Abdioğlu Murat,Gautam Gaurav,Zhang Min,Yuan Weijia,"Ac Transport Loss Analysis of Hts Stack Busbars for All-Electric Aircraft with Harmonics and Dc Offset Considerations",SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,Q2,vol.37,no:7,pp:11 - , 2024
Özkat Erkan Caner, Abdioğlu Murat, Öztürk Ufuk Kemal,"Machine Learning Driven Optimization and Parameter Selection of Multi-Surface Hts Maglev",PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS,Q4,vol.616,no:1354430,pp:1 - 12, 2024
Abdioğlu Murat, Öztürk Ufuk Kemal, Güner Sait Barış, Öztürk Mehmet, Mollahasanoğlu Hakkı, Yanmaz Ekrem,"Enhancing Magnetic Levitation and Guidance Force and Weight Efficiency of High‐temperature Superconducting Maglev Systems by Using Sliced Bulk Ybco",International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology,Q2, 2023
Savaşkan Burcu, Öztürk Ufuk Kemal, Güner Sait Barış, Abdioğlu Murat, Somer Mehmet, Ionescu A. M., Locovei C., Enculescu M., Badica Petre,"Bulk Mgb2 Superconductor for Levitation Applications Fabricated with Boron Processed by Different Routes",Journal of Alloys and Compounds,Q1,vol.961, 2023
Öztürk Ufuk Kemal, Abdioğlu Murat, Mollahasanoğlu Hakkı,"Magnetic Force Performance of Hybrid Multisurface Hts Maglev System with Auxiliary Onboard Pms",IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY,Q3,vol.33,no:3, 2023
Öztürk Ufuk Kemal, Abdioğlu Murat, Özkat Erkan Caner, Mollahasanoğlu Hakkı,"Extended 2-D Magnetic Field Modeling of Linear Motor to Investigate the Magnetic Force Parameters of High-Speed Superconducting Maglev",IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY,Q3,vol.33,no:4, 2023
Öztürk Kemal, Savaşkan Burcu, Abdioğlu Murat, Cansız Ahmet, Dilek Durukan Burak, Karaahmet Zekeriya,"Comparing of the Magnetic Force Parameters of Superconducting Maglev System Using Horizontal and Vertical Pmg Geometry in Multi-Surface Hts-Pmg Arrangement",JOURNAL OF SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND NOVEL MAGNETISM,Q4,vol.34,no:12,pp:3151 - 3161, 2021
Öztürk Kemal, Badía-majós Antonio, Abdioğlu Murat, Dilek Durukan Burak, Gedikli Hasan,"Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Levitation Force Parameters of Novel Multisurface Halbach Hts\u2013pmg Arrangement for Superconducting Maglev System",IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity,Q3,vol.31, 2021
Abdioğlu Murat, Güner Sait Barış, Öztürk Kemal, Yang Chiaming, Chen Ingann, Çelik Şükrü,"Magnetic Levitation Force and Trapped Field Properties of Multiseeded Ybco with Triangular Arrangement of Seeds",INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED CERAMIC TECHNOLOGY,Q2,vol.19,no:1,pp:459 - 466, 2022
Cansız Ahmet, Reisoğlu Ahmet Furkan, Öztürk Kemal, Abdioğlu Murat,"Frozen İmage Analysis of a Superconducting Magnetic Levitation System Consisting of Multi-Surface Superconductor and Halbach Array Permanent Magnet Configuration",Cryogenics,Q3,vol.117, 2021
Abdioğlu Murat, Öztürk Kemal, Ekici Mehmet, Savaşkan Burcu, Çelik Şükrü, Cansız Ahmet,"Design and Experimental Studies on Superconducting Maglev Systems with Multisurface Hts\u2013pmg Arrangements",IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity,Q3,vol.31,no:6,pp:1 - 7, 2021
Erdem Özge, Abdioğlu Murat, Güner Sait Barış, Çelik Şükrü, Küçükömeroğlu Tayfur,"Improvement in Levitation Force Performance of Bulk Mgb2 Superconductors Through Coronene Powder Adding",Journal of Alloys and Compounds,vol.727,pp:1213 - 1220, 2017
Abdioğlu Murat,"Magnetic Levitation Force Performance of Benzil Added Bulk Mgti0,06b2 Superconductors",Cryogenics,Q3,vol.113, 2021
