
  1. Gıdık Betül, Yurtvermez Bayram (04.11.2023), "Lavanta (Lavandula Angustifolia) ve Lavandin (Lavandula X İntermedia Emeric Ex Loisel) Bitkilerinin Uçucu Yağ Özellikleri", presented at the 2nd International Conference on Contemporary Academic Research ICCAR 2023,
  2. Can Zehra, Serencam Hüseyin, Şahin Hüseyin, Gıdık Betül (01.05.2019 - 01.05.2019), "Comparıng the Chemıcal Content of Wıld and Cultured Cherry Laurel (Prunus Laurocerasus L.) Wıth Lıterature", presented at the 1 MAYIS SOSYAL POLİTİKALAR VE BİLİMSEL ARAŞTIRMALAR KONGRESİ, 2019
  3. Can Zehra, Serencam Hüseyin, Gıdık Betül, Şahin Hüseyin (01.05.2019 - 01.05.2019), "Determınatıon of Aronıa Fruıt and Leaf Antıoxıdant Actıvıty and Theır Phenolıc Compounds", presented at the 1 MAYIS SOSYAL POLİTİKALAR VE BİLİMSEL ARAŞTIRMALAR KONGRESİ, 2019
  4. Yurtvermez Bayram, Gıdık Betül (05.04.2023 - 06.04.2023), "The Effect of Climate Change on Medical Aromatic Plant Cultivation", presented at the 2nd International Conference on Engineering, Natural and Social Sciences, 2023
  5. Gıdık Betül (10.11.2022 - 11.11.2022), "Breedıng Methods Used ın Medıcınal and Aromatıc Plants", presented at the 4th International Conference on Applied Engineering and Natural Sciences, 2022
  6. Gıdık Betül (10.12.2022 - 11.12.2022), "Antioxidant Activities of Some Medicinal Aromatic Plants", presented at the 1st International Conference on Scientific and Academic Research, 2022
  7. Gıdık Betül, Can Zehra (24.12.2021 - 25.12.2021), "Antioxidant Activity of Lavandin (Lavandula X İntermedia Emeric Ex Loisel.) Plant Growing ın Erzurum", presented at the 8th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGRICULTURE, ANIMAL SCIENCE and RURAL DEVELOPMENT, 2021
  8. Sefalı Abdurrahman,Gıdık Betül,Can Zehra (06.12.2019 - 08.12.2019), "Bayburt’ta Yayılış Gösteren Allium Sp. Türlerinin Morfolojik ve Ekolojik Açıdan İncelenmesi", presented at the HOCA AHMET YESEVİ Uluslararası Bilimsel Araştırmalar Kongresi, 2019
  9. Kutay Tuğçe,Gıdık Betül (19.09.2019 - 21.09.2019), "Factors Affecting Seed Yield in Quinoa (Chenopodium Quinoa Willd.)", presented at the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies, 2019
  10. Kutay Tuğçe,Gıdık Betül (19.09.2019 - 21.09.2019), "Uses and Benefits of Quinoa (Chenopodium Quinoa Willd.)", presented at the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies, 2019
  11. Sefalı Abdurrahman,Gıdık Betül (19.09.2019 - 21.09.2019), "The Distribution of the World’xxs Most Grown Geophytes in Bayburt Region", presented at the 3 rd International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies, 2019
  12. Sefalı Abdurrahman,Gıdık Betül (19.09.2019 - 21.09.2019), "Determination of Field Weed Species of Brassicaceae Family in Bayburt Province", presented at the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies, 2019
  13. Can Zehra,Serencam Hüseyin,Şahin Hüseyin,Gıdık Betül (01.05.2019 - 01.05.2019), "Comparing the Chemical Content of Wild and Cultured Cherry Laurel (Prunus Laurocerasus L.) with Literature", presented at the 1 MAYIS ULUSLARARASI SOSYAL POLİTİKALAR VE BİLİMSEL ARAŞTIRMALAR KONGRESİ, 2019
  14. Can Zehra,Serencam Hüseyin,Gıdık Betül,Şahin Hüseyin (01.05.2019 - 01.05.2019), "Determination of Aronia Fruit and Leaf Antioxidant Activity and Their Phenolic Compounds", presented at the 1 MAYIS ULUSLARARASI SOSYAL POLİTİKALAR VE BİLİMSEL ARAŞTIRMALAR KONGRESİ, 2019
