
  1. Ecem Bayram Nesrin,Gerçek Yusuf Can,Kutlu Kantar Naciye,Erinç Hakan,Şakıyan Demirkol Özge,Bayram Sinan,Mevlütoğulları Aleyna,Silici Sibel (09.11.2023 - 11.11.2023), "Determination of Wax Content of Olive Oil- Propolis Extracts Prepared Under Different Conditions", presented at the 3th International Propolis Conference, 2023
  2. Kutlu Kantar Naciye,Hacıbektaşoğlu Hanife (08.09.2024 - 12.09.2024), "Effect of Different Deep Eutectic Solvents on Antioxidant Activity, Total Phenolic-Flavonoid Content and Phenolic Profile of Orange Peel Extracts", presented at the 22nd World Congress of Food Science and Technology, 2024
  3. Kutlu Kantar Naciye (08.09.2024 - 12.09.2024), "Utilization of Deep Eutectic Solvents in the Valorization of Food Waste: a Scientometric Analysis", presented at the 22nd World Congress of Food Science and Technology, 2024
  4. Yüzer Elvan,Kutlu Kantar Naciye,Yüzer Mustafa Onur (25.09.2024 - 27.09.2024), "Effect of Different Ph and Solvents on Solubility and Foaming Properties of Hemp Protein Isolate", presented at the 5th International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies, 2024
  5. Kamiloğlu Aybike,Kutlu Kantar Naciye,Elbir Abca Tuğba,Yılmaz Özlem (25.09.2024 - 27.09.2024), "Optimization of Ultrasonic-Assisted Extraction of Phytochemical Compounds From Dried Persimmon Slices", presented at the 5th International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies, 2024
  6. Yüzer Mustafa Onur,Çinar Topçu Kübra,Kutlu Kantar Naciye (15.05.2024 - 17.05.2024), "Effect of Soy Proteın Isolate ın Meatball Productıon on Cookıng Loss", presented at the International Congress on Multidisciplinary Approaches in Agricultural Sciences (ASMAC), 2024
  7. Demir Meltem, Kutlu Kantar Naciye (04.07.2023 - 07.07.2023), "The Effects of Mıcrowave on the Dryıng and Physıcochemıcal Characterıstıcs of Ramps and Rhubarb", presented at the 8th European Drying Conference, 2023
  8. Kutlu Kantar Naciye, Yılmaz Merve Sılanur, Arslan Hicran, İşci Yakan Aslı, Şakıyan Demirkol Özge (11.09.2018 - 14.09.2018), "The Effect of Ohmic Heating Pretreatment on Drying of Apple", presented at the IDS’2018 – 21st International Drying Symposium, 2018
  9. Kutlu Kantar Naciye (19.10.2022 - 21.10.2022), "Gıdalardaki Biyoaktif Bileşiklerin Ohmik Isıtma Destekli Ekstraksiyonu", presented at the Türkiye 14. Gıda Kongresi, 2022
  10. Kutlu Kantar Naciye, Elbir Tuğba, Yılmaz Özlem, Kamiloğlu Aybike (28.09.2022 - 30.09.2022), "Effect of Different Roasting Methods on Some Properties of Walnut Kernels", presented at the 4th International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies, 2022
  11. Kutlu Kantar Naciye (28.09.2022 - 30.09.2022), "Effect of Different Extraction Methods and Solvents on Bioactive Compounds of Lavender", presented at the 4th International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies, 2022
  12. Kutlu Kantar Naciye,Gıdık Betül,Çinar Topçu Kübra (21.10.2020 - 23.10.2020), "Bayburt İli Aydıntepe İlçesi İklim Koşullarında Yetiştirilen Fasulye, Nohut ve Buğday Bitkilerinin Verim Değerlerinin Belirlenmesi", presented at the Türkiye 13. Gıda Kongresi, 2020
  13. Kutlu Kantar Naciye,Kamiloğlu Aybike,Elbir Tuğba (21.10.2020 - 23.10.2020), "Et ve Et Ürünlerinden Biyoaktif Peptitlerin Ekstraksiyonu", presented at the Türkiye 13. Gıda Kongresi, 2020
