The Purpose of Our Center;
As an Application and Research Center, to follow the technology in agricultural research and production in the region and at the national level, primarily in Bayburt province, to produce solutions for regional problems and to produce strategies in agricultural production by putting them into practice and to conduct research and training studies to increase production, to establish the infrastructure that can perform quality and standardization inspections in materials used in agricultural production and to provide survey, planning and consultancy services from farm scale to regional scale.
Fields of Activity of the Center;
a) To plan the use of agricultural lands and determine their productivity levels.
b) To conduct research and applications on mechanization, soil processing and soil conservation in plant and animal production.
c) To monitor technologies related to new rootstocks and varieties and to conduct adaptation studies for these.
ç) To conduct breeding studies in living materials and to deliver appropriate materials to producers and institutions by multiplying them.
d) To conduct variety, drug and fertilizer tests, to prepare registration and conformity reports.
e) To diagnose diseases and pests in agricultural products and to recommend treatment.
f) To conduct quality and standard controls of agricultural inputs and to prepare conformity reports.
g) To conduct and report physical, chemical and microbiological tests on food and feed.
g) To conduct and report chemical residue analyses on agricultural products.
h) To prepare irrigation, drainage and other land reclamation plans and projects.
ı) To provide consultancy services on all kinds of agricultural issues.
i) To conduct economic analyses and optimization studies at farm level and to develop suggestions.
j) To organize training programs for technical personnel, students and farmers.
k) To develop cooperation opportunities with national and international organizations, to make publications, to establish a data bank and documentation center.
Duties, Authorities and Responsibilities;
Organs of the Center
a) Center Director,
b) Board of Directors,
c) Advisory Board.
Center Director and assistant directors
The Center Director is assigned by the Rector for a period of three years from among the university faculty members who work in the fields of activity of the Center. The Center Director whose term has expired may be reassigned. The Center Director performs his duties as responsible to the Rector. Two assistant directors are assigned from among the university faculty members upon the recommendation of the Center Director and approval of the Rector. When the Center Director ends his duty, the duties of the assistant directors also end.
The Center Director's duties
a) Convene and chair the Board of Directors,
b) Implement the decisions of the Board of Directors,
c) Prepare the Center's work targets and plans, submit them to the Rector for approval after discussion by the Board of Directors,
ç) Ensure that the Center operates effectively, efficiently and in harmony,
d) Cooperate with application and research centers in Turkey and abroad.
The Board of Directors
The Board of Directors consists of seven members, including the Center Director and assistant directors. The other members are assigned by the Rector from among the university faculty members for a three-year term. In the event of a vacancy for any reason, the Rector may reassign them upon the recommendation of the Center Director. The Board of Directors is the decision-making body of the Center. The Center Director presides over the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors meets at least once a month upon the invitation of the Center Director. In extraordinary cases, the Director of the Center may convene the Board of Directors more frequently. The meeting is held by a simple majority of the participants and decisions are taken by a majority vote.
The duties of the Board of Directors
a) To assist the Director of the Center,
b) To make decisions regarding the management of the Center,
c) To prepare and execute the work program of the Center,
ç) To discuss the activity reports to be submitted to the Rector,
d) To determine the personnel needs,
e) To establish the working groups and committees required for the work of the Center.
Advisory Board
The Advisory Board consists of a maximum of five members, determined by the Board of Directors for a period of three years by the Rector, from within and outside the University, who conduct studies on beekeeping, especially in Bayburt and its surroundings, who raise bees, who produce honey, who are directly related to this field and support these studies; from civil society organizations known for their knowledge and experience, individuals and, if requested, from among representatives of institutions. The Advisory Board participates in the Board of Directors meetings upon the proposal of the Director when necessary.