- Paloluoğlu Cihan,Pamuk İbrahim,Orhan Muhammed Cevdet (25.09.2024 - 27.09.2024), "Determination of Concentrations of Urban Atmospheric Fine Mode Particles", presented at the 5th International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies (ICADET), 2024
- Paloluoğlu Cihan (28.02.2024 - 29.02.2024), "Determination of the Concentration and Characterization of Coarse Mode Particle Materials-Bound Heavy Metals with the Active Sampling Method", presented at the 16. Uluslararası İstanbul Fen, Mühendislik, Mimarlık ve Matematik Bilimlerinde Bilimsel Araştırmalar Kongresi,, 2024
- Paloluoğlu Cihan (28.02.2024 - 29.02.2024), "Concentration and Characterization of Fine Mode Particle Matter-Bound Heavy Metals", presented at the 16. Uluslararası İstanbul Fen, Mühendislik, Mimarlık ve Matematik Bilimlerinde Bilimsel Araştırmalar Kongresi,, 2024
- Paloluoğlu Cihan (28.02.2024 - 29.02.2024), "Investıgatıon of Atmospherıc Partıcle Phase Tsps ın Outdoor Aır Usıng a Hıgh Volume Aır Sampler (Hvas) Wıth Tsp Head", presented at the 16. Uluslararası İstanbul Fen, Mühendislik, Mimarlık ve Matematik Bilimlerinde Bilimsel Araştırmalar Kongresi,, 2024
- Paloluoğlu Cihan (28.02.2024 - 29.02.2024), "Analyzıng Concentratıons and Interactıons of Atmospherıc Partıcle Phase Pm2.5s Usıng Actıve Samplıng Method", presented at the 16. Uluslararası İstanbul Fen, Mühendislik, Mimarlık ve Matematik Bilimlerinde Bilimsel Araştırmalar Kongresi,, 2024
- Paloluoğlu Cihan (11.11.2023 - 13.11.2023), "Investıgatıon of Correlatıon Changes Wıth Meteorologıcal Factors by Determınıng Atmospherıc Total Suspended Partıcle Matter (Tsp) ın a Semı-Urban Area", presented at the 5TH INTERNATIONAL ACHARAKA CONGRESS ON LIFE, ENGINEERING, AND APPLIED SCIENCES, 2023
- Paloluoğlu Cihan (14.10.2023 - 16.10.2023), "Determınatıon of the Concentratıons of Atmospherıc Fıne Mode Partıcles of Bayburt Provınce Babertı Campus and Relatıonshıp Wıth Meteorologıcal Parameters", presented at the 2nd INTERNATIONAL İZMİR CONGRESSES, 2023
- Paloluoğlu Cihan, Bayraktar Hanefi (25.03.2023 - 27.03.2023), "Determination of Gas-Phase Mixtures (0-16 M) and Concentrations (Pg M-3) of Atmospheric Organochorial Pesticides (Ocps) by Passive Sampling Method with Height", presented at the 3RD INTERNATIONAL "ARTEMİS" CONGRESS ON LIFE, ENGINEERING, AND APPLIED SCIENCES, 2023
- Paloluoğlu Cihan (28.09.2022 - 30.09.2022), "Seasonal Determination of İndoor and Outdoor Concentrations of Urban Atmospheric Organochlorine Pesticides (Ocps) with a Tisch Passive Air Sampler (Pas)”.", presented at the 4th International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies (ICADET 2022), 2022
- Paloluoğlu Cihan (10.03.2022 - 13.03.2022), "Determination of Concentration and Bulk Precipitation Fluxes of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (Pcbs) At Different Surfaces and Depths with Passive Snow Sampler in Erzurum, an Important Winter Tourism Center", presented at the 2nd International Conference on Applied Engineering and Natural Sciences (ICAENS 2022), 2022
- Paloluoğlu Cihan, Bayraktar Hanefi, Turalıoğlu Fatma Sezer, Berberler Ercan (18.06.2013 - 21.06.2013), "Wet Deposition of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (Pahs): Acenaphtylene, Fluorene ve Phenanthrene’s in Erzurum City Atmosphere", presented at the INTERNAT ATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (The ICOEST’2013 – Cappadocia)), 2013
- Berberler Ercan, Paloluoğlu Cihan, Akal Aliye, Bayraktar Hanefi, Turalıoğlu Fatma Sezer (18.06.2013 - 21.06.2013), "Assessment of Air Quality in Turkey.", presented at the INTERNAT ATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (The ICOEST’2013 – Cappadocia)), 2013
- Paloluoğlu Cihan (27.08.2022 - 28.08.2022), "Determination of Gas / Particulate Phase Concentrations of Atmospheric Organochlorine Pesticides (Ocps) by Active Sampling Method", presented at the 6TH INTERNATIONAL "BAŞKENT" CONGRESS ON PHYSICAL, SOCIAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES, 2022
- Paloluoğlu Cihan (14.08.2021 - 15.08.2021), "Seasonal Determinatıon of Gas Phase Concentrations of İ-Pcbs in a Semi-Urban Area with Tisch Passive Sampler", presented at the 5th INTERNATIONAL ISTANBUL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH CONGRESS, 2021
