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Bayburt University

 Bayburt University, one of the youngest universities in our country, was established on May 31,   In the Dede Korkut Complex, located in the city center, there are the Faculty of Economics and
 2008 and its mission is not only to prepare students as leaders ,who is able to produce the   Administrative Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Applied
 information, to share, and to present this information to the benefit of the society, of a life that   Sciences, Vocational School of Health Services, Rectorate Building, Administrative Building,
 full of responsibilities, but also to encourage them for the future social, cultural and economic   Cafeteria, Youth House and Central Student Dining Hall.
 achievements through the quality education, with the help of research and service programs.   In the Bâbertî Complex which is located on the Erzincan-Bayburt highway, there are the Faculty
 Bayburt  University  strongly  aims  to  become  one  of  the  world-recognized  universities  in   of Education, Faculty of Theology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts and
 education, research and service, to provide precious opportunities for the learning and   Design, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Vocational School of Technical Sciences, Vocational School of
 personal  development  of  its  students,  to  become  a  community  that  is  united  around  the   Social Sciences and Vocational School of Justice. In addition, there are the Central Library,
 responsibility of improving the quality of life of the people of the region and the country and to   Indoor Sports Hall, Cultural Center, Central Research Laboratory, Student Dormitories, Mustafa
 become first address of a student-centered research.   Köseoğlu Mosque, Guest Houses and Staff Houses.
 Our closed physical areas, which were 6,400 square meters in total in 2008, have reached   In the Central Research Laboratory, which is located in Bayburt University's Bâbertî Complex
 approximately 180,000 square meters by 2020 after a rapid construction period, whereas, our   and started its services in 2015 and laid its foundations in 2014, is one of the most modern labo-
 open spaces have reached approximately 1,240,000 square meters. In our complexes, our   ratories of our country. The center is equipped with important devices and technological equip-
 relaxation and recreational areas planned with 3840-meter bike path, 10.375-meter walkway   ment  such  as  Scanning  Electron  Microscope  (SEM)  and  Transmission  Electron  Microscope
 and green area of approximately 80.000 square meters in total have a large-scaled and an   (TEM) and important studies are carried out, especially in the nano-tech field.
 important place.

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