
  1. Horlu Merve, İspirlioğlu Kara Gamze, Macit Cevher Kürşat, Aksakal Bünyamin (01.11.2023 - 03.11.2023), "Investıgatıon of the Effect of Engıne Oıl Wıth Hbn Addıtıves on Al-7075 Wear Results", presented at the 9th INTERNATIONAL ASIAN CONGRESS ON CONTEMPORARY SCIENCES, 2023
  2. Aver Melike, Macit Cevher Kürşat, Horlu Merve, İspirlioğlu Kara Gamze, Aksakal Bünyamin (01.11.2023 - 03.11.2023), "Trıbologıcal Investıgatıon of Al-Hbn Metal Matrıx Composıte Wear Test Results Under Three Dıfferent Loads", presented at the 9th INTERNATIONAL ASIAN CONGRESS ON CONTEMPORARY SCIENCES, 2023
  3. İspirlioğlu Kara Gamze, Horlu Merve, Macit Cevher Kürşat, Aver Melike, Aksakal Bünyamin (01.11.2023 - 03.11.2023), "Trıbologıcal Effects of Chromıum and Cnt Addıtıves on Copper-Based Composıtes", presented at the 9th INTERNATIONAL ASIAN CONGRESS ON CONTEMPORARY SCIENCES, 2023
  4. Macit Cevher Kürşat, Özel Cihan, Horlu Merve, İspirlioğlu Kara Gamze, Aver Melike, Aksakal Bünyamin (01.11.2023 - 03.11.2023), "Productıon of Hbn Doped Zno Nanopartıcles by Sol-Gel Synthesıs Method and Investıgatıon of Structural Morphology", presented at the 9th INTERNATIONAL ASIAN CONGRESS ON CONTEMPORARY SCIENCES, 2023
  5. Sezek Sinan, İspirlioğlu Kara Gamze (14.06.2023 - 16.06.2023), "Wear Behavıor of Inconel 925 Alloy After Plastıc Deformatıon", presented at the The 11th International Conference on Modern Manufacturing Technologies in Industrial Engineering, 2023
  6. Horlu Merve, İspirlioğlu Kara Gamze, Macit Cevher Kürşat, Tanyeri Burak, Aksakal Bünyamin (23.09.2023 - 25.09.2023), "Trıbologıcal Effects of Cobalt and Boron on Copper-Based Composıtes", presented at the 8th International Aegean Congress on Innovation Technologies & Engineering, 2023
  7. Sezek Sinan, İspirlioğlu Kara Gamze, Akıncı Muhammed Harun, Aksakal Bünyamin (21.09.2023 - 23.09.2023), "Ecap Mold Desıgn Wıth Two Dıfferent Edge Angles and Sımufact Analysıs Wıth Zn-A-B"", presented at the 3 rd International Natural Science, Engineering and Material Technologies Conference Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, 2023
  8. Macit Cevher Kürşat, Horlu Merve, İspirlioğlu Kara Gamze, Aksakal Bünyamin (21.09.2023 - 23.09.2023), "Investıgatıon of Trıbologıcal Propertıes of Boron Carbıde Reınforced and Chromıum Reınforced Copper Matrıx Composıtes", presented at the 3 rd International Natural Science, Engineering and Material Technologies Conference Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, 2023
  9. Horlu Merve, İspirlioğlu Kara Gamze, Macit Cevher Kürşat, Aksakal Bünyamin (21.09.2023 - 23.09.2023), "Trıbologıcal Effects of Chrome, Zırconıum and Graphıte on Copper Based Composıtes ın Spot Weldıng Processes", presented at the 3 rd International Natural Science, Engineering and Material Technologies Conference Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, 2023
  10. İspirlioğlu Kara Gamze, Horlu Merve, Macit Cevher Kürşat, Aksakal Bünyamin, Sezek Sinan (21.09.2023 - 23.09.2023), "Investıgatıon of Trıbologıcal Propertıes of Cu-Cr-B Hybrıd Composıtes", presented at the 3 rd International Natural Science, Engineering and Material Technologies Conference Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, 2023
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