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International Relations Office

               Erasmus Programme
               Bayburt University is a member of the ERASMUS program, which is organized among the universities of EU
               countries and is a member among 3000 universities. The program is based on the exchange of information, and
               offers the opportunity of student internships, intensive programs and ERASMUS Language Courses with the
               universities  enrolled  in  the  program.  Agreements  have  been signed with many  countries within  the scope of
               ERASMUS where the European Union program is aimed to encourage higher education institutions to cooperate
               with each other and to produce and implement joint projects.
 Cafeteria and
 Computer-Internet  Laboratories  Cafeteria and   Mevlana Programme
 Social Areas  Another student exchange program, where our university is a member, is the Mevlana Program. Students who are
 Social Areas
               seeking formal degrees in higher education institutions can participate in Mevlana Exchange Program. As of
               2018-2019 academic year, our university started to exchange students and faculty members between other partic-
               ipant universities within the framework of Mevlana Program.
               Farabi Programme
 Offering a reliable and fast communication   Our faculties are equipped with computers,   In all faculties and colleges of our university,   Shortly called “Farabi Exchange Program”, Student and Faculty Member Exchange Program between Higher
 service with fiber optic infrastructure, our   physics, chemistry, biology, electrical-electron-  there are decent and comfortable canteens   Education Institutions that provide education at the associate, undergraduate, graduate and doctoral level, is a
 university has a distance education and video   ics, construction, machinery, food and video   that can meet the needs of our students and   student and faculty member exchange program among participant universities.
 conference classroom, computer laboratory   conference  rooms,  all  equipped  with  staff, as well as there are university cafeteria   Farabi Exchange Program aims for students or faculty members to continue their education and training activities
 with language and internet access. In addition,   state-of-the-art tools, in order to increase our   and central dining hall serving to students and
 free Wi-Fi internet connection is provided at   students' knowledge and experience. In the   staff in the Dede Korkut and Bâbertî Complex-  in a different higher education institution for one or two semesters.
 every point of our complex.  Central  Research  Laboratory  in  Baberti   es. Our 96-bed guesthouse in the new
 Complex, important studies are carried out in   complex area has a fitness room, sauna,
 the field of nano-technology with important   swimming pool, restaurant, cafeteria.
 devices and technological equipment such as
 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and
 Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM).

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