Abdolahpour Salari Maryam,Merhan Muğlu Günay,Şenay Volkan,Sarıtaş Sevda (15.09.2024 - 16.09.2024), "Analysis of the Surface and Optical Properties of Si-Doped Α-Fe2o3 Thin Film Synthesized by Rf and Dc Magnetron Sputtering Technique", presented at the Efes International Scientific Research and Innovation Congress, 2024
Merhan Muğlu Günay,Şenay Volkan,Sarıtaş Sevda,Abdolahpour Salari Maryam (24.08.2024 - 25.08.2024), "Some Physical Features of a Zn-Doped Fe2o3 Thin Layer Deposited Via Dc&rf Magnetron Co-Sputtering", presented at the 4. Internatıonal Selçuk Scıentıfıc Research And Innovatıon Congress, 2024
Abdolahpour Salari Maryam,Merhan Muğlu Günay,Şenay Volkan,Sarıtaş Sevda (19.07.2024 - 21.07.2024), "An Overview of Carbon Nanotubes and Their Manufacturing Methods", presented at the International Conference on Engineering, Natural Sciences, and Technological Developments (ICENSTED 2024), 2024
Abdolahpour Salari Maryam,Merhan Muğlu Günay,Şenay Volkan,Sarıtaş Sevda (29.05.2024 - 31.05.2024), "Examining Various Types of Solar Cells and Performance Mechanisms", presented at the 12. International Summit Scientific Research Congress, 2024
Abdolahpour Salari Maryam,Merhan Muğlu Günay,Şenay Volkan,Sarıtaş Sevda (19.04.2024 - 21.04.2024), "Investigation of Optical, Structural and Elemental Properties of an Aluminum Doped Iron Oxide Thin Film Produced by Simultaneous Rf and Dc Magnetron Sputtering Technique", presented at the ICSAS 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED SCIENCES, 2024
Pat Suat,Korkmaz Şadan,Özen Soner,Şenay Volkan,Yudar Hakan,Pat Zerrin (06.08.2016 - 09.08.2016), "Surface and Optical Properties of the Transparent Cathode Materials", presented at the Turkish Physical Society 32nd International Physics Congress, 2016
Özen Soner,Korkmaz Şadan,Şenay Volkan,Yudar Hakan,Mohammadigharehbagh A Reza,Pat Suat (21.04.2016 - 23.04.2016), "Nano Tabakalı Algan Akustik Sensörün Empedans Analizi", presented at the ADIM Fizik Günleri V, 2016
Şenay Volkan,Özen Soner,Pat Suat,Korkmaz Şadan,Mohammadigharehbagh A Reza,Yudar Hakan (21.04.2016 - 23.04.2016), "Tva ile Üretilen Kurşun Katkılı Galyum Arsenik İnce Filmin Optik ve Yüzey Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi", presented at the ADIM Fizik Günleri V, 2016
Mohammadigharehbagh A Reza,Pat Suat,Korkmaz Şadan,Özen Soner,Şenay Volkan,Yudar Hakan,Heydarlou Mehdi Meskini (21.04.2016 - 23.04.2016), "Rf Manyetik Püskürtme Tekniği Üretilen Ito İnce Filmlerin Antibakteriyel Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi", presented at the ADIM Fizik Günleri V, 2016
Yudar Hakan,Pat Suat,Korkmaz Şadan,Özen Soner,Şenay Volkan (21.04.2016 - 23.04.2016), "Rf Magnetron Püskürtme Tekniği ile İnce Film Lityum Piller İçin Li3po4 Katı Elektrolit Arayüzünün İncelenmesi", presented at the ADIM Fizik Günleri V, 2016
Şenay Volkan,Pat Suat,Özen Soner,Korkmaz Şadan (12.05.2016 - 12.05.2016), "Rf Magnetron Sıçratma Tekniği ile Cam Alttaş Üzerine Biriktirilen Azo İnce Filmin Bazı Fiziksel Özellikleri", presented at the V. Ulusal Güneş ve Hidrojen Enerjisi Kongresi, 2016
Mohammadigharehbagh A Reza,Pat Suat,Özen Soner,Korkmaz Şadan,Şenay Volkan,Yudar Hakan,Pat Zerrin (12.05.2016 - 13.05.2016), "Rf Magnetron Püskürtme Tekniği Kaplanan Ito İnce Filmlerin Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi", presented at the V. Ulusal Güneş ve Hidrojen Enerjisi Kongresi, 2016