  14. Yılmaz Merve Sılanur,Kutlu Kantar Naciye,İşci Yakan Aslı,Şakıyan Demirkol Özge (21.10.2020 - 23.10.2020), "Ultra İşlenmiş Gıdalar", presented at the Türkiye 13. Gıda Kongresi, 2020
  15. Yılmaz Merve Sılanur,Kutlu Kantar Naciye,Erdem Gizem Melissa,Şakıyan Demirkol Özge,İşci Yakan Aslı (21.10.2020 - 23.10.2020), "Alıç (Creategus Monogyna) Meyvesinden Ultrasonik ve Mikrodalga Destekli Ekstraksiyon Yöntemleri ile Toplam Fenolik Bileşik Eldesi", presented at the Türkiye 13. Gıda Kongresi, 2020
  16. Kutlu Kantar Naciye,Yılmaz Merve Sılanur,Şakıyan Demirkol Özge,İşci Yakan Aslı (21.10.2020 - 23.10.2020), "Ekstraksiyon Proseslerinde Kullanılan Yeşil Çözücüler", presented at the Türkiye 13. Gıda Kongresi, 2020
  17. Şakıyan Demirkol Özge,Kutlu Kantar Naciye,Yılmaz Merve Sılanur,Olum Emine,Orhan Yanıkan Esin,Tağı Şeref,Ayhan Kamuran,İşci Yakan Aslı,Barbosa Canovas Gustavo V,Candoğan Kezban (04.08.2019 - 09.08.2019), "Drying of Pastirma by Two Microwave Based Technologies Physical, Biochemical, Microbiological and Sensory Aspects", presented at the 65th InternationalCongress of Meat Scienceand Technology, 2019
  18. Kutlu Kantar Naciye, Ocak Melda, İstekli M Özge, Dos Medine, Demirkol Muhammed, İşci Yakan Aslı, Şakıyan Demirkol Özge (19.09.2019 - 21.09.2019), "Deep Eutectic Solvent-Based Extraction of Phenolic Compounds From Pomegranate (Punica Granatum L.) Peel", presented at the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies, 2019
  19. Barışık Gizem,İşci Yakan Aslı,Kutlu Kantar Naciye,Bağder Elmacı Simel,Akay Bülent (16.09.2018 - 19.09.2018), "Production of Bioethanol From Organic Acid Treated Wheat Straw", presented at the 2nd International Conference on Bioresource Technology for Bioenergy, Bioproducts Environmental Sustainability, 2018
  20. Demirkol Muhammed,Kutlu Kantar Naciye,İşci Yakan Aslı,Şakıyan Demirkol Özge (10.10.2018 - 12.10.2018), "Ohmıc Heatıng Applıcatıons ın Food Engıneerıng: a Revıew", presented at the 3rd International Congress on Food Technology, 2018
  21. Kutlu Kantar Naciye,İşci Yakan Aslı,Şakıyan Demirkol Özge (10.10.2018 - 12.10.2018), "Mıcrowave-Assısted Extractıon of Total Phenolıc Compounds From Cornelıan Cherry (Cornus Mas)", presented at the 3rd International Congress on Food Technology, 2018
  22. Kutlu Kantar Naciye,İşci Yakan Aslı,Şakıyan Demirkol Özge (19.04.2018 - 21.04.2018), "Comparısıon of Tradıtıonal and Ultrasound-Assısted Extractıon of Phenolıc Compounds From Cornelıan Cherry", presented at the The 4th International Symposium on “Traditional Foods from Adriatic to Caucasus”, 2018
  23. Kutlu Kantar Naciye,Bıçak Cansu,Ekinci Duygu,Kılıç Ezgi,Erdem Naz,İşci Yakan Aslı,Şakıyan Demirkol Özge (10.05.2017 - 12.05.2017), "Optimization of Microwave-Assisted Extraction of Total Phenolic Compounds From Caucasian Whortleberry (Vaccinium Arctostaphylos) by Response Surface Methodology", presented at the Innovations in Food Science Technolgy, 2017
  24. Kutlu Kantar Naciye,İşci Yakan Aslı,Şakıyan Demirkol Özge (05.10.2016 - 07.10.2016), "Kabak Cipsi", presented at the Türkiye 12. Gıda Kongresi, 2016
  25. Tamer Cansu,İşci Yakan Aslı,Kutlu Kantar Naciye,Şakıyan Demirkol Özge,Şahin Serpil,Sumnu Gulum (26.10.2016 - 28.10.2016), "Effect of Drying on Physical Properties of Orange Peel", presented at the Congress on Food Structure Design, 2016
