
  1. Tayfur Bilal (25.09.2024 - 27.09.2024), "Effect of Different Cutwater Modelling Approaches on Seismic Behaviour of Masonry Bridges", presented at the 5th International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies, 2024
  2. Tayfur Bilal,Yılmaz Hamid,Daloğlu Ayşe (02.09.2019 - 06.09.2019), "Hibrit Tabu Arama Yöntemi ile Düzlem Çelik Çerçeve Optimizasyonu", presented at the 21. Ulusal Mekanik Kontresi, 2019
  3. Tayfur Bilal,Can Ömer (27.06.2018 - 29.06.2018), "Behavioural Investigation of the Effect of Thickness on the Shear Walls with Opening", presented at the 1. INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES AND DESIGN SYMPOSIUM, 2018
  4. Tayfur Bilal,Can Ömer (21.09.2017 - 23.09.2017), "Perde Duvarlarda Birakilan Boşluklara Ait Yükseklik Etkilerininsap2000 Oapı ile İncelenmesi", presented at the II. International Conference on advanced Engineering Technologies, 2017
  5. Tayfur Bilal,Öztekin Ertekin (08.05.2017 - 10.05.2017), "The Effect of Link Beam Length on the Internal Stress Behaviour of Eccentric U Type Bracing", presented at the ICOCEE CAPPADOCIA 2017, 2017