
  1. Akkoyunlu Ebubekir (15.01.2025 - 16.01.2025), "Global Solution of Nonlocal Reaction-Diffusion Model", presented at the 2nd International Conference on Modern and Advanced Research, 2025
  2. Akkoyunlu Ebubekir (23.12.2024 - 24.12.2024), "A Nonlocal Reaction-Diffusion Model and İts Relation with Generalized Fujita Exponent", presented at the 5th International Conference on Scientific and Academic Research, 2024
  3. Akkoyunlu Ebubekir, Ayazoğlu Rabil (04.11.2023 - 05.11.2023), "2018 İlköğretim Matematik Öğretmenliği Lisans Programının Değerlendirilmesi", presented at the 2 nd International Conference on Contemporary Academic Research, 2023
  4. Akkoyunlu Ebubekir, Ayazoğlu Rabil (25.12.2023 - 26.12.2023), "Kesirli Türevin Fiziksel ve Geometrik Yorumu", presented at the 3 rd International Conference on Scientific and Academic Research, 2023
  5. Ayazoğlu Rabil, Akkoyunlu Ebubekir (20.12.2022 - 23.12.2022), "Blow-Up Time for P(⋅)-Kirchhoff-Type Wave Problems with Arbitrary Positive İnitial Energy", presented at the 1st International Conference on Engineering, Natural and Social Sciences ICENSOS 2022, 2022
  6. Ayazoğlu Rabil, Akkoyunlu Ebubekir (29.12.2022 - 30.12.2022), "Fractıonal Varıatıonal Calculus of Varıable Order ın Varıable Exponent Lebesgue Spaces.", presented at the ANADOLU 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED SCIENCES, 2022
  7. Akkoyunlu Ebubekir, Ayazoğlu Rabil (29.12.2022 - 30.12.2022), "Global Exıstence and Blow-Up for a Nonlınear Porous Medıum Problem Involvıng Generalızed Exponents", presented at the ANADOLU 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED SCIENCES, 2022
  8. Ayazoğlu Rabil, Akkoyunlu Ebubekir (25.05.2021 - 29.05.2021), "Blow-Up of Solutıons to a Parabolıc System Wıth Varıable Sources", presented at the 7th IFS AND CONTEMPORARY MATHEMATICS CONFERENCE (IFSCOM 2021), 2021
  9. Akkoyunlu Ebubekir, Ayazoğlu Rabil (25.05.2021 - 29.05.2021), "Blow-Up of the Phenomen on for Semılınear Parabolıc Problems Wıth Varıable Sources", presented at the 7th IFS AND CONTEMPORARY MATHEMATICS CONFERENCE (IFSCOM 2021), 2021
  10. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Akbulut Sezgin,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir (27.06.2018 - 29.06.2018), "Boundedness and Convergence Properties for a Class of Kantorovich-Type Operators ın Variable Exponent Lebesgue Spaces", presented at the International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education(ICMME-2018), 2018
  11. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Akbulut Sezgin,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir (27.06.2018 - 29.06.2018), "Multiple Small Solutions for P-Schrödinger- Kirchhoff Equations Via Genus Theory", presented at the International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICMME-2018), 2018
  12. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir,Öztürk Mesut (27.06.2018 - 29.06.2018), "Realistic Mathematics Education and Derivative Learning Opinions of 12th Grade Students About Realistic Mathematics Education and Derivative", presented at the International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICMME-2018), 2018
  13. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Öztürk Mesut,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir (27.06.2018 - 29.06.2018), "The Effect of Realistic Mathematics Education on the Academic Achievement and Attitudes of the 12th Grade Students on Derivative", presented at the International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICMME-2018), 2018
  14. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Akbulut Sezgin,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir (03.05.2018 - 05.05.2018), "The Mathematıcal Modellıng ın the Solow Growth Theory", presented at the International Symposium of Applied Business Management and Economy Researches (ISABMER 2018), 2018
  15. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Akbulut Sezgin,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir (03.05.2018 - 05.05.2018), "The Importance of Partial Derivatives ın Economics Applications", presented at the ISABMER 2018, 2018
  16. Akkoyunlu Ebubekir,Ayazoğlu Rabil,Akbulut Sezgin (07.12.2017 - 08.12.2017), "Meslek Yüksekokullarında Matematik Eğitimi ve Matematik Ders İçeriklerinin Öğrenme Yeterliliklerine Etkilerinin İncelenmesi", presented at the ICQH 2017, 2017
  17. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir,Akbulut Sezgin (07.12.2017 - 08.12.2017), "Matematiğin Günlük Hayatta Kullanım Alanlarının Bilinmesinin Matematik Öğretiminekatkısı: “belirli İntegral Örneği”", presented at the ICQH 2017, 2017
  18. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir (11.05.2017 - 14.05.2017), "Ortaöğretimde İntegralin Anlatımı", presented at the IX. Uluslararası Eğitim Araştırmaları Kongresi 2017, 2017
  19. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Akbulut Sezgin,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir (21.09.2017 - 23.09.2017), "İmaj İyileştirme İşlemlerinde Değişken Üslü Uzayların Önemi", presented at the ICADET 2017, 2017
  20. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Akbulut Sezgin,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir (21.09.2017 - 23.09.2017), "Standart Olmayan Büyüme Koşullu Denklemlerin Mühendisliktekiuygulamaları", presented at the ICADET 2017, 2017
  21. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir (11.05.2017 - 13.05.2017), "Multiple Small Solutions for P(X)-Schrödinger Equations with Local Sublinear Nonlinearities Via Genus Theory", presented at the International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICMME 2017), 2017
  22. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir (11.05.2017 - 13.05.2017), "L(P(X))-Approximation by Bernstein- Kantorovich Operators", presented at the International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICMME 2017), 2017
  23. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Şimşek Ramazan,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir (05.10.2016 - 07.10.2016), "Korozyon Potansiyeline Göre Polarizasyoneğrilerinin Değişimi", presented at the XIV Uluslararası Korozyon Sempozyumu, 2016
  24. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir,Şimşek Ramazan (05.10.2016 - 07.10.2016), "Korozyon Hasarının Matematiksel Modelleri ve Çözüm Yöntemleri", presented at the XIV. Uluslararası Korozyon Sempozyumu , Bayburt, TURKEY, 2016
  25. Akkoyunlu Ebubekir,Alisoy Gülizar,Ayazoğlu Rabil (11.07.2016 - 13.07.2016), "A Priori Bound for Positive Solutions of N Laplacianwith Critical Exponential Nonlinearity", presented at the ICAMA 2016, 2016
  26. Ayazoğlu Rabil,Akbulut Sezgin,Akkoyunlu Ebubekir (12.05.2016 - 14.05.2016), "Dirichlet Boundary Problem for the P X Laplacianequations with Dependence on the Gradient", presented at the ICMME 2016, 2016
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