  26. Alifaki Yaşar Özlem,Kutlu Kantar Naciye,Şakıyan Demirkol Özge (18.04.2016 - 21.04.2016), "Utılızatıon of Response Surface Methodology to Optımıze Process Condıtıons and Formulatıon of Mıcrowave Baked Rıce Cake", presented at the 15th International Cereal and Bread Congress, 2016
  27. Kutlu Kantar Naciye,Alifakı Yaşar Özlem,İşci Yakan Aslı,Şakıyan Demirkol Özge (18.04.2016 - 21.04.2016), "Mıcrowave Applıcatıons ın Bakery Products a Revıew", presented at the 15th International Cereal and Bread Congress, 2016
  28. Kutlu Kantar Naciye,Demirel Esra,Tuncer Gülsen,Taş Pelin,Pekgöz Fatoş,Yeşilören Gülen,Şakıyan Demirkol Özge,İşci Yakan Aslı (01.10.2015 - 04.10.2015), "Determınatıon and Modellıng of Mıcrowave Dryıng Characterıstıcs of Red Beet", presented at the The 3rd International Symposium on Traditional Foods from Adriatic to Caucasus, 2015
  29. Kutlu Kantar Naciye,Demirel Esra,Tuncer Gülsen,Taş Pelin,Pekgöz Fatoş,Yeşilören Gülen,İşci Yakan Aslı,Şakıyan Demirkol Özge (01.10.2015 - 04.10.2015), "Dryıng Characterıstıcs of Red Beet and Mathematıcal Modellıng", presented at the The 3rd International Symposium on Traditional Foods from Adriatic to Caucasus, 2015
  30. Kutlu Kantar Naciye,İşci Yakan Aslı (13.05.2015 - 15.05.2015), "Mikrodalga ile Kurutulan Patlıcanın Bazı Karakteristik Özellikleri ve Modellenmesi", presented at the Pamukkale Gıda Sempozyumu III “Kurutulmuş ve Yarı Kurutulmuş Gıdalar”, 2015
  31. Kutlu Kantar Naciye,İşci Yakan Aslı (05.11.2014 - 07.11.2014), "Evaluatıon of Thın Layer Dryıng Models for Descrıbıng Dryıng Kınetıcs of Zucchını", presented at the 2nd International Congress on Food Technology, 2014
  32. Kutlu Kantar Naciye,Çarkcıoğlu Emine,Şakıyan Demirkol Özge,İşci Yakan Aslı,Ayhan Kamuran,Barbosa Canovas Gustavo Victor,Candoğan Kezban (20.10.2014 - 23.10.2014), "Mıcrowave Dryıng a Novel Processıng Step ın the Manufacturıng of Pastırma", presented at the 2nd International Symposium, Fermented Meat, Valencia, Spain, 2014
  33. Kutlu Kantar Naciye,İşci Yakan Aslı,Şakıyan Demirkol Özge (20.10.2014 - 23.10.2014), "Mıcrowave Applıcatıons ın Meat Products", presented at the 2nd International Symposium, Fermented Meat, Valencia, Spain, 2014
  34. Kutlu Kantar Naciye,İşci Yakan Aslı (12.11.2013 - 14.11.2013), "Mikrodalga ile Kurutulan Domatesin Kurutma Karakteristikleri ve Matematiksel Modellenmesi", presented at the TGDF Gıda Kongresi, 2013
  35. Kutlu Kantar Naciye,İşci Yakan Aslı (24.10.2013 - 26.10.2013), "Drying Characterization of Tomato and Eggplant", presented at the 2nd International Symposium on Traditional Foods from Adriatic to Caucasus, 2013
  36. Kutlu Kantar Naciye,Özdemir Necla (24.10.2013 - 26.10.2013), "A Traditional Food the Turkish Delight Lokum", presented at the 2nd International Symposium on Traditional Foods from Adriatic to Caucasus, 2013
  37. Kutlu Kantar Naciye,İşci Yakan Aslı (07.05.2013 - 10.05.2013), "Drying Behaviour of Zucchini and Eggplant", presented at the Euro Food Chem XVII, 2013
  38. Kutlu Kantar Naciye,İşci Yakan Aslı (10.10.2012 - 12.10.2012), "Organik Asitlerin Samanın Enzimatik Hidrolizine Etkisi", presented at the 11. Gıda Kongresi, 2012