and Multiplicity of Solutions for P(.)-Kirchhoff-Type Equations",The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK-ULAKBIM) - DIGITAL COMMONS JOURNALS,Q2,vol.46,no:4,pp:1342 - 1359, 2022
  8. Ayazoğlu Rabil, Akkoyunlu Ebubekir,"Extinction Properties of Solutions for a Parabolic Equation with a Parametric Variable Exponent Nonlinearity",Trans. Natl. Acad. Sci. Azerb. Ser. Phys.-Tech. Math. Sci. Mathematics,vol.42,no:1,pp:1 - 16, 2022
  9. Ayazoğlu Rabil, Akkoyunlu Ebubekir, Ağırman Aydın Tuba,"On Global Existence and Bounds for the Blow-Up Time in a Semilinear Heat Equation İnvolving Parametric Variable Sources",Comptes Rendus. Mécanique,Q2,vol.349,no:3,pp:519 - 527, 2021
  10. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Akbulut Sezgin,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir,"Existence of Multiple Solutions of Schrödinger-Kirchhoff-Type Equations İnvolving the P(.) -Laplacian in R^n",MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES,vol.43,no:17,pp:9598 - 9614, 2020
  11. Akkoyunlu Ebubekir,Ayazoğlu Rabil,"Infinitely Many Solutions for the Stationary Fractional P-Kirchhoff Problems in Rn",Proceedings - Mathematical Sciences,vol.129,no:5, 2019
  12. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Akbulut Sezgin,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir,"Uniform Boundedness of Kantorovich Operators in Variable Exponentlebesgue Spaces",Filomat, 2019
  13. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Akbulut Sezgin,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir,"On the Sub-Supersolutıon Prıncıple for P(X)-Laplacıan Equatıons",Gulf Journal of Mathematics,vol.6,no:3,pp:78 - 90, 2018
  14. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Akbulut Sezgin,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir,"Standart Olmayan Büyüme Koşullu Denklemlerin Mühendislikteki Uygulamaları",Engineering Sciences,vol.13,no:3,pp:167 - 179, 2018
  15. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Akbulut Sezgin,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir,"Solutıons for the P(X)-Laplacıan Wıth Dependence Onthe Gradıent",Acta Universitatis Apulensis,vol.52,pp:71 - 88, 2017
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