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Scholarship, Accommodation and Health Facilities

 Scholarship and

 Health Services  Housing Opportunity  Work Opportunity  Dormitories and Capacities
                                                         The capacities of Girls and Boys Dormitories managed by Higher
 Student Referral and Treatment   The best places for students to stay  In addition to the scholarship oppor-  Education  Credit  and  Housing  Institution  are  3632  person  and
 Procedures  in Bayburt are dormitories.  There  tunities offered by the Higher Educa-
 Within the framework of Health   are mainly government dormitories  tion Credit and Housing  Institution,   Private Dormitories are 2567 person in total. (Accommodation is
 Services, initial assistance is provid-  which are managed  by the Higher  our  university  Health,  Culture  and   available in separate blocks for girls and boys.)
 ed for possible emergencies at the   Education Credit and Housing  Sports  Department  provides
 First  Aid Health Unit which was   Institution and there are also private  nutritional aid to  students in need.   *  A new dormitory with a capacity of 1000 people is being
 established in the Cultural Center of   dormitories which are affiliated to  Moreover, part-time work opportuni-  constructed by Higher Education Credit and Housing Institution at
 the Bâbertî Complex, if necessary,   the Ministry of National  Education.  ties are offered to students who are   the Baberti Complex and girls or boys are not allocated yet.
 the patient cen be transferred to a   The city adjusts itself depending on  in need, so they can be successful in
 higher  health institution and to be   to the new  scenarios  due  to the  social life and contribute economi-
 able to provide better treatment.  increase in the number of  incoming  cally to their budgets.
 Accessible Campus  students, thus, new private dormito-
 Bayburt University Disabled Student   ries are opened with private initiative
 Unit provides services to  our   every year. In addition to these, the
 students by taking the necessary   rapidly rising residences throughout
 precautions and making arrange-  the city in numbers, especially TOKI
 ments in order to ease the education   projects, also end up with being
 life of our disabled students who are   natural economic solutions to  the
 currently studying at our university.  accommodation  needs  of students
 in an economic  way. On the other
 Psychological Counseling and   hand, our university has KYK dormi-
 Guidance  tories, which  serve girls  and boys,
 The Psychological  Counseling  and   adjacent to the Bâbertî Complex.t
 Guidance Unit, which is established
 in the Dede Korkut Complex, helps
 to support both our staff and family
 members and students, and aims to
 provide assistance for  their social
 and economical development.

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