Yücel Harun (31.08.2023 - 04.09.2023), "Manipulation of Brownian Particles by Circular Optical Light Fields: a Simulation Study", presented at the TURKISH PHYSICAL SOCIETY 39TH INTERNATIONAL PHYSICS CONGRESS, 2023
Yücel Harun (03.09.2019 - 08.09.2019), "Tracking Particle Near a Flat Surface in Digital Video Microscopy", presented at the TURKISH PHYSICAL SOCIETY 35th INTERNATIONAL PHYSICS CONGRESS (TPS-35), 2019
Yücel Harun,Velu Sabareesh K P (05.09.2018 - 08.09.2018), "Threshold Effect on Particle Tracking Algorithms", presented at the Turkish Physical Society 34th Intenrational Physics Congress, 2018
Yücel Harun,Velu Sabareesh K P (14.09.2018 - 14.09.2018), "Mpostracker: Multiple Particle Tracking Software", presented at the 20. Ulusal Optik, Elektro-Optik ve Fotonik Çalıştayı, 2018
Yücel Harun,Tasan Musfik (12.10.2011 - 14.10.2011), "P-64zn İnelastik Saçılmasının 20.4 Mev Enerjideçiftlenmiş Kanal (Cc) Analizi", presented at the 5. Nükleer Yapı Özellikleri Çalıştayı, 2011
Yücel Harun,Tasan Musfik (06.09.2011 - 09.09.2011), "20-50 Mev Bölgesinde Protonların Çinko İzotoplarından Saçılmasının Analizi", presented at the Turkish Physical Society 28th International Physics Congress, 2011
Yücel Harun,Okumuşoğlu Nazmi Turan (05.09.2012 - 08.09.2012), "6-20 Mev Elektronların Penelope Monte Carlo Kodu ile Hesaplanan Sudaki Derin Doz Eğrilerinin Deneysel Verilere Uydurulması", presented at the Türk Fizik Derneği 29. Uluslararası Fizik Kongresi, 2012
Yücel Harun,Okumuşoğlu Nazmi Turan (06.09.2016 - 09.09.2016), "A Simulation Study About Tracking of Micro Sized Particles Close to Contact", presented at the Turkish Physical Society32nd International PhysicsCongress (TPS32), 2016