- Paloluoğlu Cihan, Bayraktar Hanefi, Bayar Serkan (22.02.2021 - 25.02.2021), "Determınatıon of the Wet Deposıtıon Fluxes and Atmospherıc Concentratıons of Pcb's Wıth Passıve Precıpıtatıon Sampler and Actıve Aır Sampler At Atatürk Unıversıty Campus, a Semı-Urban Area", presented at the International Symposium of Scientific Research and Innovative Studies, 2021
- Paloluoğlu Cihan (22.02.2021 - 25.02.2021), "Determınatıon of Gas / Partıcle Phase Concentratıons and of Dry Deposition Fluxes Wıth Actıve and Passıve Samples of Polychlorated Bıphenılles", presented at the International Symposium of Scientific Research and Innovative Studies, 2021
- Paloluoğlu Cihan,Bayraktar Hanefi (28.04.2015 - 30.04.2015), "Poliklorlu Bifeniller (Pcb’ler)’in Erzurum Kent Atmosferinde Gözlenen Konsantrasyonlari", presented at the VII. Atmospheric Science Symposium, 2015
- Paloluoğlu Cihan,Bayraktar Hanefi,Turalıoğlu Fatma Sezer,Gaga Eftade Emine (28.04.2015 - 30.04.2015), "Erzurum Kent Merkezinde Isınma Kaynaklı Pah’ların Atmosferik Konsantrasyonları", presented at the VII. Atmospheric Science Symposium, 2015
- Berberler Ercan,Paloluoğlu Cihan (18.06.2013 - 21.06.2013), "Assessment of Air Quality in Turkey", presented at the International Conference On Environmental Science And Technology Ürgüp/Turkey, 2013
- Paloluoğlu Cihan,Bayraktar Hanefi (19.09.2019 - 21.09.2019), "Atmospheric Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (Pahs)", presented at the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies (ICADET), 2019
- Paloluoğlu Cihan,Bayraktar Hanefi (19.09.2019 - 21.09.2019), "Atmospheric Polychlorinated Biphenyls", presented at the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies (ICADET), 2019
- Akal Aliye,Turalıoğlu Fatma Sezer,Bayraktar Hanefi,Paloluoğlu Cihan (22.10.2008 - 25.10.2008), "Erzurum da Yoğun Bir Trafik Olan Bir Kavşakta 2008 Yılı Kış Dönemi Partikül Madde Konsantrasyonları", presented at the Hava kirliliği ve kontrolü Ulusal Sempozyumu, Bildiriler Kitabı, 2008
- Paloluoğlu Cihan,Bayraktar Hanefi,Turalıoğlu Fatma Sezer,Gaga Eftade Emine (22.10.2008 - 25.10.2008), "Erzurum Kent Atmosferinde Pah Konsantrasyonu", presented at the Hava kirliliği ve kontrolü Ulusal Sempozyumu, Bildiriler Kitabı, 2008
- Paloluoğlu Cihan,Bayraktar Hanefi,Turalıoğlu Fatma Sezer (27.03.2008 - 28.03.2008), "İklim Değişikliği Sürecinde Yağışların Kimyasal Kompozisyonu", presented at the T.C. Çevre ve Orman Bakanlığı Devlet Su işleri genel müdürlüğü, 5. Dünya su formu Bölgesel hazırlık süreci DSİ. Yurt içi bölgesel su toplantısı, 2008
- Paloluoğlu Cihan,Bayraktar Hanefi,Turalıoğlu Fatma Sezer,Gaga Eftade Emine (18.06.2013 - 21.06.2013), "Wet Deposition of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Pahs Acenaphtylene Fluorene ve Phenanthrene S in Erzurum City Atmosphere", presented at the ICOEST conf. 2013, 2013
- Berberler Ercan,Paloluoğlu Cihan,Bayraktar Hanefi,Turalıoğlu Fatma Sezer (18.09.2013 - 20.09.2013), "Erzurum Yağış Örneklerinde Poliklorlu Bifenillerin Pcb Lerin Araştırılması", presented at the 5. HKK2013 Sempozyum, 2013
- Paloluoğlu Cihan,Bayraktar Hanefi,Turalıoğlu Fatma Sezer (18.09.2013 - 20.09.2013), "Kar Yüzeyli Örnekleyici Kullanilarak Trafik Kaynakli Pah Larin Kuru Çökelme Akilarinin Araştirilmasi", presented at the 5. HKK2013 Sempozyum, 2013
- Paloluoğlu Cihan,Bayraktar Hanefi,Turalıoğlu Fatma Sezer (20.09.2012 - 23.09.2012), "Wet Deposıtıon of Polycyclıc Aromatıc Hydrocarbons Pahs ın Semı Urban Atmosphere", presented at the Air Quality Management 2012-IUAPPA Regional Conference, 2012
- Paloluoğlu Cihan,Bayraktar Hanefi,Turalıoğlu Fatma Sezer,Gaga Eftade Emine (15.08.2012 - 20.08.2012), "Emissions of Gas and Particle Phase Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Pahs in Erzurum Urban Center Turkey", presented at the Urban Environmental Pollution conference (UEP), 2012
- Bayraktar Hanefi,Paloluoğlu Cihan,Turalıoğlu Fatma Sezer,Gaga Eftade Emine (15.08.2012 - 20.08.2012), "Dry Deposıtıon of Benzo a Pyrene ın Erzurum Urban Center", presented at the Urban Environmental Pollution conference (UEP), 2012