Yudar Hakan,Pat Suat,Korkmaz Şadan,Özen Soner,Şenay Volkan,Pat Zerrin,Mohammadigharehbagh A Reza (12.05.2016 - 13.05.2016), "İnce Film Piller İçin Rf Magnetron Sıçratma Tekniği ile Üretilen Licoo2 Katı Katot Arayüzünün İncelenmesi", presented at the V. Ulusal Güneş ve Hidrojen Enerjisi Kongresi, 2016
Özen Soner,Korkmaz Şadan,Pat Suat,Şenay Volkan (12.05.2016 - 13.05.2016), "Rf Magnetron Sıçratma Tekniği ile Üretilen Zno İnce Filmin Bazı Fiziksel Özellikleri", presented at the V. Ulusal Güneş ve Hidrojen Enerjisi Kongresi, 2016
Özen Soner,Şenay Volkan (20.06.2019 - 22.06.2019), "Termiyonik Vakum Ark ile Üretilen Cr Katkılı Gaas Tabakanın Bazı Fiziksel Özellikleri", presented at the International Black Sea Coastline Countries Symposium 2, 2019
Şenay Volkan,Özen Soner (18.01.2019 - 20.01.2019), "Some Physical Properties of Hydrophobic Zinc Nitride Thin Films Synthesized by Rf Magnetron Sputtering", presented at the Zeugma II. Uluslararası Multidisipliner Çalışmalar Kongresi, 2019
Şenay Volkan,Özen Soner (21.09.2018 - 23.09.2018), "Thermionic Vacuum Arc (Tva) Method for Production of the Advanced Materials", presented at the International Congress on the World of Technology and Advanced Materials, 2018
Özen Soner,Şenay Volkan (30.11.2018 - 02.12.2018), "The Rgb Distributions of Element and Compound Plasmas Produced by Thermionic Vacuum Arc Method", presented at the 2nd International Symposium on Innovative Approaches in Scientific Studies, 2018
Özen Soner,Korkmaz Şadan,Pat Suat,Yudar Hafızıttin Hakan,Şenay Volkan (28.03.2016 - 30.03.2016), "The Physical Properties of the Zno Thin Film Prepared by Rf Magnetron Sputtering Method", presented at the IV. YUKPOP International Vacuum Workshop, 2016
Mohammadigharehbagh Reza,Pat Suat,Korkmaz Şadan,Özen Soner,Şenay Volkan,Heydarlou Mehdi Meskini (28.03.2016 - 30.03.2016), "Antibacterial Activities and Physical Properties of Deposited Thin Films by Rf Magnetron Sputtering Technique", presented at the IV. YUKPOP International Vacuum Workshop, 2016
Şenay Volkan,Özen Soner,Pat Suat,Korkmaz Şadan,Mohammadigharehbagh A Reza (24.08.2015 - 27.08.2015), "Some Physical Properties of Co-Doped Gaas Thin Films Grown by Thermionic Vacuum Arc", presented at the 9th International Physics Conference of the Balkan Physical Union (BPU9), 2015
Özen Soner,Şenay Volkan,Pat Suat,Korkmaz Şadan (24.08.2015 - 27.08.2015), "Investigation of the Surface Free Energy of the Ito Thin Films Deposited Under Different Working Pressure", presented at the 9th International Physics Conference of the Balkan Physical Union (BPU9), 2015
Özen Soner,Bilgiç Eyüp,Gülmez Gülay,Şenay Volkan,Pat Suat,Korkmaz Şadan,Mohammadigharehbagh A Reza (24.08.2015 - 27.08.2015), "Investigation of the Thickness Effect to İmpedance Analysis Results Algan Acoustic Sensor", presented at the 9th International Physics Conference of the Balkan Physical Union (BPU9), 2015
Özen Soner,Bilgiç Eyüp,Gülmez Gülay,Şenay Volkan,Pat Suat,Korkmaz Şadan,Mohammadigharehbagh A Reza (24.08.2015 - 27.08.2015), "Impedance Analysis of Nano Thickness Layered Algan Acoustic Sensor Deposited by Thermionic Vacuum Arc", presented at the 9th International Physics Conference of the Balkan Physical Union (BPU9), 2015
Özen Soner,Şenay Volkan,Pat Suat,Korkmaz Şadan (02.07.2015 - 04.07.2015), "The Ito Thin Film Production Adjustable Surface Resistance and Transparency", presented at the The 15th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics (IBWAP 2015), 2015
