P. 81

Frequently Asked Questions

 Question: Where can I get my username and password initially?  Question: What is the overall weight average (GANO)?
 Answer: You can get your username and password by clicking   Answer:  It  is  the  average  calculated  by  dividing  the  total  class
 the first password creation button from  credit amount received by students from all educational activities
 since the university entrance to the total credit value of the studies
 Question:  What  should  I  do  if  the  automation  password  is   received.
 Answer: You can get a new password by using the I forgot my   Question: Is there a possibility to transfer from one department to
 password button at  another within the university?
 Answer:  According to the Higher Education Institutions regula-
 Question: How is the first registration done?  tions, transfers can be possible between departments.
 Answer: How to make the first registration process is announced
 on  the  website  of  our  university  and  pre-registration  is  done   Question: What should I do if I lose my student ID?
 through the Student Automation system. Then, you can register   Answer: The loss information should be given by calling Halkbank
 online via e-government or by applying personally to our universi-  Customer Services.
 Question: How can I apply to the summer school?
 Question: Where and how should I pay tuition fees?  Answer: The student applies to the summer school on the dates
 Answer: Fees can be paid at all branches of a bank that have an   specified in the academic calendar after the course is registered
 agreement with our university in Turkey by entering school   and the fees are paid.
 number within dates announced in the web page.
 Question:  How  many  courses  can  I  enroll  in  during  summer
 Question:  When are the exemption applications made for   education?
 classes?  Answer: You can enroll for up to 5 courses with 20 credits / ECTS
 Answer:  Students who enter the ÖSYM exam and finish  their   and 40 hours per week.
 registration  can  apply  to  the  department  secretariat  for  the
 courses  they  have  previously  taken  in  other  higher  education   Question: Do we have to attend classes in summer education?
 institutions within the first week of the semester they enroll.  Answer: Yes.
 Question: When and how to apply for registration freeze?  Question:  Can the course in summer education be taken from
 Answer: Maximum of four semesters / two years can be frozen   another university?
 during  the  education  period,  up  to  one  or  two  times  by  the   Answer:  Students  can  take  a  course  they  want  to  take  from
 decision of the relevant board of directors  if student have import-  another university if it is deemed appropriate in terms of content,
 ant  reasons.  Registration  freezing  application  is  made  to the   credit  and  hour  criteria.  Bayburt  University  Summer  Education
 department secretary.  Regulation (Article 7-2)

 Question: What is the semester-weighted GPA (YANO)?    CONTACT:
 Answer: It is the average calculated by dividing the total class   Phone
 credit amount received by students from all education and training   Fax
 activities in the relevant semester by the total credit value of the   Internal Phone
 studies received. YANO is only the grade point average of that   E-mail
 period.  Web

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