The "Family University Science, Culture, Art and Sports Activities", planned as a three-week event series under the coordination of our Child Education Application and Research Center, Women and Family Issues Application and Research Center, and Sports Education Application and Research Center, started with a Healthy Nutrition Seminar and Bowling Event.

The Family University, which started with the opening ceremony held in the Şehit Mustafa Karasakal Theater Hall of our Cultural Center with the participation of Governor Mustafa Eldivan, Mayor Mete Memiş, our Rector Prof. Dr. Mutlu Türkmen, Provincial Gendarmerie Commander Artillery Colonel Dr. Talha Övet, Provincial Police Chief Nihat Uzun, our Vice Rectors, Provincial Health Director İlker Hancı, POMEM Director Ufuk Sami Günel, State Hospital Chief Physician Murat Canpolat, our academicians, our students and their families, has the distinction of being one of the traditional projects of our University for families and children. Emphasizing this social contribution mission in his speech at the Opening Ceremony, our Rector Türkmen said, "Family University is important for the preservation of the concept of Family, which is aimed to be degenerated by the media representation and information order of our age, and for the development of the sense of being active together. Our Family University aims to position the theme of togetherness at the center of free time activities and family insights. All our participants will contribute to the performance of 'self-realization' in the themes of science, culture, art and sports during the events that will last for three weeks. This interaction will provide a solution to the knots such as lack of interaction and screen addiction, which are among the chronic problems."

The ceremony, which also featured opening speeches by Mayor Mete Memiş and Governor Mustafa Eldivan, also featured a presentation by Assistant Professor Uğur Aydemir on the purpose, scope and message of the Family University. Following the opening ceremony, a "Healthy Nutrition Seminar" was given by Assistant Professor Tuğba ELBİR ABCA of the Food Engineering Department. Providing scientific suggestions on healthy living, family and child nutrition, ELBİR ABCA explained the reasons why fast food style nutrition should be avoided. Following the seminar, families and children played bowling at the event where Res. Asst. Umut Diyar GÖK was the instructor. The social effects of bowling, which was explained to the children with its rules, and its inclusion among the free life activities of families were also shared with the participants. The first week of the Family University ended with a group souvenir photo.