Abdioğlu Murat,"Hts-Pmg Dizilimlerinin Kritik Akım ve Tuzaklanan Akı Özelliklerinin Nümerik Olarak İncelenmesi",Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi,vol.10,no:4,pp:900 - 910, 2020
Savaşkan Burcu,Abdioğlu Murat,Öztürk Kemal,"Determination of Magnetic Levitation Force Properties of Bulk Mgb2 for Different Permanent Magnetic Guideways in Different Cooling Heights",Journal of Alloys and Compounds,Q1,vol.834,pp:155167 - , 2020
Öztürk Kemal,Abdioğlu Murat,Karaahmet Zekeriya,"Magnetic Force and Stiffness Performances of Maglev System Based on Multi-Surface Arrangements with Three-Seeded Bulk Ybacuo Superconductors",Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications,vol.578,pp:1353739 - , 2020
Güner Sait Barış,Abdioğlu Murat,Öztürk Kemal,Çelik Şükrü,"The Comparison of Levitation and Lateral Force of Bulk and Cut-Pasted Bulk Gdbco Samples At Different Temperatures",JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,vol.822,pp:153637 - , 2020
Abdioğlu Murat,Öztürk Kemal,Güner Sait Barış,Çelik Şükrü,Küçükömeroğlu Tayfur,"Investigation of Magnetic Force Properties Between Different Pmgs and Multi-Seeded Ybco Superconductors with Different Seed Distances",PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS,vol.565,pp:1353519 - , 2019
Öztürk Kemal,Güner Sait Barış,Abdioğlu Murat,Demirci Mehmet,Çelik Şükrü,Cansız Ahmet,"An Analysis on the Relation Between the Seed Distance and Vertical Levitation Force for the Multi−seeded Ybco Using the Modified Advanced Frozen İmage (Mafı) and Experimental Methods",JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,vol.805,pp:1208 - 1216, 2019
Abdioğlu Murat,Öztürk Kemal,Kabaer Mehmet,Ekici Mehmet,"Levitation and Guidance Force Relaxations of the Single−seeded and Multi−seeded Ybco Superconductors",PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS,vol.544,pp:27 - 32, 2018
Abdioğlu Murat, Kabaer Mehmet, Öztürk Kemal, Erdem Özge, Çelik Şükrü,"Lateral Position Effect of Auxiliary Permanent Magnets on the Magnetic Force Properties of Cylindrical Ybco",Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism,vol.30,no:10,pp:2933 - 2938, 2017
Öztürk Kemal,Kabaer Mehmet,Abdioğlu Murat,Patel Anup,Cansız Ahmet,"Clarification of Magnetic Levitation Force and Stability Property of Multi-Seeded Ybco in Point of Supercurrent Coupling Effect",Journal of Alloys and Compounds,vol.689,pp:1076 - 1082, 2016
Öztürk Kemal,Abdioğlu Murat,Ercin Sahin,Çelik Şükrü,Gedikli Hasan,Savaşkan Burcu,"The Effect of Magnetic Field Distribution and Pole Array on the Vertical Levitation Force Properties of Hts Maglev Systems",IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity,vol.25,no:4,pp:1 - 7, 2015
Öztürk Kemal,Kabaer Mehmet,Abdioğlu Murat,"Effect of Onboard Pm Position on the Magnetic Force and Stiffness Performance of Multi-Seeded Ybco",Journal of Alloys and Compounds,Q1,vol.644,pp:267 - 273, 2015
Öztürk Kemal,Şahin Erçin,Abdioğlu Murat,Kabaer Mehmet,Çelik Şükrü,Yanmaz Ekrem,Küçükömeroğlu Tayfur,"Comparative Study of the Magnetic Stiffness Levitation and Guidance Force Properties of Single and Multi Seeded Ybcos for Different Hts Pmg Arrangements",Journal of Alloys and Compounds,vol.643,pp:201 - 206, 2015
Abdioğlu Murat,Öztürk Kemal,Gedikli Hasan,Ekici Mehmet,Cansız Ahmet,"Levitation and Guidance Force Efficiencies of Bulk Ybco for Different Permanent Magnetic Guideways",JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS,vol.630,pp:260 - 265, 2015
Abdioğlu Murat,Öztürk Kemal,Kütük Sezai,Bolat Süleyman,Yanmaz Ekrem,"Effect of Magnetic Flux Distribution and Magnetic Powder Addition on the Magnetic Levitation Force of Sm123 Superconductors",Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism,vol.25,no:4,pp:923 - 929, 2012