Şenay Volkan,Özen Soner,Pat Suat,Korkmaz Şadan (02.07.2015 - 04.07.2015), "An Investıgation on Surface Properties of a Sn-Doped Gaas Thin Film Produced by Tva", presented at the The 15th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics (IBWAP 2015), 2015
Şenay Volkan,Özen Soner,Pat Suat,Korkmaz Şadan (02.07.2015 - 04.07.2015), "Optical Morphologıcal and Surface Free Energy Characterization of an Al-Doped Gaas Semiconductıng Film", presented at the The 15th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics (IBWAP 2015), 2015
Özen Soner,Şenay Volkan,Pat Suat,Korkmaz Şadan (02.07.2015 - 04.07.2015), "The Influence on Surface Properties of Mo Doping ın Gan Growth Process", presented at the The 15th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics (IBWAP 2015), 2015
Şenay Volkan,Özen Soner,Pat Suat,Korkmaz Şadan (22.06.2015 - 25.06.2015), "Some Physical Properties a Ge-Doped Gaas Thin Film Grown by Thermionic Vacuum Arc", presented at the 11th NanoTR Conference (Nanotr-11), 2015
Pat Suat,Şenay Volkan,Özen Soner,Korkmaz Şadan (22.06.2015 - 25.06.2015), "Morphological and Optical Investigations of an Ingaas Thin Film Grown by Thermionic Vacuum Arc", presented at the 11th NanoTR Conference (Nanotr-11), 2015
Özen Soner,Şenay Volkan,Pat Suat,Korkmaz Şadan (22.06.2015 - 25.06.2015), "Some Physical Properties of an Algan Thin Film Grown by Thermionic Vacuum Arc Tva", presented at the 11th NanoTR Conference (Nanotr-11), 2015
Korkmaz Şadan,Özen Soner,Şenay Volkan,Pat Suat (22.06.2015 - 25.06.2015), "Investigation of the Optical and Surface Properties of Ingan Semiconductor", presented at the 11th NanoTR Conference (Nanotr-11), 2015
Şenay Volkan,Özen Soner,Pat Suat,Korkmaz Şadan (24.05.2015 - 28.05.2015), "Direct and Fast Growth of a Sı:Gaas Thin Film by Means of Thermionic Vacuum Arc (Tva)", presented at the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Sciences (ICOPS), 2015
Pat Suat,Özen Soner,Şenay Volkan,Korkmaz Şadan,Pat Zerrin (24.05.2015 - 28.05.2015), "Solid State Battery Manufacturing with Thermionic Vacuum Arc and Rf Sputtering", presented at the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Sciences (ICOPS), 2015
Özen Soner,Pat Suat,Korkmaz Şadan,Şenay Volkan (24.05.2015 - 28.05.2015), "Mo Doped Gan Thin Film Growth Using Thermionic Vacuum Arc (Tva)", presented at the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Sciences (ICOPS), 2015
Geçici Birol,Pat Suat,Balbağ Mustafa Zafer,Özen Soner,Şenay Volkan,Ekem Naci (30.05.2014 - 31.05.2014), "Mineral Gözlük Camı Üzerine Çok Katmanlı Sio2-Ito-Caf2 Kaplama", presented at the I. Ulusal Optisyenlik Sempozyumu, 2014
Özen Soner,Pat Suat,Balbağ Mustafa Zafer,Şenay Volkan,Geçici Birol,Ekem Naci (30.05.2014 - 31.05.2014), "Sio2-Ito-Baf2 Çok Katmanlı Anti-Refle (Ar) Kaplamanın Analizi", presented at the I. Ulusal Optisyenlik Sempozyumu, 2014
Şenay Volkan,Pat Suat,Balbağ Mustafa Zafer,Özen Soner,Geçici Birol,Ekem Naci (30.05.2014 - 31.05.2014), "Tva Tekniği ile Çok Katmanlı Sio2-Tio-Mgf2 Anti-Refle (Ar) Kaplama", presented at the I. Ulusal Optisyenlik Sempozyumu, 2014
Geçici Birol,Korkmaz Şadan,Pat Suat,Özen Soner,Şenay Volkan (22.05.2014 - 23.05.2014), "Rf Manyetik Saçtırma ile Bakır Oksit Filmlerin Sentezi", presented at the IV. Ulusal Güneş ve Hidrojen Enerjisi Kongresi, 2014
