
  1. Karpuz Ceyhun, Görür Ali Kürşad, Çakır Mehmet, Cengiz Alperen, Görür Adnan (22.01.2023 - 25.01.2023), "Compact Wilkinson Power Dividers Based on Narrow Slits Loaded Transmission Lines", presented at the 2023 IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium (RWS), 2023
  2. İl Niyazi,Özen Şükrü,Carlak Hamza Feza,Çakır Mehmet (21.10.2015 - 24.10.2015), "Yeraltı Enerji Kabloları Çevresinde Oluşan Manyetik Alanların Analizi ve Kontrolü", presented at the IV. Elektrik Tesisat Ulusal Kongre ve Sergisi, 2015
  3. İl Niyazi,Özen Şükrü,Çakır Mehmet,Carlak Hamza Feza (06.07.2015 - 09.07.2015), "Shielding and Mitigations of the Magnetic Fields Generated by the Underground Power Cables", presented at the Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, PIERS 2015, 2015
  4. Atalay Kocakusak,Çakır Mehmet,Yalçın Samet,Özen Şükrü,Helhel Selçuk (06.07.2015 - 09.07.2015), "Evaluation of Electromagnetic Interference Emitted From Compact Fluorescent Lamps According to Cıspr 15", presented at the Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 2015