  15. Gıdık Betül,Önemli Fadul,Gül Volkan,Girgel Ümit (07.12.2018 - 09.12.2018), "Bayburt Koşullarında Yetiştirilen Yabani Hardal (Sinapis Arvensis) Bitkisinin Agronomik Özellikleri", presented at the 4th International Congress on Vocational and Technical Sciences, 2018
  16. Gıdık Betül (07.12.2018 - 09.12.2018), "Çörek Otu (Nigella Sativa) Bitkisinin Tıbbi ve Aromatik Özellikleri", presented at the UMTEBIV.UluslararasıMesleki ve Teknik Bilimler Kongresi, 2018
  17. Göktaş Özlem,Gıdık Betül (07.12.2018 - 09.12.2018), "Ketencik (Camelina Sativa) Bitkisinin Ekonomik Önemi", presented at the UMTEBIV.UluslararasıMesleki ve Teknik Bilimler Kongresi, 2018
  18. Göktaş Özlem,Gıdık Betül (07.12.2018 - 09.12.2018), "Tarhun (Artemisia Dracunculus L.) Bitkisinin Kullanım Alanları", presented at the UMTEBIV.UluslararasıMesleki ve Teknik Bilimler Kongresi, 2018
  19. Gül Volkan,Gıdık Betül,Girgel Ümit (30.11.2018 - 03.11.2018), "Vermikompost Gübre Uygulanan Ayçiçeği (Helianthus Annuus L.) Bitkisinin Fenolojik ve Morfolojik Özelliklerine Etkisi", presented at the IV. INES International Academic Research Congress, 2018
  20. Serencam Uğur,Gıdık Betül,Serencam Hüseyin (27.06.2018 - 29.06.2018), "The Impact of Natural Disasters and Environmental Pollution on Agricultural Lands", presented at the 1. INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES AND DESIGN SYMPOSIUM, 2018
  21. Gıdık Betül (25.08.2018 - 26.08.2018), "Antikanserojenik Antidiyabetik ve Antioksidan Bir Etkiye Sahip Mucizevi Bitki Moringa Oleifera Bitkisinin İncelenmesi", presented at the 1. ULUSLARARASIMULTİ DİSİPLİNER ÇALIŞMALAR KONGRESİ, 2018
  22. Gıdık Betül (25.08.2018 - 26.08.2018), "Antiviral Antidepresan, Antiseptik, Antibakteriyel Bir Etkiye Sahip Lavandula Officinalis Bitkisinin İncelenmesi", presented at the 1. ULUSLARARASIMULTİ DİSİPLİNER ÇALIŞMALAR KONGRESİ, 2018
  23. Gül Volkan,Gıdık Betül (03.05.2018 - 06.05.2018), "Ayçiçeği Bitki Atık Küllerinin Bitki Besin Elementlerinin Belirlenmesi", presented at the INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURE CONGRESS, 2018
  24. Gıdık Betül,Gül Volkan,Sefalı Abdurrahman (25.04.2018 - 27.04.2018), "Detectıon of Some Wıld Specıes Belongıng to Brassıcaceae Famıly ın Bayburt Regıon of Turkey", presented at the 1. INTERNATIONAL GAP AGRICULTURE LIVESTOCK CONGRESS, 2018
  25. Göktaş Bora,Gül Volkan,Gıdık Betül,Tuylu Özlem (05.07.2018 - 05.08.2018), "Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Müdürlüklerinin Organik Tarım Ürünleri İçin Tutundurma Çalışmaları: Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesinde Bir Araştırma", presented at the 2. Uluslararası Bilimsel ve Mesleki Çalışmalar Kongresi, 2018
  26. Gıdık Betül,Önemli Fadul (16.05.2017 - 18.05.2017), "Evaluation of Wild Mustard (Sinapis Sp.)genotypes and Some Brassica Species for Oil Content and Fatty Acid Compositionunder Field Conditions", presented at the 2nd INTERNATIONAL BALKAN AGRICULTURE CONGRESS, 2017
  27. Gıdık Betül,Önemli Fadul (16.05.2017 - 18.05.2017), "Evaluation of Some Agronomic Characters in Thrace Region Flora Wild Mustard (Sinapis Sp.) Genotypes Under Natural Flora and Field Conditions", presented at the 2nd International Balkan Agriculture Congress, 2017