Kurt Fikri,Korkmaz Şadan,Pat Suat,Keser Çiğdem,Özen Soner,Geçici Birol,Şenay Volkan (22.05.2014 - 23.05.2014), "Termiyonik Vakum Ark ile Ito İnce Filmlerin Üretilmesi ve Bazı Fiziksel Özelliklerin Belirlenmesi", presented at the IV. Ulusal Güneş ve Hidrojen Enerjisi Kongresi, 2014
Akkabak Sinem,Ekem Naci,Pat Suat,Özen Soner,Geçici Birol,Şenay Volkan,Korkmaz Şadan (22.05.2014 - 23.05.2014), "Plazma Yöntemi ile Ni/C Kompozit İnce Film Yapısının Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi", presented at the IV. Ulusal Güneş ve Hidrojen Enerjisi Kongresi, 2014
Özen Soner,Korkmaz Şadan,Pat Suat,Geçici Birol,Şenay Volkan (22.05.2014 - 23.05.2014), "Rf Manyetik Saçtırma ile Üretilen Çinko Oksit Yapıların Analizi", presented at the IV. Ulusal Güneş ve Hidrojen Enerjisi Kongresi, 2014
Şenay Volkan,Pat Suat,Korkmaz Şadan,Özen Soner,Geçici Birol (22.05.2014 - 23.05.2014), "Si-Ge İnce Filmlerin Termiyonik Vakum Ark Tva Tekniği ile Üretilmesi", presented at the IV. Ulusal Güneş ve Hidrojen Enerjisi Kongresi, 2014
Şenay Volkan,Özen Soner,Pat Suat,Geçici Birol,Korkmaz Şadan (18.06.2014 - 20.06.2014), "Tio2 Thin Film Production by Thermionic Vacuum Arc", presented at the 7th International Ege Energy Symposium Exhibition, 2014
Pat Suat,Şenay Volkan,Özen Soner,Korkmaz Şadan,Birol Geçici (18.06.2014 - 20.06.2014), "The Effects of Rf Input Power on the Optical and Structural Properties of Sputtered Zno Thin Films", presented at the 7th International Ege Energy Symposium Exhibition, 2014
Özen Soner,Pat Suat,Şenay Volkan,Korkmaz Şadan,Geçici Birol (18.06.2014 - 20.06.2014), "Characterization of Sige Structures Deposited by Thermionic Vacuum Arc (Tva)", presented at the 7th International Ege Energy Symposium Exhibition, 2014
Geçici Birol,Korkmaz Şadan,Özen Soner,Şenay Volkan,Aydoğmuş Tuna,Pat Suat (18.06.2014 - 20.06.2014), "Copper Oxide Thin Film Production by Reactive Rf Magnetron Sputtering", presented at the 7th International Ege Energy Symposium Exhibition, 2014
Soner Özen,Pat Suat,Şenay Volkan,Korkmaz Şadan (23.04.2014 - 25.04.2014), "Some Physical Properties of the Batio3 Thin Films Coated by Tva Plasma Production Technique", presented at the International Middle East Plasma Science Conference, 2014
Pat Suat,Ekem Naci,Balbağ Mustafa Zafer,Korkmaz Şadan,Aydoğmuş Tuna,Özen Soner,Şenay Volkan (23.04.2014 - 25.04.2014), "Reactive Thermionic Vacuum Arc (R-Tva) System", presented at the International Middle East Plasma Science Conference, 2014
Şenay Volkan,Pat Suat,Özen Soner,Korkmaz Şadan (23.04.2014 - 25.04.2014), "Deposition of Al2o3 Ultra Thin Layers by Radio Frequency Magnetron Sputtering and Study of Their Optical Morphological and Mechanical Properties", presented at the International Middle East Plasma Science Conference, 2014
Aydoğmuş Tuna,Ekem Naci,Pat Suat,Korkmaz Şadan,Balbağ Mustafa Zafer,Elmas Saliha,Özen Soner,Şenay Volkan (02.09.2013 - 05.09.2013), "Cr2o3 Thin Film Synthesized by Reactive Magnetron Sputtering", presented at the Turkish Physical Society 30th International Physics Congress, 2013
Şenay Volkan,Pat Suat,Korkmaz Şadan,Aydoğmuş Tuna,Elmas Saliha,Özen Soner,Ekem Naci,Balbağ Mustafa Zafer (24.06.2013 - 28.06.2013), "Zno Thin Film Synthesis by Reactive Radio Frequency Magnetron Sputtering", presented at the NANOTR9, 9th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, 2013