
  1. Akeren Zahide (06.12.2024 - 08.12.2024), "Use of Reflexology ın Dıabetıc Foot Treatment", presented at the II. Uluslararası Ankara Bilimsel Çalışmalar Kongresi, 2024
  2. Akeren İhsan,Akeren Zahide (06.12.2024 - 08.12.2024), "Examınıng the Relatıonshıps Among Nursıng Students' Self Regulatıon Skılls, Perceıved Clınıcal Stress, and Clınıcal Practıce Success", presented at the II. Uluslararası Ankara Bilimsel Çalışmalar Kongresi, 2024
  3. Akeren Zahide (22.06.2024 - 23.06.2024), "Memory Therapy ın the Elderly and the Role of the Nurse", presented at the INTERNATIONAL MARMARA SCIENTIFIC STUDIES CONFERENCE, 2024
  4. Akeren Zahide,Apaydın Emine (27.04.2024 - 28.04.2024), "Metabolik Sendromlu Bireylerde Duygusal Yeme Durumunun İncelenmesi", presented at the 2. Bilsel International Harput Scientific Researches Congress, 2024
  5. Apaydın Emine,Akeren Zahide (27.04.2024 - 28.04.2024), "Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Diyabet Risk, Duygusal Yeme ve Besin Alımlarının Değerlendirilmesi", presented at the 2. Bilsel International Harput Scientific Researches Congress, 2024
  6. Akeren Zahide,Akeren İhsan (22.06.2024 - 23.06.2024), "Nurses' Counselıng Skılls: a Comparıson of Gender, Age and Vocatıonal Experıence", presented at the INTERNATIONAL MARMARA SCIENTIFIC STUDIES CONFERENCE, 2024
  7. Akeren Zahide,Semerci Çakmak Vahide (14.03.2024 - 16.03.2024), "The Use of Nursıng Dıagnoses by Students Takıng Internal Dıseases Course", presented at the 6th International “ACHARAKA” Congress on Medicine, Nursing, Midwifery, and Health Sciences, 2024
  8. Semerci Çakmak Vahide,Akeren Zahide (14.03.2024 - 16.03.2024), "Symptoms and Comfort Levels Experıenced by Hemodıalysıs Patıents", presented at the 6th International “ACHARAKA” Congress on Medicine, Nursing, Midwifery, and Health Sciences, 2024
  9. Akeren Zahide, Apaydın Emine (21.10.2023 - 22.10.2023), "Diabetes and Yoga", presented at the 2. International Selçuk Scientific Researches Congress, 2023
  10. Apaydın Emine, Akeren Zahide (21.10.2023 - 22.10.2023), "The Importance of the Ventrogluteal Area in Intramuscular Injections", presented at the 2. International Selçuk Scientific Researches Congress, 2023
  11. Akeren Zahide, Apaydın Emine (21.10.2023 - 22.10.2023), "İntramüsküler Enjeksiyonlarda Ventrogluteal Bölgenin Önemi", presented at the 2.INTERNATIONAL SELÇUK SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES CONGRESS, 2023
  12. Apaydın Emine, Akeren Zahide (21.10.2023 - 22.10.2023), "Diyabet ve Yoga", presented at the 2.INTERNATIONAL SELÇUK SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES CONGRESS, 2023
  13. Akeren Zahide (03.12.2022 - 05.12.2022), "Onkolojik Aciller ve Hemşirelik Bakımı", presented at the 2nd INTERNATIONAL ACHARAKA MEDICINE, NURSING, AND HEALTH SCIENCES CONGRESS, 2022
  14. Akeren Zahide, Apaydın Emine (17.03.2022 - 21.03.2022), "Oral Antidiyabetik İlaç Kullanan Yaşlı Bireyin Henderson Hemşirelik Modeline Göre Bakım Yönetimi", presented at the 2.International Antalya Scientific Research and Innovative Studies Congress, 2022
  15. Akeren Zahide, Semerci Vahide, Sönmez Sarı Ebru (17.03.2022 - 21.03.2022), "Yaşlı Bireylerde Covıd-19 Salgınında Teknoloji Kullanımının Belirlenmesi", presented at the 2.International Antalya Scientific Research and Innovative Studies Congress, 2022
  16. Semerci Vahide, Sönmez Sarı Ebru, Akeren Zahide (18.03.2022 - 20.03.2022), "Huzurevinde Yaşayan Yaşlı Bireylerde Akılcı İlaç Kullanımının Belirlenmesi", presented at the 1. INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF GERONTOLOGY, 2022
  17. Akeren Zahide, Gölgeli Asuman (10.09.2013), "Ratlarda Açlığın Düşünme, Bellek ve Hafızaya Etkisi", presented at the Posterli sunum,
  18. Akeren Zahide, Gölgeli Asuman (02.09.2014), "Sıçanlarda Oluşturulan Kronik Yorgunluğun Davranış ve Öğrenme Üzerine Etkisi", presented at the Posterli sunum,