Keleş Hatice (19.10.2023 - 21.10.2023), "16. Yüzyıl Reform Hareketiyle Meydana Gelen İkonoklastik Ayaklanmaya Melchior Hoffman’ın Etkisi", presented at the 5. Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, 2023
Keleş Hatice (21.12.2023 - 24.12.2023), "Orthodox Chrıstıan Sect Physıcıans; Anargyroı", presented at the BUSINESS JOURNAL 2ND INTERNATIONAL PARIS SOCIAL SCIENCE CONGRESS, 2023
Keleş Hatice (07.03.2024 - 09.03.2024), ""monastıcısm ın the Reformatıon Perıod of the 16th Century", presented at the 9th International New York Academic Research Congress on Social, Humanities, Administrative, and Educational Sciences, 2024
Keleş Hatice (02.07.2022 - 03.07.2022), "Katolik ve Protestanlara Karşı Duran Anabaptistlerin Evharistiya Sakramenti Üzerine Yaptığı Yorumlar", presented at the 6th International Congress on Life, Social, and Health Sciences in a Changing World, 2022
Keleş Hatice (19.06.2022 - 19.06.2022), "Liminality ve Marjinalliğin Somutlaşmış Örnekleri Olan Bazı İlahi Figürler Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme", presented at the ICESSER 5th International Conference on Empirical Social Science, Economy, Management and Educational Researches, Rome-Italy, 2022
Keleş Hatice (03.04.2020 - 04.04.2020), "Paramahansa Yogananda’nın Tanrı İnancı Hakkındaki Görüşlerine Bir Bakış", presented at the SADAB 6th International Online Conference on Social Researches and Behavioral Sciences October 03-04, 2020 / Batumi, Georgia, 2020
Keleş Hatice (07.11.2019 - 09.11.2019), "Anabaptist Bir Dini Hareket Olan Hutteritlerdeevlilik ve Aile", presented at the II. INTERNATIONALSOCIAL SCIENCES CONGRESSGUMUSHANE, 2019
Keleş Hatice (19.10.2019 - 21.10.2019), "Anabaptist Harekete Göre Vaftiz Sakramenti", presented at the IV. International Social Research and Behavioral Sciences Symposium, 2019